*NO BASHING* Sometimes I don't know if I want to be a mother: Has anyone felt like this?

I can honestly say, no, I have never once questioned being a mother. And I never could understand women who abandon their kids, BUT I am not judging you, just please talk to someone.


I would say that new baby new town has pushed you into postpartum depression talk to your Dr get on meds. New job may be just what you need for making some friends interacting more with adults. Mom’s also need interaction with adults. Good luck prayers for you and your family.:revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:

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You need a therapist sounds like you really need it! Don’t feel bad about needing it either! It comes with the territory!

Most of us do, I think. But i feel like when you start your job and aren’t around him 24/7 it’ll ease that feeling; sometimes just getting out of the house like that helps. Give it some time. If it doesnt, maybe talking to a counselor will help. Good luck!

I have felt that way. Your probably depressed.

I’m not sure if it’s normal, but I went through this same thing. And even still do. My kids are 3.5 and 2.
And being “stuck” at home with a baby doesn’t seem like a lot, but it is. It takes a toll on you. Physically, mentally and all the ally’s…
try looking for a play group in your area. At least once a week, force yourself out there. There will be other kids for your child to play with, and other parents for you to talk to.
It wouldn’t hurt to mention it to your doctor next time you can see them. They can offer some advice, or even point you in the right direction if you feel like you need help.

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Yes I’ve felt this way before so I definitely understand this feeling

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You can love your kids and still miss your old life. I love my kids and would not trade them for the world, but sometimes I do not like being a mother. I think it is a sense of losing yourself in motherhood and forgetting who you are. You are constantly caring for another. Your body is no longer your own because you constantly have someone attached to you. It gets overwhelming. Take time to yourself and do something you enjoy doing.


Mines 6 and I still have days a few times a month that I feel like this
Being a mother is a HUGE transition nobody talks enough about — you’re no longer you, or a wife; you’re a sole provider - if they grow up to be a serial killer you’ll be blamed no matter what -

Don’t be so hard on yourself everyone adapts differently.
I changed the meaning of motherhood so I could be the best mom I’m capable of being.
I’m her role model - I lead by example.
I teach her things she needs to know.
I support her.
I love her.
And I feed & bathe her until she’s able to do it herself…

I’m no longer held to this mythical standard of motherhood as I’ve been told it is. I’m doing my own thing the way I’m capable of.


If it were me ,
I would find some me time find peace and most importantly find happiness with the blessings we have in our life
you need yourself first to be a great mom :pray:t3:
I would look for a mommy group a local library to take baby too kid section maybe even church :church: would help it’s hard when you don’t have no help and feel so alone , our children are our blessings it’s hard on certain days but I wouldn’t haven’t any other way I also want to put a input there’s certain programs who pay for child care depending on income Im not saying to go leave your baby cause you don’t want to go do your job but for a couple hours is fine while you figure out your purpose in life may god bless this mom we all go thru it at times and it’s good to reach out for help and not hold things in as humans we need to express feelings without being scared or humiliated talk about how to you feel even to your self vent to your self how can I do better tomorrow ? what can I do tommarow that will better for my health for my relationship with my child what should I do tomorrow to change me from feeling this way make your time as if your busy as in wake up get ready go for a walk go to the park go home cook lunch take naps drink water eat fruit pray :pray:t3: hope this helps

Sounds like PPD. Not all mothers experience it & ive found some therefore don’t understand it. And I do feel sorry for those ppl. Very very sad. I’d seek out someone who is trained in handling PPD. No judgement here at all. Remember ladies, be kind. You’re not the fan. Ladies don’t be like poor KIMBERLY PHILLIPS. She’s a total douche bag. Apparently she’s perfect lol :joy:


sounds like you may have depression wether its post partum or not dont know but get to a dr… its stressful having a baby with little to no support. also take a mommys evening… have hubby take over for a few hours and just go be you… do what you want with no worries of is the baby ok do i need to change a diaper ect… just straight “you” time… mommy time helps alot even if u just go to the mall and window shop catch a movie or even just go out to eat…

SMH so I’ma go out on a limb an say the child was not planned? But non the less, every answered is saying post partom but she clearly just doesn’t want yo be a parent"it’s to hard" but that’s the price you pay when “having fun” without taking the necessary steps to prevent it. I’m sorry if I’m coming off rude but this whole post is pretty sickening


Mama you need to tell your doctor, this sounds like ppd. I have thought about what my life would be like if I didn’t have children, but never wished I was not a mom. I’ve known girls who have expressed the same feelings as you though, the advise I gave them was to think about how you would feel if he was taken from you suddenly, it’s usually extreme sadness, and go talk to your doctor about how you are feeling. If talking through therapy doesnt work, there are meds they can give you to help.

