Pros and cons of having tubes tied during your c section?

I’m currently 26 years old, and I’m pregnant with my 2nd child. I’ve had three pregnancies total and had nothing but complications; I also have a stepson who is nine months younger than my son. My husband and I do not want any more kids. We already agreed to this, and he was going to go get a vasectomy, and two weeks later found out I was pregnant with baby #2. I was wanting to ask my doctor about having a scheduled c-section and having my tubes tied. I was wanting to know the pros and cons of doing that and some of y’all experiences. I also have a huge! Cyst on my ovaries that’s been causing issues, so I need to ask my doctor about that as well not sure if they would remove that during the c-section.


I have three kids under 3 and am only 23. All of my kids were planned and I was married before we started having them but I knew if baby three was a girl I was done. Between pregnancies and nursing all so close together I couldn’t picture doing it again. I had an emergency c section with baby two so going into my pregnancy I knew I would have a c section. I asked to get my tubes tied and they said maybe not because of my age. I ended up getting it done and couldn’t be happier about my choice. I am only 6 weeks postpartum. My heart and hands are so full.

There is such a thing as tubaligation syndrome. It’s like any other medical procedure, some times it’s the best thing and sometimes it’s the worst!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Pros and cons of having tubes tied during your c section? - Mamas Uncut

What does you being pregnant have anything to do with your husband not getting his vasectomy?

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Pro no birth control Con omg the cramping and bleeding is horrible

I had mine done at the time of my c-section. I think if you’re done having kids It’s a good time to do it. Cons… make sure you don’t want any more. I kinda wished it had one more… now that I’m older and my kids are older I’m glad I did it, but soon after I regretted it.


Cons periods at first can be rough and cramps are rough but dont have to worry about getting pg its a slim chance

I had a cyst on my right ovary and they removed it during my C Section. It depends on the doctor and the size/ease to remove it, if they can/will.
If you both discussed not wanting more kids, then you should discuss who should get their supply cut off - and let me say, I’ve heard it’s easier to reverse a vasectomy than it is the tubes. I could be wrong, just what I heard.

I had mine done after my second pregnancy and it was so worth it for me. No birth control and if we really wanted more kids we could still do IVF. Wouldn’t get a c section just to have it done but mine was already a scheduled C so I just have my tubes removed since that is the preferred practice now.

Pro …no contraceptive… but still use birth control for at least another 6 months after you ties your tubes
Cons…Nothing really…every woman body not the same.
As for the cyst You need to go for test…it’s scary could be cancerous .
The best to do is to the laser

I had my tubes tied during my c section. No point in getting cut open twice. I had no complications after and was walking later that day. They closed my incision with glue and it’s been fine ever since. My scar area was numb for about a year but it didn’t bother me at all. This was over 7 years ago when I was 30 and I’ve been fine ever since.

My sister had her son in November the day before my bday. They scheduled a c-section because she also had a large cyst on one of her ovaries. They removed this bad boy (apparently one of the largest they’ve seen) and saved her ovaries. So yes, they absolutely can remove it during the c-section, and my thought has always been, if you’re already cut open, why not? Get it done in 1 go.


First of all make sure you speak to your doctor as some are not keen on steralizing someone so young. I got steralized when I was having my 3rd during the c section and honestly I was sore for 3 weeks and heavy bleeding for 6 weeks. Couldn’t cough or laugh let alone walk around my house for weeks. It was excruciating for me. 6 months later and im glad I had it done. 3 kids is plenty! Lol good luck

Post tubal ligation syndrome. And the dr doesn’t even let you know that this is a thing, typical.
But yea. Reading on that changed my mind quick.

I had mine done right after my 3rd and final c-section. I didn’t have bad bleeding or cramping like some say they have. My advice would be yes you may not want anymore kids but you are only 26 and you have no idea what the future holds. I would look into other options first. A tubal is very final. I was 38 when I done mine. And I have 3 children 19,12 & 2

I had tubal ligation during c section with my 5th baby 7 weeks ago… so far I haven’t had any complications or added issues other than typical c section healing

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I had my tubes tied after my third c-section. Never regretted it. You definitely know you don’t want anymore.

Make sure your hospital isn’t like catholic…my delivery hospital won’t do it there so we have to go and get it done somewhere else

I had mine during my c section its way easier, but ask for the metal clips instead of cut an burn method, im glad my doctor told me about it

I had my tubes removed. I wouldn’t say my periods are any different. One thing to keep in mind is make sure that the hospital you’re delivering at supports litigation and tubal removal. I had to change hospitals at my last month of pregnancy because the hospital I was originally at was Catholic affiliated.

