So kinda frustrated and tired of people telling me I’m taking on too much. So backstory, my daughter was born at the end of August, and I enrolled in school, so I had something to do while I would be home with her since we cannot afford any type of daycare and cannot afford for me to work to just pay daycare costs. So I then became a stay-at-home mom. My fiancé makes good money, and we can afford it. Well, on top of me going back to school, I picked up a side job of watching my ex-coworkers daughter a few nights a week for extra money. And everyone keeps saying that I’m spreading myself too thin, and I just do not see it. So my question I guess, is am I just so determined that I don’t realize it yet?
I feel like you’ll realize if you’re taking on too much. They’re probably worried that you’re going to load it on and on and then one day you’ll crash. Do you feel like you’re heading that way? No? Then you’re ok for you.
You do you. People told me the same thing when I was in school and working and coming home to children. As long as you feel okay with it, then don’t worry about what they say.
Do YOU feel like you’re spreading yourself too thin? Thats all that matters really. Do what makes you feel fulfilled.
You are fine. For some people having 1 child is too much. Some have 10 and find themselves capable of caring for them and having a career. Your too much is not anyone else’s. Do what makes you happy, and what makes you satisfied with life.
I think it’s great. I had 5 babies and completed 3 degrees all while working full-time. It wouldn’t have been so easy if it wasn’t for the support of my husband but I applaud you.
I work full time,full time mom and part time school.Most important thing is for my son to always have our shoulders when he needs it.I prioritize my sons well being first.
Attention, pat in the back grab?
That does not sound like to much… That’s actually perfect for your life…
You do you until you can’t anymore. If the S.O. steps in and says you need to stop or you decide you need to stop then keep going. I had a full time job (40+ a week), part time job (2-8 hrs a week), driving 8 hours a weekend, special needs child that needed help with homework, blah blah blah. My body told me it was time to quit.
Hey if you can do it, do it. Every one has different abilities.
I personally could never do all that. But that’s OK. If you can you rock it like the rock star you are and don’t let anybody else tear you down because they can’t.
Your awesome, amazing, and a totally rocking Momma.
People tell me that all the time. I work full time. I’m in college full time. I go to the gym 4x a week. Im a single mother. I am the soul provider for my home both financially and maintainance wise. You can do it if you want to!
First of all, super proud of you bc that’s all very stressful. I’m a full time mom, full time student, and work 20-30 hrs a week. If your determined, I would say don’t worry about what others say. People tell me all the time that I’m going to fail at school bc I have too much on my plate. I’m on my third semester back in and have been on the deans list each time
I am a mom of 3, pregnant with our 4th. I am going to school for Nursing, work part time at the ER and watch my niece on weekday evenings for extra income. I say do whatever you feel comfortable with. And if it becomes too much thats okay too, but do not let others dictate what you can handle!
I think it’s because people don’t think they themselves can do what you’re doing and that’s why they put limits on you, in general but
Only you know what you can handle.
I think in today’s society that people assume that everyone will have some sort of mental illness or breakdown. I would do you girl and just make sure your keeping your mental health in check. It took more than a year after my first I was then diagnosed with post partum depression and anxiety
I say do what you feel you can do.
People always have an opinion and that’s okay. But you live your life and do what you want.
I’ve always done so many things and have been told the same as you’re being told.
I know what I can handle and I’m sure you do also.
In my opinion, people that say that, are usually lazy or have low energy.
Do you and cut back if you feel overwhelmed. Good luck.
( I’m 57 and still rolling at high speed). No regrets
meh you’re fine. if you are neglecting family or feeling overwhelmed and stressed, then yes, you are probably taking on too much. But if you are ok with that load, go for it. My husband stays home with 3 kids (7, 9, 11) and helps them with their schooling while doing his own full time classes, works a part time job and still manages to run errands, grocery shop and make dinner before I get home. Everyone has their limits. If you haven’t reached yours yet, keep going!
Lol no, that’s not too much. If you have a history of anxiety or becoming overwhelmed easily I could see someone saying that, but honestly it doesn’t make sense for then to be saying that now
Let your body be your guide. You’ll know if you’re overwhelmed. Thank those concerned and well-meaning loved ones and let them know you value their input and then do what you need to do as long as you and your family are happy. That’s all that matters. Do enjoy that time with the baby though. They grow up in the blink of an eye.
