Looking for opinions on getting a tubal ligation? I’m done having children my kids are 8 and 10 and I really don’t want to be on the pill forever so I’m considering doing this procedure. I’m nervous though because I keep hearing mixed reviews from peers who’ve had it done. If anyone’s had experience, or regrets, suggestions or any advice I’d appreciate it.
I had it after my son was born. He’s six now. I’ve had zero issues or complications. My periods are actually lighter and shorter than before.
Good luck
Best thing I ever did! I had mine removed and have never felt better. My periods are regular (literally for the first time since I was probably 21) and mentally I feel way better being off contraceptives! Recovery was super easy about 2-3 days and I was back to normal
I have had it done! I was in and out no issues at all! And still haven’t had any and it’s been 7 years since I have had it done!
It was the best decision I ever made but I also had just delivered my 3rd child and was into my 30s already.
I had it done almost 17 years ago, best decision ever. I’ve always had heavy irregular periods so that didn’t change. I took a week off work but actually only needed 3 days until I could resume normal activity.
I don’t regret it but my period cramps are pretty bad for the first couple of days. You can also bleed a lot but thankfully 3 years after getting it done it’s let up a lot now. No issues besides that!
I am currently pregnant with baby #4 so I haven’t had it done and I’m not going to either.
I have the easiest/light periods with practically no cramps and I’ve only heard horror stories.
We will be done after this baby so my husband said he will be getting snipped instead of me doing that.
I have had a ton of problems after my tubal and ablation. Research and ask questions to your Dr. Risks are always there, but you have the choice on if they are worth it to you. If I had known then what I would be dealing with now I wouldn’t have had it done.
I had mine done 10 years ago while I had a c-section and it hasn’t given me any problems since. No regrets here because my last pregnancy was scary and I almost died. My doctor recommended the procedure and I was so nervous but really didn’t notice anything different after because a c-section recovery is a little rough anyway.
I got mine when I was 28. I do not regret it. No changes to my period. What they did was remove a portion from each tube in the event of possible reattachment, they tied the ends as well as burned the ends. I said it would have to be an act of God to get pregnant again, lol.
Had a tubal ligation after 2 kids and 17 years later had a tubal reversal had two more but this time they removed both tubes. Only issue is it’s more painful during ovulation. Other than that nothing.
I regret it 100%. Not only because I now want more children. But getting my tubal ligation I have heavier periods and the cramps get pretty intense. As well as ovulation pain. You also have the risk of getting pregnant after the tubal( which happened to me but unfortunately I lost the baby). In my opinion the cons outweigh the pros.
I had mine done laparoscopically and my surgeon/gynecologist burned before and after where he placed clamps. I did it when my youngest was 5. It wasn’t bad at all. I was bloated and had a lot of gas for a couple of days. There was mild discomfort but not any intense pain. I’m so happy I did it and don’t have to worry about any form of birth control and can just go about life. My periods aren’t any worse than they were before, but they are heavier than what I had with my IUD. The only major thing for me is the fact I developed PMDD which I just take antidepressants now. It’s almost like my hormones just decided to go crazy about a year after my procedure.
I haven’t personally yet. I plan to within the next year or so. My mom had it done after me and she never had any problem.
I had my tubes completely removed. Female cancers run in my family though and most cases of ovarian cancer begin in the tubes. So it was an easy decision for me once I knew for sure I was done having babies. No complications and no changes in my cycles.
Got it done at deliveru 2.5 years ago and my periods are now horrific and super super heavy
I got mine done about 16 months ago. I have a 13 year old and a 16 month old. I knew I didn’t want anymore kids so it was an easy decision for me. I will say after it was done and knowing I can’t have kids anymore kinda had gave me some feelings but I am over them now. It is nice not having to worry about the pill or pull out. Recovery wise I had it done like an hour after I gave birth. I was in the hospital for 24 hours and my husbands blew a disc in his back hours before I went into labor. I was able to take care of my newborn and my broken husband with my 13 year olds help. I do really well with surgery and what not I guess. No pain meds were needed. It left a small scar under my belly button. No big deal. I say go for it.
I’ve had it done. I regret it bc my cycle got so much worse. And its not 100%, my surprise baby arrived 6 years later.
Look up tubal ligation syndrome…worst mistake of my life. A year after having mine done I ended up having a hysterectomy because the symptoms were so bad.
Be prepared periods are brutal , mood swings , the cramps 7 days a week . Worse decision of my life .
I had mine done 23 years ago and my period was horrible. So I have the iud also I regret it but at the time I did not want anymore kids
Please look into tubal ligation syndrome. I have so many friends who’s life has been severely impacted by it and there’s almost nothing that can be done about it
Don’t do it. I had pain for 3 months. I have heavy periods now.
Had it done over 8 years ago and my periods and horrible and I get the most awful cramps ever since
I just got mine done about a month ago. I have only had one period since having my last baby so we’ll see. That first one was really heavy so hopefully that’s not how they are all going to be. I was pretty sore for a week after, especially hauling a newborn around. If you are done done with kids. It’s worth it imo.
I had it 9 years ago. No complications, quick recovery, no change in menstrual cycle.
I got mine done 6 or 7 years ago. Best decision ever. I’ve had no issues and no babies. Win/win
If you are positive you don’t ever want kids then yes, for me it was worth it. My periods did get heavier but they evened out. I do clot more now though. But over all worth it.
I got mine done during my c-section with my 4th child. They were already in there so it wasn’t anything extra in the way of recovery. For a week or 2 I had some feelings about it, but that could have been me feeling hormonal after just having a baby. I love that peace of mind. My periods have been more regular, and not as bad or as long. I have no complaints, it was a great decision for me.
I had a tubal ligation done in 2015, and don’t regret it one bit. I knew I was done having kids after 2. The healing process was pretty decent. Didn’t run into any issues. And even 9 years later, I haven’t had any issues
That’s my only regret in life!!! I had mine tied on my 24th Birthday!
I got mine done 14 years ago and no regrets. My periods didn’t really change. It was laparoscopic—a same day procedure and I was a little sore but nothing a Tylenol wouldn’t help. Back to normal after the 3 day wait period from the doctor.
I had it done when I was twenty one I had two children and an alcoholic husband. I was only sorry later when I remarried and thought about having another child. I never had any problems and it was really better than birth control
I did it after my last kid was born. I was in the worst pain for like 2 weeks. I regret nothing.
Had mine removed 4 months ago after delivering my 3rd child. Nothing has changed for me. My periods have always been painful but I’m not bleeding any more than normal. I don’t regret my decision because I don’t ever want to be pregnant again
Got them REMOVED 4 years ago! Best decision ever!!!
I got cut, tied and burned on 5/01/06, my first period after the surgery was extremely painful but I’ve personally not encountered any problems and it was a good choice for me.
I regret it so much. I suffer from post tubal ligation syndrome and it’s horrible.
I got my tubes tied almost two years ago, shper easy and simple procedure, you cramp for a few days and then your fine, youll have a bruise on your belly from the procedure for a few days as well but really it was a super easy procedure with a fast recovery time.
I got mine done 4 months ago. Healing wasn’t terrible and my periods are the same honestly. The only thing I have noticed is that I’m Bloated almost all the time not
You carried and delivered the children, have him get a vasectomy. It is a much less invasive procedure.
I had on done no problems
I did it 2 years ago after my 4th baby it was horrible I bled so much I was going through 12 tampons in one day also having to wear pads on top of a tampon. When I woke up in the mornings wearing both pad and tampon it literally looked like a crime scene. I never bled so much in my life. I went to my ob and begged for a hysterectomy but she wouldn’t do it because I was young she said I didn’t care I just wanted to stop having to live like that and I got it done to not have anymore kids so what did I really need those parts for. So instead I had to go on birth control the nexplannon haven’t had a period since but spotting every month. And the cramps are horrible during menstrual cycles I still get like period pains even though I don’t really have a period.
I don’t recommend. Changed more than just my painful horrible periods. Changed my hormones too. I got it after my daughter was born 9 years ago.
Get your tubes removed. It lowers the risks of ovarian cancer.