Needing positive stories about finding love after ending a relationship with childs father

It is totally possible!! I didn’t let any of the guys I dated meet my little while we were dating unless I knew it was going to be long term. I was a single mom for 3.5 years after splitting from my exhusband and then this awesome guy came into my life. He loves me and my girl like she’s his own. They’re out there :slightly_smiling_face: but don’t be afraid to take time to figure out who you want to be either. I found that I lost myself for awhile while I was dating and eventually needed to focus on being single.

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Absolutely it’s possible. My boyfriend loves my kids and takes everything in stride with the bio-father. You just haven’t met your person yet

My sons bio dad and I went to high-school together, got pregnant at 16. We had picked out rings at 18/19 broke up a month later. He was a cheater, and compulsive liar with many other issues, but all I wanted was my family… I begged him back but he’s been in and out of my sons life since… I dated, and then had another semi serious relationship(man met my son) but he turned out to have a racism and pill issue that he was able to hide from me for months as we didn’t live in the same city and weren’t always togetherbc I worked 2 jobs and went to college… dated some more… but about 3 years ago started dating my current bf. We had a rough patch about a year in bc i was still catering to my sons bio dad and doing whatever I had to to make sure that my son got to see him whilst he never put any effort in and he hasn’t really seen my son in over a year bc I stopped putting the effort in… Current bf and I fixed our issues and he has been the best thing to ever happen to me and my son. He has been consistent in my sons life for the last 3 years, being there and teaching my son more than his bio dad has in 7.5 years. My son is okay with it and has asked to call him dad and understands his relationship with his bio dad… my current bf He treats me with respect and we have built such a strong relationship and we show our children(he has a son 1 year younger than mine) every day what love, happiness, laughter, and a good relationship is. We openly communicate with eachother and our children and spend lots of family time together. We have survived 6 months of being home together everyday bc of layoff and his injury. We have come out of it stronger than ever before and have a plan for our future, future children, and marriage. Dont settle! True love and happiness is out there, I never imagined a man like mine now would come into our lives but it does happen. Let it happen, it truly will happen when you very least expect it!

long story I was a single mom after a really bad relationship with daughters bio dad, I stayed for longer than I should have and my daughter suffers mental health issues because if it. My daughter was 3 when I met my now husband at work. When he asked me out I told him “I’d love to but I have my daughter and I don’t really leave her behind” he told me that okay and to bring her. When we got to the restaurant my little girl who at the time was terrified of men and very quiet, nonverbal, sat and watched kids youtube on my phone, but, he not only talked to me (and we got along really well) but he was also trying to make conversation with my child. He was genuinely doing his best to include her, she didn’t budge though, I went to pay for her meal and he told me no, I said its my child and I didn’t really give you a choice but he insisted on paying for her and my meals (even though she didn’t eat her meal). Our next date was at our apartment, he made pizza braids for us, he thought of a meal a kid would eat and that’s what he made, this time, she played with him, she laughed and played and hugged and she took to him amazingly quick, she just had to be in her element. Since she was scared of every other male in the world but took to him so quickly and easily that’s how I knew he was the one. He knew I was early on too. He told me he never saw us as separate, he always saw us as a package deal one didn’t go without the other and he never shied away from us. We were married a year later. He still gets her more than I do, he loves her like his own, he wants to adopt her, he stood up for her when she was being treated lesser than our son by his parents because she is his too. When we first started dating it was in January, for valentines day he bought me chocolate and my daughter chocolate which, is also the way to her heart. She was smitten. It’ll happen eventually and it’ll happen when you aren’t looking. I wasn’t looking and I found an amazing man who had a heart big enough to take in a little girl who wasn’t his and treat her like his own. She chose him and because she chose him I did too. We will have been together almost 4 years and married 2 in October.