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No cons only pros here! I loved it and havent regretted a thing.

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Ya know I have had 3 c sections and I would not wish that pain on anyone. Natural child birth is way easier. They can still tie your tubs after. But just to have a c section is totally not worth it. I pray you don’t have to go through that problem. Just my opinion. It up to you though.

I had to have a csection with my 4th, also had a 5x5x4 cyst on my ovary as well! Hence why they did the csection they didn’t want it to twist or burst during labour. Got my tubes removed at the same time, as well as the cyst. All done in one shot. Natural is much easier yes with recovery etc but if you have the cyst that needs to be removed and u want to get fixed might as well do it all in one shot!

I got mine tied at 26 during a scheduled C-section having my second child. I know I wanted a bit and a girl and that’s what I was getting. So I made the decision along with their father. I did regret after we split up. But now that my kids are teens I can’t imagine starting over with babies. As much as I miss them. I had a friend that wanted her tubes tied after she had her 3rd baby. But she was only 25 and they wouldn’t do it.

Better off going with the vasectomy unless you already need the c section anyway.

I know someone who had done at time of cesarean and was pregnant few months later. Gynecologist said while pregnant tubes are size of your finger . Not pregnant size of ink pen refill . Which is why Dr recommended to wait til first menstrual cycle then do it

I had a c-section with my 3rd child and they tied my tubes. Never had a problem. I was 25 at the time. Had to sign alot of paper work for them to do it. Only because i was so young.

Don’t get your tubes tied I’ve had nothing but horrible periods

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I had my tubes tie during a scheduled c-section after my 4th child it’s been 11 months and so far I been doing fine

Ok I’m sorry but Ive never had any pregnancy complications at all so I wouldn’t be able to give advice but I can’t help to notice you said you have a 9 month old step son who’s younger than your son and your married? Does anyone else notice this or? I’m sorry, but I just so happened to notice you wrote that. :flushed::flushed:

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I had my 4th kid Thanksgiving morning. It was a scheduled c section and tube removal. Ive had nothing but c sections, i feel like i was a little more tender than normal, but other than that, all good

Had my tubes litigation done during 5th csection… no complications with healing… but very heavy periods since then…

I’m 29 and they are doing tubal ligation when I have my c-section. This will be our third boy and both my husband and I do not want any more kids. He was willing to get a vasectomy but I have to get a c-section anyway so the doctor is doing everything at the same time. I had a cyst on my ovary with my first pregnancy and they were able to take it out during the c-section.

I had mine tied after c section and no issues. If they’re already in there may as well. Saves you from a second surgery and the discomfort that follows. If for some reason a c section doesn’t happen then definitely revisit your husband getting a vasectomy. Less invasive, less pain and less recovery time. Just a thought.

I waited 3 months after my son was born to have my tubes cut, tied and burnt and that was a huge mistake. The pain was horrible, much worse than natural childbirth in my opinion. And yes it made my periods horrible. Lots of painful periods after they was tied. But everyone’s body is different. Prayers for you on whatever you decide. :pray:

I never had a c-section however my periods were horrible after it for a few years. I had shooting pain in my legs. I could stand. Also I felt like my you know what was gonna fall out :laughing:. Anyways q few years later it got better but my feet still hurt for the first few days.

I got mine done but I had my 3 Rd daughter natural and two months later had tubes done and the day off hurt and the next day I was sore but third day I was up and moving around like always

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Pros and cons of having tubes tied during your c section? - Mamas Uncut

Its easier while theyre in there


It’s easier for them to do it with a c-section

Wife did great had 5th csection nov 2 an tubes tide baby was born at 10 44 am was walkinf at 5 30 pm

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Having my tubes tied fucked up my hormones and periods so bad.

I had my tubes removed during my last csection. The recovery was no different. They did find a cyst they removed while they were in there too. The benefit to doing it at the same time is that they’re already in there and you’re already facing a recovery. If you did it later you would have another week long recovery to go through and everything that goes with it, child care, taking meds for pain, risk of infection, etc

I had my tubes tied on my 4th c section. Was absolutely fine. Only problem i have now is really heavy periods :roll_eyes:

I had mine tied while I had my 2nd C-section and I was 32. I had my first via C at 27. I knew I was done having kids and it was easier while they had me open to do it then.

Had mine tied and had a cyst the size of an orange removed. I was 36 though, not sure if the doctor will advice to do at such a young age.

However, explain the pain cysts cause and how you want it all done at the same time to avoid future surgeries.

