Needing potty training advice for boys

My sons 3. Every time we try potty training he refuses to go poop. He goes pee just fine. It’s been like 4 days since he has pooped. I have him in a diaper atm to see if he will go poop in it. Any advice on how to help poop on the potty? He goes pee just fine.

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If he’s refusing I would take a break and try again in a few months, and this may be an unpopular opinion, but I am not above bribery lol whatever he’s into, hot wheels or monster trucks, use that as leverage!

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3 year old here too and its a struggle…

Dont go backwards. The nappy isn’t going to help the situation… all you can do is keep encouraging him and tryiny whatever works…v

My 3 yr old will happily sit on the toilet for anywhere up to 30 mins now if hes got one of his trains or the tablet hes not normally allowed…c

He also gets 3 m&ms for a poo. 1 for a wee

What worked for our was bribing, she got to pick a present, it didn’t take long at all.

My oldest did the same thing…but we did this

1-let him sit with you while you poop
2-show him yours in the toilet and how you wipe
3-let him help you flush it
4-tell him if he does it like you he will get to go immediately to the store (we told our son Target) and pick out whatever toy he wants

And….it worked!