Work on yourself. …I’d suggest seeing a lawyer about your rights, decide you want to divorce, get thru that then find a guy

Never judge a book by its cover, I had always talked rubbish about the spiritual healers because i was living a luxurious life with my husband and kids. I never believed that anyone can solve someone’s problems. I could rudely reply to the posts about the healers with insults little didi know that one day they will help me. It started when a strange disease attacked one of my kid for almost eight months. I visited all the hospitals in South Africa but the doctors couldn’t see the disease. I went to pastors, Sheiks, Sisters, and priests but couldn’t see any change. I sold all of my properties and lost my business because I was charged lots of money. I went back to Zero. My husband was used to a luxurious life since he was coming from a rich family. He started losing interest in me, disrespected me, insulted me in our kids’ presence, all my in-laws hate me. I had no shoulder to cry on.I was left with no hope. The most heartbreaking part is when my husband started cheating on me with one of the member of Parliament which I won’t mention her name. I got depressed and tried to commit suicide until when my friend asked me to contact papa marere . I had lost hope and besides didn’t trust healers. I called them scammers. My friend used his cellphone and called her. She gave him a date to go to her office and on that date, my friend picked me very early in the morning and took me there. I explained everything to her. She asked us to go back and bring the sick kid and we did so. She cast her spells and after a few hours, my son was healed. After 24 hours my husband came back home and apologized to me. he gave me a ring for my business and as I speak now am not complaining. I got back everything.+2348109805184 is his number for help. Email him via ( marerespells@gmail. com ) he is INCREDIBLE.

Ok so my son’s father and i met when i was a junior in high school i was 17 and he was 27 just getting out of prison. My first boyfriend i lost my virginity to him and moved away from my family with him. He was mean to me called me awful names told me i was nothing and a piece of shit always pointed out my flaws and was nicer to his friends than ever to me. He hated affection walked away from me when we’re in public never held my hand or cuddled with me or complimented me. Always telling me how dumb i am and gaslighting me he had put his hands on me… After moving away with him i became homeless when he and his family kicked me out… We had been together 4 years. 3 years after being homeless i met and immediately moved in with my now husband 3 months after meeting him when i was at the very bottom of the bottom. My husband treats me like a queen. We laugh together we communicate hes affectionate. He holds my hand in public and never walks too far away from me when we’re out. He compliments me and builds me up all the time. He gets mad when i put myself down. He brags about me to his friends and co workers. Never in the 3 years we been together has he called me anything worse than “simple” and hes never put his hands on me. We now live in a 3 bedroom on an acre of land and just had a baby girl together. He is now a proud business owner and i graduated college with honors. We both have newer vehicles that have nothing wrong with them and were still as happy as when we first met. Good things come when you least expect it.

Ive split from both bio fathers to my 3 kids. This was years ago (my youngest now 6 we split before he turned 2) my current partner and i met at work. And while it was tricky at first(I was in a relationship he was dealing with loss of a close friend) he helped me see the big issues in my relationship that I was basically ignoring. Reminded me of my self worth and that I shouldn’t tolerate the shit i was going through. Needless to say pretty much after 2 weeks of me and him being friends I ended that relationship. We let things happen naturally between us started a relationship shortly after that when I was ready for it. We are now expecting a baby together(he has 1 from a previous relationship i have my 3) due in April. We have also (prior to pregnancy) been discussing getting married. He is my one. We connect on so many levels. When issues in our relationship arise we work through them. Its not always rainbows and butterflies, but he truly makes me happy. He loves my kids and treats them as his own in his own way. He has stated from the start he is letting them dictate the relationship between them. He isnt looking to be their dad but if thats what they eventually come to he is accepting of it. But he supports me and backs me up on the disciplinary front when it’s needed. He doesn’t go behind my back like a lot of others have(giving them things i said they can’t have letting them do things ive said no to, ect.) He helps me when I need it and I help him when it’s needed. We both have past traumatic relationship issues we are working through together. And sometimes its helpful other times it not all joy. But he does help me push through my issues and its the same with him(ive been in multiple abusive relationships suffer from ptsd due to them)

My kids all love him. His son and I are on a friend’s term(his son is 17, and us only being 10 years apart it isnt really necessary for him to see me as a mother figure. he also doesnt really need that maternal figure but knows he can come to me about the issues he isnt comfortable going to his dad about that needs a females opinion) his son gets along great with my kids and even came out for my daughters birthday party over labor day weekend. Even though was asked super last minute(literally got asked the night before due to certain circumstances.) And that helped cheer her up a lot.