Just say, " I appreciate your concern, but I’m fine" if you feel you’re handling it ok then who cares what anyone else says. If you start feeling over whelmed drop the baby sitting, but it’s not like a newborn is hard to handle at that age. They just sleep all day. If you’re ok, then don’t let anyone else make you feel otherwise.
It’s all in what you feel you can do. If school gets to be more involved then take another look at babysitting the co-workers daughter. You decide what you can and can’t do
Your doing great! Going to school will benefit you in the long run and babysitting a few night is good. I see no problem. Sounds like my life…lol
Are you getting time for yourself? If you don’t make time to relax you’ll burn out. Otherwise only you know if you’re feeling overwhelmed. It does sound like a lot though especially for a new mom.
Too much too soon, especially with a new baby.
Enjoy your baby, the rest will always be there.
Only you can answer that. Are you enjoying your family or overly stressed all of the time
If you were stretching yourself too thin, you’d know it. They are saying what you are doing would be stressful for them. If you start feeling stressed then give something up.
Are you happy ? Is your fiancee happy? IS your child happy? If yes is the answer to all these questions then I’d say no you are doing just fine
No. Thats minor as long as you don’t get overly stressed due to everything, you hopefully are ok
Do what works for you, your child and your husband. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.
I re-enrolled in school and found out a week later I was pregnant with #2. Dealt with being a single mom, going to school full time with a dual major, until my boyfriend and I moved in together when #2 was 5 1/2 months old. We are due for #3 in March, making the youngest two 14 months apart. I would be working if my client (I work in home health care) would’ve been willing to work with my class schedule like she originally said she would when she hired me.
If you’re spreading yourself too thin, then so am I. If you’re handling everything and still taking care of yourself and keeping your relationship healthy, then you’re fine. You’re not spreading yourself too thin if you don’t feel overwhelmed.
Take a look at yourself and do what makes you comfortable without neglecting your little family…
Nobody can gage how you feel so do what’s best for you
Enjoy being at home with her. I had to go back to work at just three weeks after both are kids were born. Because we couldn’t afford it if I didn’t. Then we worked different shifts. Just so we didn’t have to get a babysitter. We both agreed we didn’t want someone else raising are kids
From experience, enjoy your baby while their a baby. I worked 2 jobs when my 1st born was a baby and am now a sahm with my 2nd born and it is unbelievable the things i didn’t realize that i missed out on. In my PERSONAL OPINION if you can afford to, staying at home with your sweet babe for a while, i absolutely love it
Youdowhat is right for you and your family. Do not listen to all around you telling you what to do. Take time for yourself and family breaks to survive. My granddaughter works 40 hours a week, goes to school full time and lots of homework for last semester of senior year and takes time for self once in a while. You may always be tired but that is way for many young families.
The same could be said about me. I had my 6th baby the middle of August. I am enrolled in a pharmacy management program ( I only take 2 classes at a time) as well as homeschooling my 4 oldest. My hubby is an over the road truck driver. Only you know if your getting in over your head or not. Just don’t be afraid to speak up if you start to feel overwhelmed
You are your worst enemy.
You have not giving yourself time heal emotionally or mentally…
You are a human being not a robot
You are blessed to have caring people in your life
You don’t appreciate them.
Stop being prideful and stubborn
Go girl you got this. You have goals and are doing what you need to do to make it happen. Just remember to thank God for the strength and health to be able to do it!
As long as you don’t feel overwhelmed then you’re good. The minute you feel panic setting in tell someone and take a break. Only you know you.
I got my MBA a couple of years ago while working full-time. I also had a five year old at the time, and was building a house… you can do it! Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it!
If it works for all of you then that is fine. I personally try to reserve the evening hours for just my family. The days are busy and family time is much needed. If it doesn’t impact your family time I would say ok. It really is a personal choice. I would get everyone’s input…in your family…and go from there. Outsiders need not chime in.
If you are managing well, aren’t over stressed, and happy then I say you are fine. BUT don’t let other people tell you that you are doing too much. How do they know? They are not you. You are the only one that knows how you feel, etc. So do what YOU want. Who cares what others say.
