Needing some potty training advice

I need advice on potty training my toddler. She turns 3 in May and will only use the potty chair occasionally. Some days she’s all about it; others, she refuses to even try. We’ve tried treats, and that just turns into a fight. I don’t know what else to do.


Give her time. Stop trying to force it.

Toys worked with my son. Took me forever to figure it out and it was expensive for a week or two but it worked. Bring her and let her pick out some fun stuff and hide it when you get home and give it to her one by one :grin:

My daughter turns 3 in April and she’s only gone on the potty once. I’m not going to fight her, she’ll go when she’s ready.

Look up cocomelon potty song my son loves it and wants to go every time I sing the song to him but he’s only 14 months so I dunno if that would work for a 3 year olds but no harm in trying

Wait. She may not be ready just yet. Mine didn’t fully want to train until they turned 3. Nothing wrong with that just don’t give up asking. They will get there

Give it time took us a whole year to be fully potty trained. I let him set the pace. We had a toilet seat and potty chair.

My daughter stopped weeing herself as she hated the feel of wet clothes on her I’ve been potty training 4 wks now and not had one single accident

Honestly I tried to potty train my daughter before she turned 3 and it didn’t happen, she had a ton of accidents and nothing seemed to work. I left it alone and tired again after her 3rd birthday in October and she is now in her 2 week of potty training and doing great. They will go when they are ready even, try again give her some time

I just got done potty training my 4 soon to be 5 year old son. The trick. Take the child to bathroom every half hour. Set a timer It took us a week and he can go potty by himself. Once the child gets it reward with a toy.

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My daughter turned 3 in August. She’s been using the potty consistently for a few weeks (we’re still struggling on the #2).

Toddlers will not potty train unless they are ready. Please do not force it. Honestly forcing only makes it harder on you as the parent and makes for a frustrated toddler. My pediatrician told me as long as she’s potty trained by the time she goes to school, it’s no biggie. Some toddlers are ready earlier than others. We would let her sit on the potty when she wanted to, even if she didn’t go.

Look up Elmination Coummunication(EC)

Don’t force it! Let her go when she wants and when she is ready she will go for it all the way! Wait patiently for her.

I just trained my stubborn 2year old. I bought a Minnie Mouse toilet that flushes and cheers for you. I emphasized on a treat once she went potty and made a big deal about having her flush the toilet when we spilled her pee or poo out and telling her how good she’s doing . The whole family also cheers for her. She gets so excited!

I went out and got nail polish, hair ties, head bands, stickers, play doh etc if she did every wee on her potty for that day, after dinner she got to pick something from the special box. My 2nd daughter a special box full of chocolate and lollies worked. Good Luck.

Try starting off with telling her you’re putting “daytime/nighttime pull-ups” on respectively and after a few days have her “throw away” her daytime pull-up and put underwear on her

I tried getting my son to use little pottys and he hated them. Then I told him to try the big toilet and he like it better than the small pottys

My 2 1/2 yr old was like that. She knew how to but choose to do it off and on no matter what. Then one day she was watching YouTube and these videos for opening up Hatchimals came on and she became instantly obsessed. So I made her a deal 7 days of going on the potty and only wearing diapers to bed, I would get her a pack of them. That day she started and never looked back. She really wanted those eggs and it gave her the motivation to potty train.

So she is 2 1/2?? That’s early

All 3 of my kids started potty training when they turned 2 and they were good within 2 weeks. First thing we did was throw out all the diapers and never bought pull ups. I took them to the potty every 30 minutes (every hour over night) and every time they went potty I made a huge deal about it cheering and clapping. After a full day of them going on their own they got a piece of candy.

With both my boys we just put them in underwear and asked if they had to go/made them try to go every so often. Couple days of accidents later they were trained. My girl is only two months, so I don’t know if it will be different with a girl.

Oh dear. I just bought my babies underwear with their favorite characters on it and told them there were no more diapers/pullups in their size. So they had to use big kids underwear now. I just told them if they had to pee or poop they had to use the toilet bowl. For some reason when i used the word potty with them they refused to use the restroom and wanted pullups/diapers. I had to use big kid terms with them and didnt baby talk them. They learned within a couple of days.

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But with mine I just put them in regular undies and about every 20 min took them to the bathroom

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I saw a post where someone flipped their child backwards and let the color on the toilet lid with a dry erase marker

I used the potty fairy with my kids and grandson, it worked great. Everytime they use the potty the fairy comes and leaves a surprise, I just picked up some little toys and treat from the dollar tree.

I was super chill about it. Then we went to my mom’s house and I said “grandma’s house is very nice and we can’t pee anywhere besides the toilet or we’ll ruin her things i.e. furniture, carpet, MATTRESS and bedding.” He never went back to wetting himself after that trip.