I swear I could’ve written this myself! I have 4 kids my oldest is 11 and my youngest is 4 years old! I still occasional have these thoughts mostly around stressful situations. And I always realize the answer is yes! It’s absolutely worth it! Two of my children have disability’s I was a single mother for 6 years after my divorce. I have seen down right ugly struggles. And I wouldn’t trade any of it! My kids are 100% worth the tears, heartache, stress, anger, love, smiles, hugs, every precious tender moment!

I haven’t ever felt that way. Not saying it’s not normal. I bet once you start working you will feel better. You may be surprised that you miss your baby when you’re away from him. Being a stay at home mom is really hard. You could have some PPD who knows. As long as he is fed, clothed and loved he’ll be fine. If you ever feel frustrated with him make sure you call someone and get away if possible.

Start him a couple days in daycare that way it gives you time for yourself. You are probably still experiencing post partum depression. It lasts longer than a year. You’re not a bad mom it does take some getting used to. But you have to fight for someone who doesn’t know why. Go outside and run around or do something you like that he can do too. I’m gonna be 36 I have a 13 yr old and an almost 3 yr old. I worked 2 jobs and stayed very busy when my oldest was a toddler he was at daycare and stayed with relatives while I worked my second job. Of course you feel guilty for not being around but you’re mental state needs a break too. Now I stay at home literally 24/7 I do interact with my son but he’s at an age when he’s self sufficient too. He cleans up his mess of toys, helps with laundry he puts the Downey ball and the pods in feed the cat, helps me make the beds. We watch a few shows we sing our numbers and ABC’S just let him have fun because you’re the most interesting person in his presence and he adores you. Remember that always their love will pull you out of your funk but just make time for yourself. Start taking him before you start your job. It’s more stressful you starting your new job and him new daycare give yourself some time to decompress your emotions and gather yourself if not it will stay bottled and blow when you least expect it. Hang in there mama!!

Uhh it’s actually a tough job to stay home all the time. So maybe what you feel is natural. Make good child care choices and go back to work. You will feel great I am sure.

You need to seek therapy before your son suffers. We all have days where we just don’t have it in us, but if you are truly interacting with him so little that you are worried, you need some help.


Talk to your doctor now.


To me it sounds like you’re depressed and maybe having postpartum depression and having trouble connecting with your baby emotionally. I think you should speak to your OB-GYN or a psychologist or both. I would also open up and talk to your significant other about how you’re feeling and why.


You should seek a counselor or therapist to talk to. Sounds like you are going through depression but to answer your question, yes I have felt like that an so has my husband. It can be overwhelming for new moms but like a storm this too shall pass.


I feel this way myself. My husband left me for the zillionth time and now ive filed for divorce. We lived with my mother and she and I dont get along very well so it sucks. Ive yried to find childcare and cant afford it. Its a sad, vicious cycle :frowning:

I agree with those above. You may have postpartum depression. If not, yes its okay to not want to be around your child 100% of the time. You need social stimulation as well.


I would see a doc and talk about the possibility of PPD. It’s OK to have and it’s very real, and happens often to mamas. I had it with my first one!

I suffered from post partum and never just not wanted to play with my kids or be their mom. I get there’s different levels but some women just aren’t meant to be moms and maybe she’s one of them. It’s honestly really heartbreaking to see a mom write she has the perfect child but still doesn’t want to be his mom. Kids need love and after reading this I find it hard to believe this boy is getting the love and attention he needs!!! Mom needs to go talk to someone and decide whether or not she wants to be a mom. If not leave your husband and go. You’ll do far more damage staying around and not loving your son than taking off before he’ll ever remember you.


Its post partum depression. I have it too. Seek out help maybe medications will be suggested. But your life will improve. I feel in love with my baby after I got treatment.

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Sounds like post partum. I would definitely talk to a doctor. Also I recommend putting time a side for yourself, whether it be going to get your nails and hair done or just a relaxing bath. Motherhood is hard, but rewarding! I’m sure the new job will help as well some moms just do better being away from their little ones sometimes, no shame in that. I would talk to your doctor about how you’re feeling, be completely honest about your feelings. Post partum is real and can be dangerous going untreated or swept under the rug.


