BUT gripe water will make baby constipated so if they can’t poop, the tummy will hurt.
There are a lot things it
Could be. But glad you are going to doc. Definitely some kind of intestinal thing. Or metabolic disease.
Let that baby eat how ever often they want! NEVER limit a babies food
Try sleeping her is a swing or a bouncy so she is not laying all the way down. The motion also helped
Head to a children’s hospital. If you think something is seriously wrong, go with your gut.
Our son did this when brought home finally went back to old style child care. Took pet can milk and mixed 1/2 and 1/2 with water and teaspoon karo syrup and he slept all night for first time. Never vomited again.
Take her to a Chiropractor. My father was a chiropractor and you wouldn’t believe how many babies who had “colic” just needed a simple adjustment and their tummies were cured. Please it sounds like you daughter is in desperate need of an adjustment. It doesn’t hurt to have it done, it kind of surprises them but it is just about instant relief. Good luck. Go to a Chiropractor that has experience with babies.
That sounds like how my little girl was. I ended up switching to Playtex bottles with liners. You can push the air of the bottle so that the baby doesn’t get air into their tummy.
We had my youngest on Zantac for this very issue. We changed my diet because she was breastfed and nothing helped. I stopped breastfeeding and put her on formula… switched brands a ton and that didn’t help, but getting her on Zantac saved both of us.
I NEED YOU TO READ THIS PLEASE…When my grandson was just an infant they had to put him on a certain type of nipple it was a number 4 nipple but there’s something wrong with your baby you might want to get second opinions and get a specialist pediatrician to look at her we ended up having to take my grandson to Birmingham for what he had I think it had a lot to do with his esophagus and I think he had to have a certain type of formula… I wish I knew the medical term for it I can’t remember it’s been too long ago… just mention it to the doctor for what I just spoke of to see what
he/she thinks… I hope the best for you and I will keep y’all in prayers, take care…
Switch the formula, our doctor suggested we use Nutramigen, it helped instantly!
My 4 month old is on puramino formula. After 3 formula changes. Hes body cant break down the protein in cows milk. He literally screamed in pain for almost 3 months every single day. Ask your doctor about this kind
That’s how my baby was. She was diagnosed with reflux at 5 months old. Those blood curdling screams are the worst😥 Good luck!
Hi am a baby nurse for the past 30 years I only deal with newborn the baby has colic and it’s very stressful you could be up hold day and night it doesn’t have a cure it has to take it course it takes between 4 to 5 months to go away and doctors can’t do anything about it once the is not loosing weight if that happens take the baby to the doctor and that when they will give you something other wise you have to rides it out…it’s a hard but it have to take it course
My son had GERD and they told me to put cans under the top legs of the crib to elevate his head and we used zantac. Also we used nutramigen and switched to the Dr. Brown’s bottles. Then again he was very upset cause he got thrush and didn’t want to be touched and wanted to eat constantly
Poor you, poor baby…it could be lots of things…or a combination of things…like colic and reflux together, here we use Dr.Browns colic bottles, a formula for colic & comfort and med powders to put into the bottle for the reflux and anti colic drops into bottle also or on the breast. Need size 3 teat as the formula is thicker. It could also be anything else either like an intolerance to lactose. Would recommend the chiropractor or Bio Energy immediately. Our GD had it for 9 months. Health practitioners weren’t too helpful, they said they really dont understand colic fully but that it does eventually stop and baby is always unscathed by the experience so for next one we had Dr Brown’s Bottles from start, but took further steps ourselves after 6 wks of appointments and getting very little help, they wouldnt change the formula until she was 12 wks on it. She hadnt put on any weight, she lost it actually.We went to two paeditritions and same story, it was torture, so we changed the formula ourselves twice, used infacol anti colic drops, brought baby for Bio Energy for two treatments which is 4 visits in a week per treatment. It was very expensive but at the end of it, at 8 wks old, GD slept overnight every night, never cries and is most delightful. She is now 5 months, and never looked back.See your doc, ask for specialist referral, do the alternatives yourself. Good luck.
My niece had her daughter on Zantac liquid. Really helped
I’m soo sorry… Mine had this for just over 4 months… Its hard heartbreaking… My youngest wouldn’t sleep more than 1 1/2 at a time… Mentally physically and emotionally draining… Nothing would help seek help as often as you can… Remember its OK to let them cry while you take a break… It’s by no means YOUR fault! It just happens… No rhyme or reason for it… I feel your pain… I’ve lived it!
Try a warm bath, brip her a lot, and maybe try swaddling her! Swaddling helped wonders with my daughter!
Time to find a new doctor who will find out what is wrong
And try similac alimentum. It was the only one that worked for mine because they were sensitive to soy and dairy. My last had GERD also. She would literally gulp on her reflux. It was so hard to listen to. She grew out of it though. Try keeping her elevated after she eats for 30 minutes. That made a huge difference. Pot of work but worth not hearing her scream bloody murder.