Girls are for whatever reason more work to potty train then boys. I always said be consistent with reminders to use the potty lots of “potty” talk big girl undies instead of pull-ups but don’t force it, kids are funny and they go when they’re ready. It takes lots of time and patience. Let her see mommy going pee talk about how big girls use the potty etc

After she eats or drinks anything just automatically make her go sit on the potty for a few minutes. Nature usually runs its course. She’ll get use to using it.

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Put her in panties ,tell her no more diapers cause she is a big girl. You will have a few accidents. Do up a star chart at the end of each week a small treat.

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i’m in the same spot my daughter would rather go outside to use the bathroom then go sit on the big girl potty even if we do candy every time she potties

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We are having problems with my grandson and he’s turning 4 I think sometimes its just laziness they don’t want to stop what they are doing easier to go in pants and get it changed later because they know when they have to go they just won’t

Google 3 day potty training. Basically stay home 3 days she stays naked waist down or all the way. She needs to go potty she is naked so she has to sit on the toilet or a potty chair. I put my kiddos in the living room right infront of the TV and before hand let her pick out 2 or 3 new DVDs from the store. When she sat on the potty chair, she could watch her new movie, or play with the new barbie i bought her or domething else fun, the second she got off, if the potty was empty the toys went away and the TV turned off. If she left pee or poop in it, she watched another 5 ot 10 minutes whe wearing big girl panties and eating a special treat (ice cream) after the 10 minutes, we called gramma and dad (he was working) and made a big deal about it. Then we took her big girl panties off and repeated.

Every kid is different. My youngest hated the potty chair. I bought a toilet seat that goes on the big potty and got a step stool. My oldest would only go if I went. And my middle daughter would only go if she had something to read.

We’re doing pretty good with our almost 3 year old… we kept her bottoms off for a week or 2 so she didnt have a chance to use a diaper or pullup… if she has training underwear on she will still go in her pants but otherwise she will go by herself when she needs to… just this week we’ve been putting her pants on an showing her how to pull them up an down but still not able to use underwear. Night time she still wears pullups but shes doing very well during the day… we had to put her potty chair in the livingroom so it’s in her face all day and letting her flush her mess away is her favorite thing to do right now lol we dont use treats or snacks for using the potty just lots of praise… there are lots of videos on YouTube for easy potty training…

Do not push her!!
She will train herself. 3 is a magic age. Both of my girls trained themselves at 3 without so that extra junk like fights and treats.
Let her tell you when she’s ready.
All I did was say “mommy has to go potty, do you?”
We’d go together. Eventually she wanted her turn!

When I started potty training my kid. Every time he sat on toliet I was like yay good job we will try again later and give him lots of praises! When he went potty he got a treat or sticker! Just alot of positive encouragement and praising! Only took 6 months

Lots of praise when she does!! Clap scream with joy and tell her how happy you are!! But remember to be consistent and dont punish her for not using it or having an accident. I personally did no diaper/pants for a few days. She had a couple of accidents but she got it!!! Good luck!

Don’t put underwear or training pants on them until they go on the pot. I would take them to the restroom every hour and a half. I trained all 3 of mine that way. When they went, I did a crazy silly song and dance and said yay and gave high fives. It’s ok for the training pants to go on at night though. My oldest and youngest had an issue with letting a number two go, but we stayed consistent and they were over it within a week or two.


Make it fun for her. Decorate your toilet area with stickers and bright colors and even show her yourself sometimes that a toilet’s there for a purpose. My 1 year old girl loves it but my 3 year old boy…just lazy lol. Child helpers recon let them do it in their own time too. Good luck.

None of my kids (I have 4 ages 4,5,6 and 8) would use a potty chair. Not 1. They all used the regular adult toilet as that was their preference. I didnt gave a difficult time (all of mine were trained by 2.5) but I also never used Pull Ups. I truly believe that pull ups feel like a diaper and doesnt help them learn the difference. Regular Undies they feel the wetness and dont like the “being wet feeling”. Now every child if different and will train when they are ready so I would say dont push. Just be patient. I also never really used “treats” but that’s just me. Good Luck

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try a potty watch or timer. we set it for every 15/30 minutes to get him into the habit of stopping what he was doing and going to the bathroom to try.

My LO was like that!
Her birthday is May too
We tried treats,sticker training, toys etc.
We just left the potty seat in the bathroom
She went when she wanted to
I didn’t push I realized she does things in her own time
A week later she was doing it on her own.
They may be little but they have their own mind and feelings.

Dont use pull up or stuff like that just loose undies half hour bring her to potty

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