Needing tips on letting my son sleep alone

My husband and I recently split and I’m struggling to not co sleep with my son. I know he needs to learn independence but I keep checking on him and wanting to get him out of his crib even though he’s sleeping okay without me… any tips? I know I’m the codependent one…


My 4 year old never slept in a crib… had it but he was breastfeeding and it was easier lol. My daughter is 10… breastfed for a month but even then she slept with me! I remember being 11 and still crawling in bed with my mom!! I mean sure there can be boundaries but my babies can always crawl in bed with me!! Even when they’re old :slightly_smiling_face: actually got a king size bed yesterday so we have lots of room for the three of us lol :heart: to each their own!!
My ex didn’t like it… was always a problem… understandable but their first and he’s gone. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Their in their own beds atm but soon they wake up and come to mine lol


I read this as I have my 7, 10 and 11 year olds all curled up in my bed. I know it’s time to stop cosleeping well beyond that time but they are independent and when it comes to sleeping in their own beds they do that just fine when they need to but honestly I’m going to soak up the cuddles for the last little bit I have left before they are to cool for their mama completely


Get a good therapist . You’re not doing as well with the split as you think.


Costco has giant squishmallows 🩷 they take up space on the bed, and they are perfect to cuddle so you won’t feel so alone.


My kids slept in my room till they were about 5 years old. But in their own bed. Once they turned 5 I put them in their own room.

These comments explain ALOT about this generation not being able to be independent and accountable . These kids can’t even sleep in their own beds.
Don’t start co sleeping if he’s doing fine sleeping on his own. Get a car or dog to lay in bed with you.


Could you put a single bed in his room so your close but not with him :purple_heart:

I’d just co-sleep. It will help you both :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Get a stuffie a huge one lol

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No don’t stop. They need mommy… Let them suck on that nipple until they done with high school

I coslept when she was a baby because I was alone and breastfeeding. And now almost 6 years of karate fighting me in her sleep, some nights I’m ready for her to be in her own bed and get frustrated. Other nights I remember I only have so long before she will want her own space completely

Let the baby sleep. You won’t be single forever. If he’s sleeping well on his own I wouldn’t disrupt that.


If he’s ok on his own and you would like it to stay that way in the near future I suggest you leave him be and try to find ways to help yourself sleep alone. Maybe try the couch since it’s a smaller space?

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Co sleep if you’re both comfortable with it. It’s no one’s business or decision but your own mama. People will certainly give their two cents regardless. I’ve been there. I also found myself simply wanting to be near my son as well. It’s only natural. After about a month I did get his room in order and helped him transition to sleeping on his own. For his own sake of independence. As hard as it was for me it’s just what I chose to do. But it also doesn’t make you wrong in any way if you don’t! :orange_heart::pray:

Do what you wanna do! People will judge regardless… we co-slept with all our kids! My 8 year old still loves to snuggle! It only lasts a short time enjoy it

My kids…2, 3 and 7…all sleep with me when their dad is away to work. Some nights it’s 3, sometimes 2 of them, sometimes 1…they all can sleep alone too but each one will have nights they wanna sleep with me or together as sisters.

Were meant to connect, you know, it isn’t a bad thing to sleep together and feel peace. When we get older we look forward to sleeping with a SO, why wouldn’t a kid want that same warmth and peace? To wake up and feel mom there? Maybe we’ve wandered too far from what parenting really is about. Love and bonds with our children. :heart:

Since my son was he always slept with me, at the time there was no place for him to sleep, then I moved back to my hometown he was born elsewhere. And he always wanted his mama that all he had. No man was part of his life. Then he was 5 and 6 he wanted to sleep with me, he would always climb in my bed, but eventually it had to end lol. I got with someone after he was 5 years old. People always said if you let them sleep with you, it will be hard to get them out of your bed lol, and it was hard. Every night he would come in my bed. Lol. Then I did something for him, I said if you can sleep your bed all week, at the end of the week I buy you something. That only lasted so long. Lol. I always loved him sleeping with me, plus I always had him for my company. Lol. It worked out good for him and I. Now he’s 11. Still wants to be up my butt lol.

Get a body pillow and maybe a dog or cat. You won’t want to start a new relationship with a toddler in your bed… I know you may not be there yet but when you are it’ll be hard to get him out of your bed.

Big changes in both of your lives right now; cosleeping can be a constant in the changes. It’s not codependency :green_heart: :people_hugging:

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Get your self a huge body pillow or a stuffed animal. Since the baby is sleeping good on his own let him be!

My second will only sleep in her crib unless she’s sick, she’s 16 months and I’m in the same boat with you, watching her on the camera kind of helps me :joy:

Co sleep while you can :heart::heart::heart:they grow into big independent boys before you know it .

You need to seek councilling to accept your lose and don’t give in to your urges to bring your child in bed with you, your going to create a nightmare

I loved co sleeping with my baby. I see nothing wrong with it.

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If he is all good then let it be. It will be easier on both of you as he grows up

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There’s no right or wrong decision here

If the child is sleeping well in the crib, leave him. You make a rod for your own back. I wish my lil boy would sleep in his bed! But he refuses and has to be touching me. Cute as a baby! Not so cute as a 4 year old bean pole that wriggles like crazy!!! I’ve been kicked, slapped punched lol he is autistic though and sleep has always been a huge battle between us!

If it’s not an issue, don’t make it one. Him sleeping ok alone is good for him.
If you can’t sleep alone, get a cat or a stuffed animal. Seriously. And no, I’m not trying to be mean. Lol. He’s ok. You have to learn how to let him be ok. He isn’t responsible for your safety, contentment, loneliness or grief. Please don’t put that on him. :sparkling_heart: