Pain relief after giving birth

Useful tips for pain relief after vaginal birth? I’m taking Tylenol every 6 hours, keeping the area clean, changing my own diaper frequently, using dermaplast, and even putting witch hazel pads over the area and I still am so uncomfortable I can’t sleep. I gave birth 4/30


Alternate Tylenol and ibuprofen, you can do one or the other every 3 hours as needed. And get an ice pack, don’t put it directly, but they do help considerably.


You may want to contact your Dr, unless you tore bad you really shouldn’t be feeling like this , make sure there’s no infection or anything going on , my daughter tore bad and it sit up infection and she felt like this


Sitz baths are a good start


Sitz baths, and a peri bottle every time you use the toilet. Spray with water while you pee, it makes a big difference. Keep alternating advil and tylenol every two hours. You should feel better 1 week post birth, if not see you doctor.


Ice pack they have ones that slip in like pads I wouldn’t recommend bathing until your Dr says because if your still bleeding your still healing and if water gets up in there it can cause infection

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You haven’t even given birth a week ago. It’s normal. Definitely gets some ibuprofen. Did your dr give you a script for some? If not, definitely call them. If this is your first baby, I remember feeling like this for at least 2 weeks. Hang in there, it get better. You just need time to heal :mending_heart:

If you had an episiotomy, you may very well have torn a stitch. I did that with my first and it was horrible!!! (Up and down stairs too much too soon) with my other 2 I had no issues at all with pain after the 2nd day

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The hospital had these menstrual-type pads that you could crack and shake and they would get cool but not too cold. They were a lifesaver. My mom found some at a medical supply store. Warm sitz baths help too. The hospital gave me a plastic bowl you fill with warm salty or epsom salt water and it fits over the toilet so you can soak in it. Eat healthy foods so you don’t strain when you poop, and/or use stool softeners. Also they’ve found episiotomies don’t really help, so request you don’t get one next time if you had one.

Tylenol every 4 to 6 hours. Call your gynecologist. Sitz baths. Healing vibes. Birthing a baby comes with some pain, but best to consult doc

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Ibuprofen worked best for me with my tears.

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Put salt in your bathwater and sit in it for a bit

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Definitely do some epsom salt sitz baths. The warmth will help with circulation and that will help healing.

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You can rotate tylenol and ibuprofen every 4 hours. You can also do 800mg of ib…

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Salt water bath not super hot but hot and I agree with Rebecca, if pain (or fever) doesn’t subside then it’s usually recommended to alternate pain relievers, every four hours switch… 800mg of ibuprofen does wonders for me where it’s an inflamed area, hope you get some relief and just know you WILL make it through this :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I just did Tylenol and ibuprofen, even with having my tubes removed the day after.

Having a salt water bath will help


I put my pads in the freezer you may have to change them more often tho

Praying for you. My twins were born on April 30.

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Put aloe Vera gel on a pad and freeze the pad them put it on.

Take a baby diaper and pull the end apart with tabs. Like you would a bag of chips. If you have crushed ice in your fridge, put about a cup in the diaper. Fold over and fasten tabs.
Coochie Cold Pack
Helps everytime!

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This is the absolute best for down there. I couldn’t recommend it enough! Also ibuprofen and paracetamol every 4-6hours. Staying on top of that is super important.

You’re going to be uncomfortable for awhile. Take it easy. Don’t lift heavy objects. Motrin is better than Tylenol IMO. Icepacks work wonders.

Tylenol use like that can mess with your liver. Try Ibuprofen. If it’s still intolerable in 3 days, see your Dr. :heart:

I would go to the doctor for a check up, I had 3 kids, an episiotomy with the first, a test with the second, stitches with both, and I got by just fine with just dermaplast and ibuprofen here in there. By day 3-5, I was pretty comfortable and after that was good. 9 days is quite a long time to still be that uncomfortable babes.

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I was in pain for a solid 2 weeks after giving birth. Alternate Tylenol and advil, ice packs and use a sitz bath. Hang in there, you’ll feel relief soon. Good luck!

Definitely go to the Dr. With my first what I thought was normal pain was actually a really bad uti. I had gotten them in the past so I thought I knew what to look for but this one was really bad. Good luck, hope you feel better

I did sitz baths a couple times a day and they helped a lot when I had an ungodly amount of stitches with my first baby. They were very soothing

I have had 3 kids i had a episiotomy with my first and didnt have any trouble my second one was my biggest baby i had a few stitches he hurt me the worst but still didnt have this much trouble my third was born in the car and i didnt have aby stitches she was my easiest delivery and recovery id definitely get checked out

Ice pads were great and they also have a lidocaine type spray !!

So glad I had a C section lol none of this sounds enjoyable. Was up in a few hours, no pain, no pain meds, released in 2 days, walked over a mile between my accommodation and nicu every morning and night. Zero issues. I’d never give real birth lol

Pour witch hazel on pads and freeze them then wear them - it helps.

There are these pads that are cold that are amazing. If you don’t have some, Ziploc bags with ice on and off on vag helps some

Buscopan and nurofen together, work perfectly for after birth pain

Go see a qualified Dr rather than ask unqualified randoms on Social Media.

A nice hot bath with Epsom salt will help
As for the pain panodol and ibuprofen often works
If you feel it’s not helping
Go to your gp
It’s normal to have some vaginal discomfort for a while after a vaginal birth

They had me apply this after my son! It works great

How bad are you hurting because honestly you should be in that much pain just sore

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My doctor told me to use dermaplast and take 800 mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours but I really did not need it . You may need to go and be checked out if you’re still having lots of pain . I had 6 children total and ibuprofen was all I ever needed for the pain management .