Needing potty training tips for girls

I have a two year old daughter that needs potty trained! She doesn’t pee through the night and in the past she has laid down and taken her diapers off the second she pees, she doesn’t anymore. I know she understand what I say when I tell her to let me know because sometimes she’ll lay down and wait for a change when she has. But she screams when I try to get her to sit on the potty or she just won’t. I don’t want to necessarily give her a screen to play on because I just want to stay clear of electronics as long as I can. Do you guys have any advice??Also for the method that gives a surprise after they potty, I have to get her to go potty first! lol


I’m trying to potty train my 3 year old and she knows how to use the potty but will not do it and I think I have tired everything

If she only 2. I wouldn’t push her. My 3 year old GD is afraid of the toilet,

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I used to give my oldest books while she was potty training. That would usually keep her entertained for a bit while sitting there

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Run the water when you get her on the potty


Get a potty chair let her watch tv with a drink, or play with a toys while sitting on it. Just get her comfortable with it

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She’s not ready and the more you push and fight, the longer it will take. :woman_shrugging:


Take her everytime you go. Get a potty that looks exactly like a toilet :toilet:

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I’m in the same boat and feel like I’ve tried just about everything. I did recently buy a potty watch for toddlers on Amazon with a sticker chart (we haven’t tried those yet) and I also got a sand hour glass that my daughter liked in the beginning. Watching the sand for 3 minutes was just to long apparently but it worked for a bit lol. I have a step stool ladder thing that hooks to a big potty, a small potty chair which my daughter absolutely hates, and lots of positive rewards. I gave it a break for a few weeks but going to start again soon. Good luck!

Your child may not get the message from their body that they need to pee until aged 5! She seems to know when she has but does she actually know when she needs to go. If she isn’t tugging your skirt saying she needs to go pee then it’s probably too early. Keep a diary of when she goes and encourage her to sit on a potty or the toilet fifteen minutes before. Talk about how nice it is to be clean and use a toilet like Mommy. Go shopping for knickers (panties?) and stop using diapers because she’s “getting too big to still use them”. If the weather’s good, having nothing on the bottom half whilst playing outside works too.


Get ome of those larger floor standing potties with a lid and it plays a tune when she sees leave it where it handy for her to get to and you will find she goes uses it herself and just say oj clever girl when she on it worth a try :woman_shrugging:my grandson loved his and used it on his own …

The book “Oh Crap” was so helpful to me. Highly recommend!

My son was like this. I let him run completely naked and when he realized he couldn’t go without making a puddle he sat on the potty…then we were stuck with a naked cave toddler when home for about 6 months :sweat_smile: but hey… I was cool with it. Now just working on bedtime and breakthrough when he is to busy playing to stop. Small wins :rofl:


every 30 minutes go in the bathroom & make her sit for 15. all mine were out of diapers by 18 months old that way. no pull ups either.

She might not be ready yet,

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Sticker chart in bathroom. Have her pick out the stickers at the dollar store

She’s ready. Books or as much as you don’t want to put her front of the tv


Lots of lollipop and stickers

Um ma’am what does electronics have to do with potty training u need a belt old school that why u having trouble I swear just new stop reading cause I b like what wrong with theses parents nowadays mines potty trained at 2 no belt at

If she screams on the potty she isn’t read and you’re setting yourself up for a power struggle. But a little potty chair and put it in an area you typically are. Let her get used to it, she’ll probably try going on it in no time with no input from you


Leave her alone. She’s telling you screaming she isn’t ready and you aren’t listening. When kids are ready there is zero tears and there’s zero need for bribes. By all means offer and ask every day, but if not, just have her sit with you in a potty next to you like a chair. They will eventually do it on their own. No need to psychotically run your kid anywhere every 30 mins or arguing or anything.

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Put her potty near what normally keeps her attention. Then just have her sit on it while doing That activity

I wouldn’t push. Let her do it when she’s 100% ready. I tried my daughter around 2 and it scared her and she wouldn’t use or go near the potty. When she was 3 she asked for the toilet so I took her, she was so happy. Took 3 days to completely take away nappy in the day and 2 nights before there was no accidents. My boys 1yo and il not be trying with him until he tells me he wants a potty or toilet.

