Potty training advice for girls?

Potty training tips needed for little girls! I have a 3.5 year old who is very stubborn and easily distracted. She is my only child and I feel like I have no idea what I am doing so any tips are helpful We have had positive potty experiences where she has gone but I can’t seem to get her to want to use it if that makes sense.


We’ve been doing a lot of go with the flow but focusing everything around potty. My sons going to be 2 next month and Almost trained. A lot of what we do is “You want to do something? Okay, let’s go potty really quick and then we can go do that”

I took my kid’s every hour like they do in daycare had them sit for 5 min or until they went we would sing, read books watch my phone anything that they liked to pass the time, also them musical Pottys that they can push the button helped, also taking them 15 min after eating or drinking helps them connect food with going potty what goes in must come out. Go potty while she’s in there your a girl show her what to do

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Put my children in church mothers morning out and pre school at 18 months . They start taking kids to potty . Little kids want to be like everyone else . Preschool peer pressure is amazing .Also being told you can’t advance to 3 year class if you don’t potty train . Worked for both my girls and son

With my girls and then grandsons I rewarded with a little treat, but mostly I let him pick out “big kid underwear “ and that worked!

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When my sister was little my parents let her run around the yard in just a dress, she disnt like the feeling of pee running down her leg and thought it was cool to pee beind the garage (brought a potty outside)
I had boys so I can’t help much in the girl department, I did buy potty books (a lot of them!) And we read them often!! Also mine wanted to ride the school bus so bad but i told them couldn’t until they were peeing in the potty.

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My girls 2.5 and she won’t use a potty or toilet. No matter how much I try she’ll ask for nappy on or she’ll cry on potty and hold it in until I put a nappy on her. They’ll go when they’re ready.

Be an example and go pee in front of her to show her how it’s done. Pin rewards by the toilet and when she goes she gets to pick one!

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Use a timer. Every 30 minutes make her use the potty. Then, eventually go to 45 minutes and so on

My 3 year old is the same. She knows the whole entire process but is stubborn. Maybe prizes or rewards may help, hasn’t helped me though lol

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She won’t go until she’s ready.

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let her be. she will go when she is ready

With my first daughter it took 3 days of letting her be naked around the house, she didn’t like peeing on herself, she learned quickly. My second daughter was not so easy, it took candy rewards and constant reminders of let’s go try to potty. It took like 6 months to get her fully trained. Now my son is about to be 2 and has no interest yet, so I dunno how I’m gonna work it with him, lol

As a childminder I use pull ups and a potty in the kitchen until they have dry pull ups and can confidently manage their clothing and the stairs. I also talk to them about how their pull up feels and if they feel they need changing as well as getting them to change themselves if they are only wet and sit on the potty at random times in the day as well, it can take several months but by the time they are going upstairs there are very few misses

My girl is 4yo and currently naked from the waist down whenever at home. She has a potty in her room (and wipes to clean herself), and access to all bathrooms (I just say 'doesn’t matter which one you use, run to it if you need to).

I dont make her sit. We just remind her to go often. If she tells us she has to go, we pretend like its a race and say “go, go go!!!” Then whenever she goes we cheer her on.
We’ve tried EVERYTHING and nothing has worked except this. access and support.
We express frustration/anger when she poops in her pants (no hiding whatever our real emotions are) and then we remind her of what to do next time.

Um um quit being nice quit talking to her like a baby we know she a baby something about voice she not scared of


My son he masterd the no1 today he sed no pull-up pants no underpants he ended up doing no2 in his pants his 3

I never tried to train my kids. My daughter decided when she was ready. My son saw the other kids at daycare going and he dislikes his diaper changes anyways… so it worked