Placenta growing into uterine wall

My dr just called and told me I have to see a specialist because they found that my placenta is growing into the uterine wall. It is called placenta accreta. From what I’ve read, there is a chance that I can bleed out during delivery. I’m trying my best not to think that way and was wondering if anyone else had been diagnosed with placenta accreta and had no problem during surgery.


I had it. They didn’t know until I delivered. It was pretty scary. Luckily they were able to stop the bleeding, but needed blood transfusion and felt awful for a couple months. Good luck and prayers for smooth delivery.

Same as me Kristie didnt know till I gave birth my BP dropped to 24/45…I thought I was dieing!

I’ve had it &No problems during surgery jss take it easy

I had placenta previa…which my placenta would have come out first in a natural delivery and I would have bleed out. I had to have a scheduled c section which turned Into an emergency one bc I went Into labor at 34 weeks