Porn Addiction Help Please

Any advise please

My baby daddy has a porn addiction and it’s been with him for 15 years now. We only been together for 2 years now and we have a baby girl. My problem is that i hate that he watch’s porn so much and does it behind my back and lies to me. When i confront him he gets mad and tells me to get over it. It’s went from wanking to porn to onlyfans girls twerking to youtube searches of naked girls with big boobs and fat ass’s to now using social media to access all these. I’ve told him time to time and i’ve cried over it infront of him about how it makes me feel when he does that. i feel like i’m not good enough for him and he doesn’t love me. i’m a small petite girl with small boobs and little butt😩it’s gone from having family quality time to now not wanting to come out with us but to stay home and wank to these females. I’m real insecure about my body because of his habits and right now i might be pregnant and i don’t want to take a test because i scared to do it all on my own. I already have 2 girls idk how i’m going to raise another baby by myself😩Ive changed the wifi password and took it off his phone and tv so he has no access , i’ve put time limits on his phone for social media apps cos i know he uses them for his search’s. he says it feels like prison living with me , so for me it feels like he doesn’t even care bout us or our lil family but only cares about his wants and needs. i want to leave him but we are living in a place we both share rent and bills for so if he moves out i’m going to be struggling on my own. I don’t know what to do

Honestly it doesn’t sound like this is a healthy place for either of you. Does he refer to it as a “problem” he knows he has? Or does he think you’re overreacting and say he’s not addicted? If he knows it’s a problem, maybe you can approach him about getting some professional help. There is counseling and groups like porn addicts anonymous. If he’s willing to get help, I’d support him. But if he refuses, I’d probably tell him the relationship needs to end until he gets help. I know it’s scary being a single parent but the environment isn’t good for either of you or the kids. I’d talk to him about getting some help first and then start getting your own ducks in a row in case it comes to you having to leave (or kicking him out). Good luck!

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he knows he has an addiction and we have talked about him going to counseling for it but he not willing too. he not the type to talk to anyone. he hates confrontation and just gets more mad if anyone tries to talk to him about his problem. He keeps suggesting we end our relationship because of his habits but it’s hard for me because he just going to walk away continuing his life while i’m stuck struggling life on my own with our kids. Our relationship is perfect and great but it’s just this addiction of his that makes it fall apart

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Wow, I feel like I’m reading parts of my own old diary. My partner also hated talking to anyone. If an argument took longer than 5 minutes to resolve, he would just threaten to leave. I dealt with it for the same reasons as you. Love. And I just couldn’t accept the fact that after so many years and all the effort we’ve both put in- he’d be willing to walk away just like that. He was willing to work on communication however and that made the difference!
It makes you think, if he can easily walk away is that true love? Do you want to continue to sacrifice when he’s not willing to get help for his problem? I wont tell you what to do but I’d encourage you to ask yourself the hard questions. For me, I don’t think I would be able to stay happy in a relationship where I’m constantly treated like option #2.