Positive pregnancy tests at home but not the doctor

Need some serious advice…what can cause a digitial pregnancy test to be positive but when you go to the doctor blood test and ultrasound show nothing…but when you get back home another digitial says positive? I am so confused…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Positive pregnancy tests at home but not the doctor

Could be something other then pregnancy rising your hg levels and the test is just picking it up as positive


Wait a few weeks and take another first thing in the morning in a few weeks and see if anything change good luck

I’ve had several positive pregnancy tests at home and blood work at the doctor was negative

That happened to me. I knew I was pregnant. Doctor took blood test called next day to confirm

R you testing to soon? How many weeks blood more accurate then anything ultrasound you might just be too early ?

It’s either too early or your levels are out of whack causing false positives.

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I can personally get positive results during ovulation, I always have. Some people just get false positive (and negative) results from home tests.

I’ve had clear blue digital give me false positives, I think it can be cause by a faulty test.

I had this happen. Home tests showed pregnant, but bloods said no. Kept getting positive at home,. Took a couple weeks for the bloods to show and had a ultrasound I was around 6 weeks and 3 days. So basically I was giving positive tests right after conception

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Cysts and tumors can cause it as well

I had a negative blood test at the hospital, positive tests at home. Long story short, she’s turning 4 in October. :woman_shrugging:t2::rofl:


Could be too early. I went in at 6 weeks and there was only a sac no baby.


Do you by chance have PCOS? I’ve heard of this happening due to PCOS before due to HCG being produced despite not being pregnant. Drs generally look for rising levels, if they’re rising then they know you’re pregnant.

I thought chemical pregnancy at first, but you mentioned taking another at home and it being positive. Maybe the tests are expired? Digitals need a little more Hcg to give a positive, compared to a regular test. And a blood test would show how much Hcg is in your blood, giving a more detailed response. So this is my best guess. Good luck though mama 🫶🏽


Please don’t freak out but my cousin was having some issues and testing positive so we thought she was pregnant…. Turns out it was Stomach cancer and we lost her a few years ago.


I had a friend that happened to as well. She was actually pregnant but was about 7 weeks before it started showing in her blood.

Some of the home tests are super sensitive. Where as a lot of doctors offices use tests like what you would get or $1 at a dollar general or dollar store. I know that because the office I used to work in used them. They’re not as sensitive.

If it were something like a tumor, hormone issues, etc it wouldn’t be negative one test and positive the other. It would just be positive most likely.

Chances are either the tests you’re using are faulty, I’d get a different brand to double check. Or you’re just really early along

Of the dollar one says two lines your pregnant.


My mom had a negative test at the Dr and positive test at home, I have a 21 year old brother.

The Drs use the dollar store tests (they detect the hormones at lower levels) so use those, no reason to use a $10-$15 dollar one for 5 mins. It’s a waste of money in my eyes. I used all dollar store tests with my 3 last babies and they were all positive at 4 weeks.


Your dr should’ve offered up some advice. Something with hormones maybe?

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Different cancers show positive hcg. Along with different medical conditions. If a blood test is negative and ultrasound then you definitely are not pregnant. At home are not always accurate


Wait a month and check again

Sounds like you’re early. Ultrasound isn’t going to show anything til about 5 weeks and your hcg is still low enough that it’s not registering on their tests, if they’re doing qualitative and not quantitative blood tests.


Some meds or thc can cause a false positive. Maybe blood test is testing different?

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Could be a miscarriage, hcg lingers but the dr test would still be positive. It may also be too early to show up on ultrasound, thoughts and intentions sent your way💕


These exspensive test they are selling can literally show postive basically as soon as you conceive. I tested positive on like 8 test inculding two digital before I went to the ob and got a faint so they did blood work. I miscarried at 6 weeks and really wish those test weren’t so sensitive so I never knew. Just wait a few weeks and test again


Maybe u have faulty test at home

Imagine being told you’re pregnant by a blood test and never being pregnant

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All I have is keep up with testing and I wish for the best. It could be a lot that social media cannot explain. I hope for the best :heart:

I don’t want to worry you, but you need to be checked for cancer. It may be nothing, but it’s worth your peace of mind and your health to get a check up.