Forget the next relationship :woman_facepalming:. Take care of your children.

Love u. Love ure children.

Not my story with kids, but… Several years ago at the dentist, we had to redo all the health forms, seen as dad had developed diabetes and was post heart attack we started to write them out, I was half way through my form when I paused and looked at mum and she looked at me all confused. “This isn’t my medical history…” I trailed off.

For 26 years of my 28 my dad has been my dad. Both him and mum have always said if they had met younger they would have hated each other, it wouldn’t have lasted. They met when they did and they’ll be together for the rest of their lives I have no doubt of that. Dad was broken after a divorce, mum had me to keep her going after hers. He has always told me I was this little 2 year old who taught him how to love again. There will be a man out there who doesn’t just love you, but who will love your kids as well!

Don’t date long distance. There is a man close to you who will want you with all that comes with you. Never let your standards drop because you need a man not a boy.

I stayed single for about a year after I left my 3 children’s father. It took a toll on my kids quite a bit because he was a constant for 6 years. I truly convinced myself that I would rather be single for the rest of my life rather than deal with trying to find a man accepting of my children.

So, I worked at Big Apple/Chester’s at the time this happened. My coworker, who is absolutely fantastic, was trying to convince me to get back into dating but I wasnt having it. One day she showed me a picture of her friend and said “You two would be perfect for eachother.” He was cute, sure. But I was still indifferent and told her i wasnt interested. Fate clearly had different plans because the same friend she showed me pictures of walked into our store not even 10 minutes later. It was like an instant connection, though at that time I refused to accept that.

All of us made plans to hang out the following night after her and I got out of work. Everyone bailed except him and I. Needless to say, we stayed up until easily 4am on my porch talking about everything under the sun. We were inseparable from that point forward and became official about a month later.

Our relationship was problematic. I’m willing to admit that. He never wanted kids and I had 3. The amount of stress this caused him is something I wont go into detail about. It took him nearly a year to completely adjust.

However, despite all odds, he stuck it out when he did not have to. He absolutely loves my kids. They respect him to the highest degree possible and cherish him fully. Their bio dad has now stopped seeing them so my boyfriend has taken on the responsibility of them 100% and never complains. He calls my babies his kids. He does everything with them and always includes them.

It’s now been 3 years since I have been with my boyfriend and we are still very much in love and smitten with eachother. He’s a fucking god send.

I guess my point is that you cant go out looking for love. As I said, I had given up hope. But this man… he changed all of that. He showed me what true love is supposed to look like and he took on complete responsibility even though it scared the hell out of him.

Keep your head up. It will happen for you too! I’m sure of it.

Focus on yourself and your children💗 The rest will fall in place eventually

My last partner I was with 2.5 years lived together for 1 before he decided that me having 3 kids was too much for him (he has 1 of his own too), my new partner is accepting of my kids (has 2 of his own) accepting of the relationship I have with their father (we’re on really good terms) n it’s an all round great guy (I’ve known him for a while so it’s not just a honeymoon phase thing). Good guys do come around, it’s just the finding of one that is hard. Hang in there, good things do happen x

he said he wanted to b there for my daughter when I told him I was pregnant, he wasn’t he tried to play games have me and his go too not happening. had a couple bad relationships but when my daughter was 5 I met my soul mate hes everything he fell in love with my daughter so completely ud have thought they were always together. hes everything to us we now have another daughter and there is no difference to him. he treats them both like the special princesses they r.

My husband is an amazing man! I had 2 children from my first marriage and he never flinched. Love him so much.

Hang in there, the right guy for you and your children will come along. When my ex and I divorced, I had 5 kids, 4 of which are his, the oldest being from my high school idoit… I started talking to a friend from before I was married… we have been married now 12 years, he is a great step dad to the older 5 kids and our 2 daughters as well as a fantastic granddad to our grandchildren.