My boyfriend recently told me that he got a message from an ex. He was boastful with pride that he told her he was committed and sent her on her way. I went to see him over the weekend. After quite a few drinks, I asked if I could see the messages. He handed me his phone. I saw that she asked him if he was still with me and some other questions. He answered the other questions, but made no mention of me. I saw more than one I love you before I became irate and he took the phone back. He is adamant that he was letting her know that he cared for her and she hurt him the way she used him and that he got the closure he was looking for after a bad breakup. He has since deleted the messages. I know that he loves me and I love him so incredibly much. I believe wholeheartedly that he has never cheated on me and had no intent to do so. I think he was flattered by the attention and doesn’t want to admit it. I need to know if I am overreacting to something that just isn’t there because of my insecurities or if I have valid cause for concern and I should just remain on my own. I have never felt more confused and hurt.
Nope, time to move on. He has no respect for you.