I was sick like that as a baby constantly throwing up all my life growing up till I left the house I vomited every night after supper might be allergies to the milk my grandson went through the same thing vomited up everything they had to get a special formula which was almost $22 a can I wish I knew what it was but I don’t but after a while he got better I feel sorry for you and your baby
My son I would cry all the time when he was little if you weren’t holding him and bouncing him at the same time it was colic .Slow down once after he turned six months
I’m sorry for your pain and the baby. Both my children had colic, but my son was throwing up and always hungry and he had acid reflux . Dr put him on liquid zantac and it worked wonders.
Ask to go to pediatric gastroenterologist
Maybe try Isomil… Soya based formula
My son cryed a lot I listened to my dr.still cry …finally I ask my mom she said to put him on carnation can milk(cheaper than formula)he was 3months )Half it with water So if he’s drinking 4oz’s 2 carnation/2oz water plus 1/2 teaspoon of corn syrup…The corn syrup helps them digest it better and So they don’t get constipated …Go to the bath room better… when he drinks more ounces add bit more corn syrup…At 8 oz he should have 1 teaspoon of corn syrup with the milk bein warm melts the syrup shake bottle … my son was hungry …at 31/2 months I put 1/2 teaspoons of Pabblum in his milk and he was fine after that…The baby food is the shits these days …When he got older to eat baby food I put the food I made for us through the blender and put it in jars fed him that…Too much salt in the baby food u buy in stores…Hope This Helps
Also to add…My Granddaughter couldn’t drink milk…My daughter had to get goats milk for her…
It could be genetic. My siblings and I all have some kind of digestive problem. The Doctors say it’s genetic.
Well, I use to put my babies on their stomach resting on both my knees and rock my knees up and down and it helped
I’m guessing silent reflux, very painful.
Try soy formula, worked for my baby after trying numerous formulas and even the nutramigen.
I had a traumatic birth with my first. And had to deal with a lot of the same only he would projectile puke everything he had eaten all of the time. Couldn’t get burps up ,constantly crying. He got diagnosed with acid reflux. Put on meds ,that didn’t help. Mom finally suggested we at least give taking him to a family friend that’s a chiropractor a try.And holy cow low and behold his neck and his back where his tummy was was out got him all adjusted and within a week or less we came off the reflux meds the puking stoped and it was like night and day. Ik it’s different for everyone but now I take all my baby’s just to be sure everything is in place within the first few months after birth.(and I also get myself done. Bc pregnancy and labor is just rough. Not only for us mommas but baby’s too )
Chiropractor!!! Seriously can save you!
Chiropracters work with babies with colic also
My son was like this but he wasn’t diagnosed until 6 months.He had reflux and was on gavisicon,rantadine and the other I can’t remember it’s name similar to omeprazole.i suffered for nearly 2 years,he wouldn’t sleep or settle,the only thing he would like was the electric swing.It sounds like reflux,they kept saying Colic my 1st had Colic wasn’t anything like it.
One of my three children had colic many years ago when Drs didn’t do much to help them. Its caused by an underdeveloped system and it takes about 4 mos to go away. My son wanted to eat all the time as well. I gave him warm water with sugar. One day I got his bottle ready in anticipation of the screaming but he just stopped and it was over but my nerves were shot by then. Hang in there I know it’s hard but one day it just stops .
Chiropractor!! I’m a RCA and it works miracles on babies . Everything gets moved around during birthing process and you have no clue , after a few times with Chiropractor babies miraculously change!
Im not much help but do you ever offer more than that? My daughter ate 6 oz at 4 weeks and starting sleeping through the night at 5 weeks. She was a hungry baby
She may be lactose intolerant. A friend of mom’s daughter acted just like that for 2 months aft she was born and they changed her to a soy formula and she ate good, no vomiting, was finally not hungry and slept through the night the very first day she was on soy formula. It
Sounds like reflux and colic my 3 month old is like this but not this bad. We had to change his bottles to mam anti colic and his formula to enfamil thickened and it’s mad a huge difference. He’s eating 8oz every 2-3 hours.
Try similac alimentum. That helped my son so much.
It could be lactose overload. Milk maybe passing through her gut faster than she can produce lactase to breakdown the lactose causing intestinal cramping and gas. Both my children suffered from this starting at week three. The older one went three weeks before I figured out what it was. It can be remedied by using Windi by Frida Baby in conjunction with the “I Love You” abdominal massage to relieve gas and using Colief which is lactase supplement. It may take up to two weeks to see full relief but each day should get better. Chiropractic is also a good idea.
When I had my second baby she was throwing up all the time and crying I took her to a specialist Pedestrian and found out she could not have dairy products and had to have special milk she never looked back I hope this helps
She may have a gag reflex, as for crying, unfortunately my oldest did this for 6 months and finally just got over it. I feel your pain…