We have a 6 year old boy neighbor who plays with my 5 year old son and occasionally my 2 year old daughter.
We have had several instances where our neighbor boy would do inappropriate things. Ex: kills frogs and encourages my son to do so (my son didn’t and told me), locked my 2 year old daughter in the garage alone with him and when opened her pants were down (diaper still on) and many more. When I confront the parents - they defend said son - no apologies. End of discussion
Last weekend they had a bday party (my husband attended without me) and my son came home saying the 6 year old told him to kill himself and even went into specifics of how to (hang himself) . My son told my husband who and what was said. When I came home from my trip- my son told me he was going to kill himself with a blanket around his neck. How would you react in this situation? I decided to speak to the parents and tell them my son is not allowed there after telling her what happened. Of course she denied it happened and no apology again.