The only thing I experienced was heavier periods and that lasted longer as well.

Good luck! :pray:

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If you don’t need a c-section, I wouldn’t go through it. That’s major surgery! I would talk to your doctor and tell him if you need one then fine, tie your tubes while you’re in there. But if you can do it naturally? It’ll be a easier healing process. Men’s vasectomies are a lot easier for the man to recover from - he’s only out of commission a few days compared to your 6 weeks!!

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I got mine done about 2 months ago. My first period I bled alot and the cramps were painful. This was my 4th csection, 5th pregnancy. Keep up on ur pain meds! It seriously helps. You’ll feel the difference of pain. My right side hurt alot more than my left side. I’m a single mom so I did alot as I have 4 kids now try and rest as much as possible. My first period after lasted about a week.

I had my tubes tied after my 3rd baby was born by my 3rd c-section. Lots easier when they’re already in there! Doctor also had the ability to check for adhesions from previous c-sections that I was having issues with near my c-section scar.

Check the laws in your state too. I know women who tried to get their tubes tied after 2 children in NJ and we’re denied because of their age and didn’t have 3 surviving children. But having 2 in 1 surgeries is less down time and you recover from both at the same time

There is no cons , its like getting a 2 for one deal and its better to have it done with your c section instead of having it done later, skip the unnecessary steps and pain .


Most doctors hesitate to do it on younger patients


That’s how I did mine… easy peasey

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Thats how I did mine and it was easy. I was already healing from a csection

I had my last child naturally and then had my tubes tied 6 weeks later…2 small half inch cuts in the public area…2 week light duty…very easy these days

I had mine tied at 23 after 2nd pregnancy. Delivered vaginally and had tubes tied the next day. Continued having issues and had an endometrial ablasion at 28. Do what you feel is best for you and your health. Get a 2nd opinion if you are still unsure. Best of luck to you

Had mine done during c csection no problem! It was an emergency c section but had planned on tubes being tied.

Husband should have a vasectomy right after you have the baby.

Push for him to still do the vasectomy ASAP. Why would he even have canceled the preparation for that? It is so much easier for men to get vasectomies. They should take the proverbial bullet every single time.

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How I did mine… no regrets… C Section with a Tubal much easier recovery…

I had a c-section with both of my kids. I knew I only wanted two kids and my doctor tied my tubes while I was already on the table and opened up for my second child’s birth. Immediately after her birth, he proceeded to tie my tubes. Highly recommended doing it this way if you know you do not want anymore kids.

Get it done that way. I had mine done and I no issue

At least you can heal it all at the same time, if you schedule the procedure for another date you may have further complications.

I had my sterilization at 23 and haven’t had any complications. I did struggle after the sterilization because all my births were vaginal so I never had any type of operation so I didn’t know what to expect but I do not regret the sterilization. It gave me peace of mind it would be nice if your husband had a vasectomy as well but if you are sure you do not want any more kids than it really shouldn’t cause any differences of course verify with Dr because of the cyst you already have. The key here is how sure you are of not wanting any more children.

Had a a-section & tubal ligation at age 27 - no issues, no regrets.

Jazhr Hansen maybe you could give this mum some insight ? X

Con for me with this is I had c section and then also tubal ligation day 1 all good day 2 ok still day 3 felt like someone took to my lower abdomine with a baseball bat! Paaaaaain! When I told the nurses they said it’s very normal and common man it was so sore! Like took my breath away sore! That day was the worst. Also I have very very very heavy periods now which I take medication for to slow the bleeding otherwise basically I can’t go anywhere those days!! A lot of my friends who have had it done also have experienced these type of symptoms. So much blood with periods and paaaaaaain! I don’t regret it because we are done making little people but I wish I was properly informed of what could happen!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Pros and cons of having tubes tied during your c section? - Mamas Uncut

A lot of my friends complain how horrible their periods go. We went the the vasectomy route.

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Worst decision I ever made

I was going to do this but because I had state insurance they wouldn’t do a scheduled c section. They wanted me to do it separate like 8 weeks after giving birth.

Be sure it is what you really want. I did it at 27 with 2 girls and a stepson who was 4 months older than my oldest. We made the decision based on my complicated pregnancy and out family at the time. Fast forward we separated when our daughter was 3. he is now married and expecting I will be married in October. Super happy for them… however I have had some very sad moments in the last 4 .5 years about not being able to have another child. Especially when other people I’m close with are having more children.


