Needing potty training help

Moms I need help. Potty training has been the worst I’m having anxiety attacks and literally breaking down crying from it. It’s been two years I’ve been try to get my son to poop in the potty. we’ve tried every method out there we’ve tried reading on the potty, potty timers from 10min-30min, we’ve tried sticker charts, big prizes,small prizes,earning tablet/tv time, we’ve tried explaining it, we’ve tried the you go I go method, cutting the diaper method,blowing bubbles on the potty,singing on the potty, potty dance etc. I’m just at my breaking point and I feel like a failure. I feel like potty training has taken over my life and that I’m a failure because of it. What have you done that’s worked because I’m at a loss and we don’t have a village to assist in anything. Thankyou ladies for reading sincerely, a frustrated mom.


I could have wrote this, my daughter is 4 and does great with peeing in the potty but is terrified of pooping! I have no advice just here to say, you are not alone! I’m going to read through this post and see if there is anything I haven’t tried yet!

How old is he? He will do it when he is ready. Try not to rush it. He will feed off of your anxiety. Hang in there!

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When will parents understand that potty training is something that comes naturally, it doesn’t have to be pushed or rushed. Children know when is time to start using the potty. My son did it by himself when he was about 3. Some children do it after other way before. Stop forcing your children to use the potty, will generate issues like peeing in the bed or pooping their pants. My son has never wet the bed, or had an accident , and I think is because I left him choose when to left the diaper and use the potty. It make them feel confident when it come to use the bathroom.


You are getting worked up and anxious about something that is a bodily function, your child’s bodily function. It sounds like you have given him all the tools and education he needs now time to put it all in his care and back off. Make sure he has plenty of underwear not pull ups and he can get on and off the potty. Provide him a bucket or basket for accidents and back off. His turn. If he has an accident he changes his pants and puts the dirty ones in the basket. If he isn’t ready he will get there but not your issue. It works and takes the pressure off.


I ordered a potty watch for my daughter on Amazon. We haven’t tried it yet but it’s my next thing to try. Along with a sticker chart and a sand glass timer for her to watch for 3 minutes. Just some ideas!

Miralax daily, and sitting on the potty at the same times everyday 10 mins at a time. Make sure miralax is given at the same times everyday. My son did both miralax and xlax and it worked wonders for us. I had the same struggles but now we’re good

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Miralax is awful for any body! My son didn’t completely potty trained until age 7! Talk about your wits end! We did many of the same things you did… then I just stopped stressing & right we’d try again in a week or so… But then, out of nowhere he came into the bathroom while I was putting on make up & said SIT DOWN… He Pooped in the Potty! I jumped up & down, clapping & praised him over & over… that was all it took!

Take the potty seat out infront of the TV. Put 9n their favorite show and let them sit on potty naked or naked waist down. Their body will relax and they’ll potty.
I potty trained all my kids over a weekend.

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It took my daughter until she was 5. All 3 kids were different ages. Set timers and be patient is what I did.

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Well for one, calm down,your over stressed makes him over stressed, let it go for a bit,put easy to remove pants on,just underwear if at home, about 30 mins after meals set him on the potty for a few minutes ,if nothing happens,let him up,.keep an eye on him,when he starts hiding take him back to the potty. Be calm,matter of fact, be consistent,stay calm,matter of fact the whole time .

Do not use any laxatives. Each child is different. It will happen. Be patient!!!

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He will do it when he is ready. Dint push it. This is coming from a mom and grandma. Be patient.

Have you tried the toilet they do have putty seats that fit on the toilet so no my granddaughter didn’t like the little one at all

Boys are sooo hard
My boy is an older 4 and we literally just got him potty trained
We eventually gave up and then it clicked

Give him time. He will be ready on his own time. My boys both learned at different ages. One at 1.5 y/o the other around 3/3.5 y/o.

Hugs mama! My little boy refuses to poop in the potty too.

Imagine how your child feels. He’s little and dealing with your meltdowns.

Back off. Revisit in a bit.

You just need to back off and stop stressing. I’m stressed reading this I can’t imagine how he feels

Good lord give the baby time

If he poops his pants make him clean it himself he will learn quick

I’ll recommend you reach out to gillhealz on instragram he gives the best guide to permanent healing

Just stop! Google potty readiness and see if he exhibits ALL the signs. If not, wait until he does. This is too much stress and can cause regression and stool withholding which will be a big medical problem.

It’s perfectly normal for boys to be 4 or more before they stop pooping thier pants, stop stressing it will happen all in good time, you trying to force it is probably making it worse