I never had discharge with either of my pregnancies.
Every pregnancy is different
My last one of my three didn’t have any. You’ll know when it gets closer to the time because your body will start having frequent bowl movements… enough that you think you ate something. Lol. Mucus plug should be during or right after that within a day or two, if you even see it. Babies within 1-2 weeks later depending.
Everyone is different. You can have alot or very little
I mean, that seems like a good thing. My first two pregnancies were hell compared to my second two. Stress, health, diet, lifestyle were the differences for me.
I have had 6 children each pregnancy WAS different. I only lost my plug with #3
Had none at all. Lost my mucas plug when they broke my water in the delivery room
I noticed more discharge in the beginning of pregnancy (usually how I knew I was pregnant each time because of the consistency) but it lightened up towards the end.
3 babies no discharge & lost plug with one. All natural birth. No two pregnancies are the same. Speak to midwife if concerned.
With both my girls 1st a lot in the beginning but nadda at the end. 2nd little 2 none…with my 2nd I said I’m SO done with having babies. I had “morning” sickness 24/7 til I was 6/7 months a long. She was So rough on my body. I’m so glad I’m fixed.
one baby and no discharge in the last trimester, I never seen my mucous plug fall out either.
Never had any in both my pregnancies
With all 3 of mine, currently 38 weeks with my third child, I have had very little discharge
Every pregnancy is different. Your discharge literally means nothing. As long as it isn’t green you shouldn’t even be keeping track of it.
I didnt discharge with either of my children I didn’t realize that was thing one would worry about Until my plug came out, I had nothing going on down there for three trimesters
I had no discharge with my pregnancy. Doctor said it was fine.
I didn’t. I wouldn’t worry - there is just such a huge range of normal. Talk to your ob or midwife and let them know you’re concerned.
I had it with my 3rd and 4th pregnancy my doctor told me it’s normal as long as it has no odor or blood but to be on the safe side and ease your mind call your dr and ask for reassurance
Never had that except when the plug came out? But best thing to do is call and talk to the nurse or make an appt to be checked. Good luck on your upcoming delivery! Congrats on the baby prayers everything goes great for you!
My first pregnancy I only lost the mucus plug the day before labor. I didn’t experience discharge.
This pregnancy with twins I’m at 28 weeks and I had already lost a chunk of my plug. It’s different every time sometimes
I lost my mucus plug pretty early with my 1st child and no discharge afterwards and did not loose my mucus plug until labor time with my daughter and had no discharge throughout the pregnancy. Listen to your gut and consult with you doctor if you are truly concerned.
Every single pregnancy is different. It happens. If your really concerned talk to your OB at your next appointment
I would call your doctor if you are worried. Every woman and every pregnancy is different.
I didnt have alot of discharge when I was pregnant.
I never had any discharge. 4 Pregnancies.
It’s normal I had it with my 3rd baby, as long as your not spotting you’ll be fine. Your getting closer to labor that’s all.
Until i was induced at 40 weeks there was NOTHING!
I only had some when I lost my plug and that was it!
I didn’t have discharge until my plug came out
I had none until I was in labour with all three babies
I had 5 kids and never had any at all.
Only when the plug was coming out other wise nope
I don’t rember haveing alot with eaither of my babies, deffently not enough to have to wear a pad or liner and never had chunks of anything.
Everyone is different. If you feel fine, baby is still moving and everything feels fine I wouldn’t worry about it. If you are worried you can go right into the ER and they will check you out no hesitation for your worries
Pregnancy is different with every baby. My water broke for my first, and it didn’t for my second. I was sicker than a dog with my first and barley got sick at all with my second. Every pregnancy and every baby are different.
I never had any discharge when I was pregnant
My god. Is nothing PRIVATE??? TF
With my first I had so much discharge! But with my second I didn’t. Every pregnancy is different. Also, my first was early and my second didn’t want to come out so maybe that’s why I didn’t have as much discharge.
I didn’t have any with either of my pregnancies. Had both at 39 weeks
I never did with either of my pregnancies. Two healthy girls
Its really as simple as, every pregnancy is different. You can not compare each one.
I never had any discharge. Lost my plug right before labor.