It could be a false positive

Some pregnancy tests also test for ovulation, so if you wait longer than the length of time listed on the package, you’re actually testing for recent ovulation instead of pregnancy.

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Did you miscarry possibly ?

I got the dollar store little square ones that show purple lines if pregnant and I was. Doc said they use the same ones.

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I also came back positive with at home test before doctors office unless they did a blood test :grimacing: that normally was right my last said negative and I straight told the doctor your wrong if you take the test in the Morning first pee the most accurate :ok_hand:t2:


Blighted ovum maybe ?


I would go with the blood test and ultrasound that the doctor gave you.


This happened to me. It was too early. They had me come in every week for two more weeks then it was positive and the next week I got an ultrasound.


Doctor said we had a miscarriage becuase the numbers dropped dramatically … 8 moths after that we had our son perfectly healthy. Not all test are perfect jeep testing becuase it’s easier to get a false negative than a false positive


At home test can test positive due to hormones given off from ovarian cysts. Ask to be check for one


There are many reasons this can happen. Test at home again in a week with a blue dye test. If still positive then go to your ob

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Oh! Same thing happened to me! Doctor said we need to investigate. Had bloods done, come back all normal so have to go back for more investigating. :woman_facepalming:t2: It’s a bit nerve-wracking. But definitely not pregnant…

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Get a different brand.

I have had it happen, turned out I miscarried. The first time it happens. The 2nd time it happened they insisted I was making it up cause I had the mirena IUD. I told them remove it bacuse I’m pregnant. I had to literally scream and ye and demand it get removed or I would do it myself. They finally did and I was still testing positive at home and they said I wasn’t at the doctor. He is now 6.5years old. And I have never gone back to that doctor


I would listen to the doctor

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Chemical pregnancy. It’s when the egg is fertilized so your hormones prepare for pregnancy but the fertilized egg does not implant and you get your period as normal. Short of this, false positives are much rather than false negatives and doctor’s tests are usually more reliable, so that would be my guess.


Urinary tract infection

My HCG levels were just too low to show anything on the doctors tests. I had to go in 1 day (say a Tuesday for example because I can’t remember what actual day it was) get a full blood HCG count and then I went back in on the next day around the same time for another HGC count which showed my levels had almost doubled and confirmed I was just early on in pregnancy. I now have my miracle 8 year old pain in the butt and I wouldn’t have him any other way! Good luck x

Home test aren’t 100% accurate… I mean you had an ultrasound and it showed nothing

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Went through the same! Was sooo confused. My girl is 3 years old now😅


Happened to me. Home test positive, doctor negative. Both tests were the wee on a stick type. I was certain I was pregnant and balled when the doctor said nope. A week later I went back to the doctor and I tested positive. Different tests provide different results, some are more accurate than others. Head back to your doctor in a week and try again. Goodluck.

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When I was pregnant with my daughter, I had an ultrasound when I should have been 6-8 weeks pregnant (according to my last period). There wasn’t anything on the ultrasound. Said it could be an ectopic pregnancy. Turns out, I just wasn’t far along. Only 2 or 3 weeks.


I was pregnant but didn’t know it at the time. Went into the er for being sick came out with the flu and pregnant. I had just taken a pregnancy test at home that day and it was negative, they took blood and i was positive I was to early barely 2 weeks and that’s y it wasn’t showing on a test at home

I don’t mean to scare you and I hope the doctors test was just wrong but ovarian cancer can cause a positive pregnancy test

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Could be cancer sorry to scare u but u need testing

How far on do you think you are

With my 3rd all my home tests was positive, doctors always came back negative (4, 6,and 8 weeks they tested)… when i would be 6 weeks o went for a private scan, who couldn’t see anything and to come back in 4 weeks when i would be 10 weeks, all my test was still positive, went back at 10 weeks and there he was :heart::heart:

Id personally do a few diffrent brands if there all positive, id still self refer to midwife, because the doctors kept telling me i wasnt pregnant and i now have a 2.5 year old… xxxx

l Get paid over $127 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18137 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Go back for another test in a week or so. It could just be very early in the pregnancy. If it’s still negative, insist on being tested for other conditions.

This happened to me with my son and I was super early