What was your experience like using specifically the Paragard IUD? Did you have any side effects or issues from it?
Going on my 8th year! It’s been great!!!
I really loved the paraguard IUD and I’ll be getting it again after I have my son. I had it for 5 years and never had any problems at all. No hormones so you still get your period and don’t have to deal with weight gain. I highly recommend it!
Love it it’s been wonderful
I have paraguard and love it. 3 years now!
I don’t have Paraguard. I have Kyleena. But I can honestly say it is the BEST decision I’ve made!!! I adore it!
Extra cramping and longer periods. A few months in now, but that’s it
I really loved it, minus the 1st 3ish months. My periods were real heavy and my cramps I swear were worse than labor, but after those months I was good to gom