That emotion is Normal I think. There are natural supplements that helped me though. I got them on amazon.
Also, if he’s your only and you want to talk to other moms who feel this way check out the FB group One and done …

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Honey this is classic post partum depression. You need to talk to your doctor asap. You also need to find a way to take time for yourself. Even if its putting him in daycare 1 day a week it will help you. Your not a bad mom. But you do need to talk to your husband and your doctor and get some help.

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I’ve had 6 children and I think yes we all had a great fun time before kids BUT you have children now this is a new chapter enjoy what time you have now because they will grow up very quickly and will not need you as much. Try to find fun things you can do with your children. The past was fun but you have to enjoy and live In the present otherwise the children will suffer. There’s nothing wrong with taking time for yourself regularly just to be YOU, find a few hours weekly! I hope that helps


Uhg i can totally relate! Pm me if you want to vent <3

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It’s so sad that people cant put themselves in this womans shoes. It’s not sickening as some of you put in your post. This can be normal, especially if she is young and has a child and any depression within the first year is ppd. I had my first child at 20. No I would never change having him. He is my everything. But when I had a baby, watching everyone else go enjoy their 20s, ect, I was jealous. I wanted to do all those things and had thoughts that I wish I had done things differently. She is not a bad person. It sounds like she’s struggling with having a new baby, no help, no time for herself, and it is weighing on her. There is always someone that has to put something negative.


Have you been seen for post partum depression? Not bashing, but it can cause a disconnect.

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Yes I have gone through this and it is very horrible. My youngest is 3 and sometimes I have this feeling. I’m a sahm and I think finding time for ourselves helps a lot.

I can relate. I have a 6 year old and 1 year old. Its definitely normal to miss your old life. I sure do miss mine. It gets better. I would talk yo your doctor about PPD


Please talk to your doctor, postpartum depression is real


I felt this way for a VERY long time, I ended up having PPD and I got on some meds to help with it and I am happier then I’ve ever been with such a happy healthy 1 year old. It is NORMAL to feel this way, talk to a conseler and see what they can help you with❤️

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Get help , sounds like u have post birth thingy



Talk to your doctor. It also sounds as if you need a night out.

I don’t usually comment on these posts, but if the mom that sent this question in sees this, PLEASE MESSAGE ME! There’s no judgement at all, as I have been where you’re at! :heart::heart::heart:

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postpartum depression. you need to talk to your doctor, it’s not uncommon.


Honey you have post partum depression. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, I have it too. Hi see you OBGYN or a mental health clinic. Get ya some meds and you will feel better.

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No. I can’t relate to that. I hope you can get some help. this should be a joyful time for you. Children are definitely worth it. They are a blessing. Try talking with your doctor and naming dailing things you feel gratitude for. It will help. Don’t let anyone steal your joy.


This feeling happens. It’s even worse when you’re isolated with few friends and a partner that works a lot. I’d definitely recommend talking to your dr to see if maybe there’s a bit of ppd there that meds might help with. But do keep in mind that motherhood isn’t all cupcakes and rainbows. There are days that I feel like I’m the best mom in the world, and others still that I just don’t have it in me to be that mom. And that’s ok. It’s so hard being “on” all the time. Also, have you tried the Peanut app? It’s an app designed to help moms meet up. I met a couple of really great moms on there who have become my best friends. Having other mom friends that you can go out and be a human again with is a huge stress relief. Even better when they’re the type of people you can randomly text when you’re having an especially bad moment.


Whoa there lady… the time for not wanting to be a mom and figuring all that out has passed you by. You have an always happy, good sleeping child who sounds like he’s no bother to anyone, BUT you?! This is an extremely sad post to read. I am shocked anyone would post this. The feeling of interacting and getting bored is natural to some degree, only because I had a million and one chores, bills, errands, phone calls, ect. to do it seemed like every day, so I wasn’t always as present as I should have been either. I would tell your pediatrician about your feelings. The number one thing is keeping your child safe and free from anyone that would do him/her harm. I think we live in a very selfish time, and the me, me, me of it all is outrageous. This post makes great moms, moms who really love babies and children cringe. :face_with_raised_eyebrow::disappointed_relieved::confounded::triumph::astonished::cold_sweat::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Can’t relate. Period.


Looks like a lot of piss poor mothers on this post. Yes I said it. All these women said “I can relate”… really?! Wow. I could never in my wildest dreams even fix my face to say the crap she said in her post. Close your legs. Period.


Sounds like you are depressed. Maybe you need to go to the doctor. Then can put you on a depression medication

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Agreed with the above comments, definitely speak to your doctor, get some help professionally, and stay strong.