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Without being there to see it, it sounds like she is afraid of the toilet. Maybe let her pick out one of those cheap kids toilet seats- and I highly recommend getting one of the 2 step plastic step stools so she can be in control of getting on and off the toilet with assistance (rather than you putting her there and her feeling stuck). The toilet can be super scary for little kids but they don’t know how to communicate that. You may have to start small and shoot for sitting for 30 seconds, then a minutes then a few and so on. Once she is comfortable in sitting on the toilet, then work on actually toilet training.

A footstool under my daughter’s feet was a game changer.

Small kid potty accessible to her. Trying to get my son on the toilet traumatized him at first.
I know it sounds gross but ended up with 3 potty chairs throughout the house so they could potty or try anytime on their own. Then it was a potty schedule.

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She will go when ready. That’s it. Nothing will train her. To make it easy on you both, just wait. She is not ready. Diaper removal is not a sign of readiness. She needs to be able to tell you before she goes and have the ability to handle going on her own without reminders. Average age to learn is 3.5. Average age range is 3-5. Most are not ready before 3 and it tends to be a lot more messy as well as stressful for both parties trying to force it.

I had a potty sticker book for mine. At the end of each week if 7 stickers they got a special treat and at the end of the month if all stickers they got to pick out a small toy at the store. Big girl pants only. Potty chair outside near their play yard. I asked every 1/2 hour if they had to potty. I also had a potty chair in the back of my vehicle

when mine went i used smarties or gummy bears as a surprise, also one of mine was trained day and night by 2 the other one well she loved her diaper too much so she never trained until she was almost 4

Lord have mercy give her time

I read to mine while they were on the potty.

Give her a book to look at when she’s on her potty

Ever think that maybe she’s actually NOT ready? She decides that, not you.

What does the season have to do with it? Honestly would love to know bc this sounds crazy lol. U dont potty train kids based on seasons…

My best advice is don’t push potty training no matter the season……I have never heard the season making a difference.


18 months seems a little young. Best to wait till they can communicate when they need to go.


18 months is still very young . Is she showing signs of readiness .
I never had to “train “ my daughter one day she just requested to go toilet and then that was it . She was following her peers at day care and was very easy transition no force or stress . She was around 2.5 yo

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Why not during the winter? We do potty all year round

I potty trained my son in the winter I honestly don’t think that’s a thing… I have potty trained my 3 kids and have never heard of that so she would be fine if you have to wait until winter! U can try but she’s still really young.

Mine was completely done at 18 months. Every 30 minutes on potty and only underwear. No diapers. Black then was no pull-ups.


18 months definitely isn’t too young if she is showing signs of being ready then. My son and 2nd daughter were both daytime potty trained before 2. They were just ready and basically did it themselves :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Get her a potty buddy - a doll that sits beside her on it’s own little potty. Get her a little potty of her own, because the big adult one can be intimidating at first, plus you can take the little one on trips & if there is anyone in the bathroom she won’t have to wait. She will also need a potty seat for over the big toilet & a toddler toilet step to climb & rest her feet on. Get water proof bed covers & be ready to clean messes but don’t scold. Tell her matter of factly that you have to clean her bedding or her clothes because she didn’t get up and go potty like a big girl. & leave it at that. Take her and show her all the pretty big girl panties & let her pick out what she likes. Ooh & Aaah over them so she knows how special they are & what an important job it is to pick them out. Find a cartoon about kids going potty (for kids) on YouTube.

18 months is young. They’ll show signs when they’re ready. My daughter was a hard head and didn’t go until she was ready, no matter what we did. Every child is different.

Following* needs tips for potty training my 4 yo niece. She refuses and fights.

18 months for a girl isn’t too young. Mine was off the bottle a trained at 16 months by herself. She kept waking with a full bottle and dry diaper put her on the potty and that was it


all my kids were potty trained by 18 months.

bathroom every 30 minutes and make them sit for 15 always worked for mine.

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The season doesn’t make a difference. He will do it when he is ready. Don’t push it. Good luck.

Most boys do not potty train that early, I would wait until between 2 and 2 and a half

Wait until she wants to go / mine was 3 and it was not a problem

If the signs are there go for it.

Omg!!! No, no you cannot potty train a 18 month old


my question would be why wouldn’t you potty train your son in the winter? If you have heat, if needed, he still can run around the house in pull ups & you can still train him !!!