I didn’t have an issues having my tubes tied. At times I do have regrets though. It is a permit decision. So as long as both of you agree, enjoy every moment of your pregnancy and birth. Make memories and tie the tubes.

Let him get a vasectomy. I heard horrible things about periods after


I had it done. It made my periods heavier and more painful. I’ve heard the same thing happening to serval people. My daughter included

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I did this. Had a scheduled c-section then tubal immediately followed. I have no complaints other than my periods did get a little rough. Cramps got a little worse and it goes longer than it used to but its nothing unbearable. Other than that I’ve had no problems. Im happy with my decision :blush:

24 and completely and totally regret mine. I’ve had nothing but issues since it’s made my cysts 10x worse. I’m in pain constantly. Its 9000 out of pocket to have removed just because of pain. It’s messed up my cycles so bad im having to STILL be on birth control. And I just lost my tube and ovary due to one of the clamps

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Had tubes tied with 2 Nd csection had no problems

I had my tubal during the c-section. I had no issues other than slightly heavier periods occasionally

I had my tubes tied during my c-section and I have been just fine ever since. I was 38 at the time.

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I got my tubes tied after my second child during a c section and I haven’t had any issues.

I had mine done with my last c section and recovered normal. Plus I was high risk and can’t have pain meds

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A lot of the times people think their periods are worse after a tubal ligation, but it’s usually because before that they were on some sort of birth control that helped manage those symptoms, so it’s typically the lack of birth control and not the actual procedure that causes those changes.


I had my tubes tied when I was 27, I was married at the time In an abusive relationship, I left my husband and met someone else and had a reversal operation and went on to have 2 more babies… I never had any issues when my tubes were tied and they were tied for 10 years

I had a tubal during my third csection in February. I’m 26. Haven’t had any issues with my periods being any different.

I had complications with my second pregnancy and had my tubes removed 3 months ago during my c-section and have not had any issues. No I was not done having children but it was a life or death decision we had to make. If you know in your heart you are done.

I had my tubes tied during my last c-section and my periods only got worse after that. I had a ablation also that was a waster and than a hysterectomy

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My dr has set up my induction for a vaginal delivery, and set an OR for the next day to go in through my belly button, to burn and tie my tubes. Is there a medical reason for c-section? She also have me option of an outpatient procedure at 6 weeks postpartum where she would just cut the tubes completely out.

I wish i would of 5 years ago during my last c section. Now I’m thinking it’s an entire other surgery when i could of just had it done while i was already open. My husband says he’ll get fixed but its been 5 years… So I’m thinking he’s to chicken to do it lol

Im 8 weeks pp an had no issues i got my tubes removed during my c section

Do not do it. I got my tubes tied with my c-section 6 years ago when I was 25 years old at the time I was 100% sure I did not want anymore children but now six years later I’m 31 and I regret it. I wish someone back then told me that you truly do not know what you will want in the future.

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I was told I couldn’t get them tied without permission from my husband. He didn’t agree. So I couldn’t get it done.


Speak to your dr. I had a tubal ligation with a c-section and no problems but, everyone is different.

I was told I was to young to decide I’m 28 I’ve had 2 kids via c section and my doctor basically said I have to keep asking till I’m 30 before they will do it for me cause I was hoping they would tie my tubes when my son was born

I had my last born and had a size of a grap fruit on my left ovary & complicated pregnancies aswell. On my 4th child 3 pregnancy’s my last one I had my c-sections had my cyst removed & had my tubes tied all at once. I was okay

I delivered a boy last July via c-section. I asked for my tubes to be tied but they told me they would remove my tubes. I have a history of huge cysts to both ovaries. They removed the tubes and both cysts. The cysts were so big the nurse thought the doctor removed my ovaries too. I have had horrible cramps and my monthly went from spotting 2 days to bleeding my guts out for a minimum of 5 days. The pain I had after was bad but I’m glad I had it done.

I got my tubes tied in my early 30s after 3 live births, 3 miscarriages, and one ectopic pregnancy. I also had cysts on my ovary. My period has always been rough… but I didn’t want to go thru any more hell. Best decision I’ve ever made.

When my tubal was done it was a month after - thanks paperwork- but I singed a release so when they opened me up, if they saw something alarming, they could address it while I was still under.

Got my tubes tied after my 4th daughter durning my c-section, I had a really bad sadness afterward, a few years ago I looked into tubal reversal, since I’m divorced now and with someone younger who has no children. But time has gotten away from me I’m 48. No more babies for me, tho I do look at friends who have little kids and I take comfort in I can’t have any more. Sort of glad I had it done durning my
C- section…