You sound lonely I think you should try to look into getting into a mother’s group around your area!! You need to have YOU time too be able to be a mother and a wife! I joined a pregnancy Facebook page and I made 2 of my best friend’s ever we chat all day and every day and it has helped all 3 of us you need that hope that helps I know how hard it is to get out of your comfort zone and try to get into mother’s group nearby but it’s worth a shot

It sounds like to me the mom actually loves her baby very much and has been doing alot of thinking and worrying but she’s going thru the personal hell of postpartum depression. She sounded very logical in her question and simply asking the question is a sign she is seeking and wanting help. Most women wouldn’t say a word for fear of retribution and hate and unfortunately she’s received some on this thread that she simply doesn’t deserve.


There’s a whole lot of ignorance on this post. Now, I know why there are so many kids shooting up schools, moms like these commenting.

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Make sure to take care and time for yourself I’m a stay at home mom I watch a 3 year old 5 month old all day there dad works alot right now hes home just had another jaw surgery I make sure to have time to me when kids go to bed I’ll take a long bath or paint my nails or jump on the Xbox anything I enjoy maybe get a hobby could help you

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This sounds like depression. Please seek help so you don’t feel this way anymore.

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We are a military family. Both of our families are 1000s miles away. With our first I did not have any of these feelings. With our second I did. I was scared to feel that way. I talked to my midwife immediately and was diagnosed with PPD/PPA. I have since had help and my whole mood has completely changed. I wouldn’t trade this life for anything. Anyone attacking her for her feeling this way is part of the problem. You know how many people are afraid to speak up about how they feel and eventually end of taking their lives? There are quite a few. So please get some help and love on your baby. Ignore the people that say they can’t relate because if it is not now in the future everyone I guarantee will have some sort of feeling of what would it be like to not have kids. More than likely those people are either lying or their kiddos are perfect. Keep your head up mama!

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Supporting this is ludicrous, not everyone has PPD, there are tons of unfit mothers, “don’t feel like it’s worth it” !?!?! A precious child is worth more than your job, worth more than an adult who misses her friends and old life. Grow up! Susan Smith comes to mind when I see this type of post and it bothers me to my core as a mother who even when I had 3 children under the age of 5 and was a SAHM and was alone 99% of the time could never imagine saying these things, because you aren’t alone, you have a precious baby who by your own admission is always happy and very good!?!? Don’t be a Susan Smith. Get help, stop condoning this thinking.


Working helps. I miss my daughter every second at work and yes being a mom is overwhelming but you probably need balance. Being honest with yourself is a huge step to finding that balance! Good luck!

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It is depression, go talk to your doctor. Plus maybe going back to work will be good for you. When I had my 2nd child I was real bad, I loved him but between a new born and a 15 month old I was having a hard time. The best thing I did was go to the doctor to get meds to help. I only used them for about 2 months and I went back to work. I think being around other adults and the 8+ hours away from my kids helped with the depression by showing me that I did miss them so much while at work.

I believe you may be experiencing post partum depression. Speak to your doctor ASAP. Stay strong, mama.

Postpartum depression! Find a sitter and get out with your honey. You can still do things you just have to plan them better now

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When you start with no bashing it’s not a good sign. Give that baby to someone who wants to be a mother because you suck at this.


I feel that way sometimes

It really sounds more like you’re struggling with PPD. You should talk with your doctor.


Poor thing, this is prob the most honest raw thing I’ve read on here in a long time. Please go see someone, maybe a psych. This is the dark part of pnd nobody talks about. I will tell you this tho once you get the help you need you will be a fantastic mother, just need to re train your thoughts, I’d strongly recommend a therapist. It could be a separation anxiety kind of thing causing it. And being isolated from people is not the answer, it’s hard to just “get better” or snap out of it, so you need professional help, and I hope you get it so you can experience the love and pain joys and frustration raising kids can offer. You will get better tho it’s a very dark place to be in. That baby picked you for a reason tho


It can be hard, making so many big adjustments in life. You’ve moved to somewhere new, you’re cut off from your family and friends, you had a baby. It’s a lot of stress and I understand those feelings. You should seek help and speak to your doctor or therapist about the issue.

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Yep definitely sounds like PPD for sure, but I get you in a way. I have 5, I was 17 and my first is now 22 and my youngest is 12… it’s hard

I felt the same way especially after having my 2nd daughter. I knew how I felt wasnt normal so I went to the dr and it turns out I had ppd so she put me on anxiety and depression medicine and I feel like a totally different person now. Being a mom is hard and a big life change and sometimes you need help coping with it all. Def talk to your dr

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You sound like you have depression. Go see your doctor and take a deep breathe. Babies are a gift from god be thankful your precious baby is wonderful

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Youll start feeling better when you start work. Youre in a new place and dont know anyone so youre probably struggling with isolation. It makes you miss your old life when you could come and go with your friends. Its hard to adjust to motherhood when you struggle with isolation in a new place. I went through this too. As far as spending time with your kid goes its totally fine to not want to play with them all the time. We still need our own time. Its also great for your kid to learn and be happy entertaining themselves. But you just want to make sure you put in the effort to teach them the things they should know at each stage or month as they grow.