Your body will definitely let you know when, not if, you need to cut back. And when it does, listen to it, unless you want to be hospitalized for e extreme exhaustion. Don’t laugh. It’s not a spa day. It’s you feeling like you can’t take one more step, can’t pick up your daughter, dont even have strength to shower.
Remember to listen to your body and if the stress or work have an effect on you cut back.
You are just fine. You are a multi tasker. Nothing wrong with babysitting another child.
If you can do it do it. It doesn’t seem like Whole lot. I work 2 full time jobs, go to school and have 2 kids. Your strong mama you got this.
Only you can determine what is or isn’t too much for you. If you are happy & healthy, go for it!
Is your daughter healthy, are you passing your classes? Do you feel stretched too thin? Your hard work now will pay off. If you feel ok, then you do you!
We moms can handle a lot, unless you’re feeling overwhelmed tell the people to worry about themselves
No, you are doing what you feel you can handle. Those who say otherwise aren’t as talented as you and are jealous. Unless you’re complaining about it to them., then they have reason to think that.
That is not too thin…my load is a lot bigger with work and home life combined…you will know when its to much and then decrease the load
Only you can make that decision but rest when you need it don’t let yourself burn out and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it
If you feel good and aren’t overwhelmed or feeling stressed… do it… everyone has different limits
I’m a full time mom, full time college student, full time employee.
I dont mean to be offensive. You are a full time mom, full/part time student and a part time worker
I think you have it under control. Side note, join the fb group called college mom support group.
We help each other with studying, financial aid advice, what classes work best etc.
You know your own self…do you feel spread too thin?What you think is what counts,not anyone else.
You know what you are capable of.You know your limits,so you do what you want as long as you an a d not bur out a d don’t worry what others say.
Do what is best for you but do take a little break now and then
Only person who knows when it’s too much is you.
If you’re good then screw what they are saying. Only you know your limits. Just make sure you’re not pushing them.
You’ll know when you’ve taken on too much. People won’t have to tell you…
The two previous responses are dead on!
You need to do what is right for you and your family. Nobody knows you.
That seems like a normal doable load to me.
I mean hell the same could be said about me. I have almost 3 yr old twins. Work full time, go to school full time and am a single mom.
At the end of the day. Do YOU feel like it’s something you can’t handle? This is how I felt when I first started school back in May. If I felt I couldn’t handle it I would cut back a bit.
You know you. If you need to step back at any point then say it. But if you feel you can handle it, screw other peoples opinions.
Dont worry about what other peeps think, live your life the way you want too, own it girl!
Do what you feel capable of doing. Only you can answer that question.
Do what works best for you.
Only you know what is too much
It’s up to you. Nobody should tell you what to do
That’s up to you and your fiance
You’re doing just fine, ignore the naysayers.
Only you know what you are capable of.
Not at all at 1 time I had 2 under 2 and worked part time at a department store.
I did something similar when my babies were young, taking on the care of the little girls of two friends. I had four babies in the house every day, aged 2yrs, 18m, 14m and 6weeks. The oldest and the youngest were mine. I was BUSY and EXHAUSTED and STRETCHED, but it was one of the sweetest and dearest times of my life. It all depends on what YOU can handle.
Your a good wife and mother
Who cares what other people think!
I agree with them sorry
You do what works for you. No ones business.
Do what works for you
I am a full-time single mom, full-time double major college student, and work full-time as well as run a side business. Being spread thin is different for every person. If you don’t feel like you’re taking on too much, then tell everyone else to back off. If it ends up being too much then make necessary changes.
You will be fine. You are the only one who can tell if you are taking on too much. Don’t worry about what others are saying.
Girl, some weeks I work 70 hours, while running kids to dental appointments, other weeks, 40 hours while trying to be the best mom I know how for 5 kids. YOU know your own limits. When I feel burnt out, I take a few days off. Never be afraid to take some time if you need it, you work your butt off and deserve it.
You’re not hurting anyone, do what makes your heart comfortable
Seriously who cares what everyone else thinks? If u feel u can do it then that’s all that matters. Stop caring about others opinions bc they’re not in ur shoes.
If you are okay with it go for it