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It’s totally normal to feel like that I would suggest seeing a counselor sounds like you might have post pardum depression or disconnection. You will get thru it I went thru the same thing


You need to see your dr. asap.! Before its to late. Get help so you can be a better mom. Your baby depends on you& needs you to be your best.


You have postpartum depression…dont feel guilty. You could go to counciling or see your Dr but talk to someone about it…


Lots of good advice on here. One thing I’ve learned if to limit your own screen time. It causes anxiety and can make you feel exactly like what you’re describing! Maybe that’s not the case with you, I don’t know. But keep an eye on that, too. Then. Sunshine, Mommy groups. I’m not a group going type of person, but it can be helpful, especially new in town.


My Dr told me that if " oh! It’s you :slight_smile: " ever turns into " oh my it’s you :/" to get ahold of him immediately.


Probably postpartum depression, or anxiety


Sounds like you have PPD and also are feeling lonely due to the hours your spouse is working try talking to your doctor about it. You can also look for mommy groups in your area and do play dates with the kids and you will be able to make mom friends.


You cannot live in the past with freedom and like you are in your 20’s and go and do as you please, your a mom and you should have thought more clearly before maybe it’s postpartum depression talk with your md. Love and prayers for you

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I felt like this once, it was post natal depression. Seek help love before it’s too late to undo what hppens


Yes its quiet hard maybe get help from a professional could be baby blues it mixed me up terrible and my families lived a 1000 kl away thanks to my doctor all well again

It sounds like you’re going through postpartum depression, seek help speak to a physiologist/counselor, hang in here momma :two_hearts:

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Good grief girl, he is a prize. See your doctor for testing.

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This is not normal at all, please seek help. ASAP.


Sounds like you have PPD. Talk to your doctor about how you’ve been feeling. It took me a year to admit it with my oldest and I finally bonded with her after I got the help I needed


I felt this way allot. It will pass. Well the not having interest in playing may not, I still have a hard time with that myself. It seems to me like a lot has changed while you were pregnant. Perhaps you are having a hard time adjusting? I don’t mean to just being a mom, but also moving? See a Dr, and then find a group of other mom friends local to you. Prayers.


Post partum depression love, most mother’s struggle with it. Nothing to be ashamed of. Seek help from your doctor.

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That’s depression, you need to get help. Please don’t worry, they won’t judge you or make you feel anything but understood. Everyone needs help sometimes. Motherhood is hard. If you don’t seek help now your baby is suffering, he sounds like a good baby and deserves his mummies time and love :heartbeat: :heart:

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See a dr I’m sure completely normal for new mommas don’t be so hard on yourself


Being a good mom comes in so many forms, don’t beat yourself up for wanting some adult stimulation even if that’s througg a job. All adults need time to themselves when they have children. Some just don’t get that chance and others way too much. I think going back to work for you is a good thing because it seems that’s what you need and when you go back to work… Absence makes the heart grow fonder…perhaps you’ll find yourself more in tentative when there’s time away from your baby.some moms are great at being stay-at-home moms and some moms are great at being working moms it’s all about finding the balance that works for you.


PPD is real, and is caused by the hormone roller coaster called childbirth. It can last a long time without the proper help.

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The amount of women on this post that have absolutely no idea about mental illness astounds me. You are grown women! EDUCATE :clap: YOUR :clap: FUCKING :clap: SELVES. Just because it never happened to you doesn’t mean it’s all sunshine and roses and doesn’t happen to anybody. If you’ve never been through it GREAT but don’t judge other mom’s, it’s disgusting and mommy shaming has no place here.

I am not a SAHM Mom either. Working with adults then picking up my son made a huge difference in my life. Hormones may be part of it I don’t know but a doctor may be able to help with that. Getting child care is an issue for sure. Look up approved child care that do various hours in your location. Visit with your child and see if you and child the facility. It is doable. It will work out fine. I never regretted having my son though. Took 4 years. Never could have another child after him. Your son sounds like a perfect baby, it is okay if he plays alone. Once in child care he will get interaction.

Go to the doctor. It may be post partum