I’m thinking about home schooling my son when the time comes , any moms home school there children ? What are the pros and cons ? How does it work per say ? I’m new to this & it’s a new thought between my husband and I ! Because of all of the violence going on in this world ! My husband brought this to my attention about home schooling !
Homeschooling is amazing. I love it. I have so much more time with my children<3 They receive a far greater education as well. I would encourage you to look up your states requirements. It would also be helpful to reach out to different homeschooling groups on Facebook that are stationed in your area. They will likely be able to provide a weath of knowledge regarding homeschooling in your state. It’s also wonderful to have that support when first starting out, as well as throughout your homeschool journey. You’ll likely find a few good friends as well. Often these groups will plan field trips and study groups together as well. good luck, Mama!
I love it. It’s our first year, and I’ll say it’s so much better and more relaxed than public school. My kid is so excited about learning, and is retaining it all because we’re going at his speed.
Every state has different requirements. I loved it because my son got more one on one attention. He wasn’t a traditional learner. He had intellectual disabilities. He couldn’t remember anything from books but he could remember everything he did with hands on experience. The ability to learn anywhere and design curriculum that worked for his needs was great too. We weren’t restricted to a classroom. He could learn at the park, zoo, library and anywhere else he wanted to go. We even did a few lessons at the court house.
Some kids need strict structure and some kids need to be able to explore to learn because sitting still for 8+ hours a day isn’t possible for them. I would suggest going with your child’s needs.
Join some homeschool groups on Facebook close to your area!
Homeschooling is amazing. The public school system is so bad. The first place you should start is looking up and understanding the state laws. Don’t go to the school bored. They don’t always know the laws. After that everything will fall into place. Also, it can be pretty much free if you look in the right places.
It’s best to talk to the education department in your state
What the requirements are
Raising your kid in a bubble isn’t going to help prepare them for adulthood
I am a former public school yeacher who homeschools my children. Pros are you are flexible in what you learn, schedule, you can start in summer and go year rou d with longer breaks, take vacations at non-peak times. Another pro- my kids are able to talk with, interact, and carry on conversations with all aged children and with adults, they aren only always around same aged peers for interactions. It promotes a love of lifelong learning, when I learn right along side of them. My 6th grader is able to.do 8th grade ELA, 7th grade math, and everything else kn grade level. I teach to their level i do t have to hinder their learning. I am in charge of what they learn and what values and morals we instill. We are very much nature based people and do a lot of exploration of nature and discovering species of plants and animals that are native to our region and write about them. They are still socialized with sports, activities like trail life and american heritage girls, as well as we are very involved in activities at our local church. Library and community. We turn everything into learning. They are learning life skills. They each pick a recipe each week, make a budget, and use thr recipe to make a dinner 1 time a.week, they are 10, 11, and 16. They also are learning how a household works and my 16 year old helps.with the monthly budget. We are done most days by lunch time which frees up our afternoons for outside time, documentaries, exploring their individual interests, and chores. Its very freeing.
Remember you arent trying to recreat school at home, its an entirely different thing you are doing.
I currently homeschool my kids. I have graduated 2 from school and have 3 in elementary level. It really depends on your state requirements, but there are so many homeschool methods that every family can find something that fits their lifestyle.
If you choose home school always find a group , sport , some type of activity to interact with kids and adults, so many invaluable skills.
Pros: homeschoolers learn to socialize with people of ALL ages, which teaches empathy and understanding. They learn to do things and are not limited to time frames. Which will allow them to take jobs with odd hours or create business that works FOR them. I homeschooled 5/6 of my kids and they are amazing, lifelong learners with pretty good social lives! #teamhomeschool
Home schooling cons: the child does not learn how to socialize and fit in with others. The child does not learn doing things as directed in a set time frame. The child is kept from learning how to make friends socially and have an awkwardness in doing so. My oldest daughter home schooled all her kids until this year when she let the 2 youngest go to public school. They have an entirely diffrrent petsona and social interaction than the oldest which is more relunctant to interact.
If you can connect with another daily and each bring a specialty to the group, it is terrific! My kids all grown.
Go for it my sister did with her 4 kids
If you are at home , not working it can work. There are tutor programs if needed and co-ops to do group programs. And you can teach your values!
I homeschool 2 and the other 3 go to public school. I think it’s great. Mine are to the age that we let them choose what they wanted to do. My 2 high schoolers wanted to be homeschooled it cost 25.00 a month per kid so we don’t mind. If you do decide try powerhouse homeschooling
We had to pull our daughter out of school(she was in 8th grade). We decided to enroll her into an online public school, we got so many benefits of home schooling(time with her and the freedom to travel ect) without worrying that she was not getting the education she was going to need. She spent about 2 hours a day(M-F) on her school work, the rest of her time we did what we wanted. If you are interested message me for more information.
Every family has their own specific reason based on the needs of your child. We love it, she looks forward to the flexibility of it but still knows what our schedule is during the week and what days we do specific subjects. She has intense sensory issues, with paper and clothing etc and school was becoming a struggle for her, and I knew we had to make a change (on top of the world we live in today) but the one on one and working through things together and at her pace have really helped her. We are working through her sensory issues slowly that she wouldnt be able to get help with so closely in a large classroom. We are extremely organized because I stay on top of all of her stuff. Our state requires a binder with everything she learns that can be checked at any point so I stay on top of each subject and at the end of the week once completed it goes from folder to binder. And for socializing you can always join your local homeschooling Co op! Their are Facebook groups that you can join local to you! Ours meets on Wednesdays!
Join a homeschooling group on FB
Not really a question for Facebook, but from my experience I’ve known people who were homeschooled and it truly depends on the parent. Some turned out to be amazing individuals with goals and aspirations and then there were those that were brainwashed and displayed cult like behavior (some have been incarcerated and/or have horrible drug addictions) I feel it truly depends on what type of parent you are and what your state allows
Just do it k thru 12 we r doing it now because of the same things teachers don’t get paid so now they don’t care best to do it yourself good luck and God bless
We do an online public school (K-12) and it works for us.
Homeschooling is the best.there are a tons of home schooling groups,just do a google search
Talk to ones that has been home schooled. Pros and cons.
Check the Moore Academy. 40 years ago Dr Raymond Moore was the developer of the first actual Home Schooling Co.
Check out our several websites and just ask questions
Make your decision based on your own opinion- not those of people around you and people on Facebook. Do some research. You can get good online programs for home schooling. They won’t suffer if they aren’t mingling with “society”.
When the time comes and with all the violence in the world…
I am a former public school yeacher who homeschools my children. Pros are you are flexible in what you learn, schedule, you can start in summer and go year rou d with longer breaks, take vacations at non-peak times. Another pro- my kids are able to talk with, interact, and carry on conversations with all aged children and with adults, they aren only always around same aged peers for interactions. It promotes a love of lifelong learning, when I learn right along side of them. My 6th grader is able to.do 8th grade ELA, 7th grade math, and everything else kn grade level. I teach to their level i do t have to hinder their learning. I am in charge of what they learn and what values and morals we instill. We are very much nature based people and do a lot of exploration of nature and discovering species of plants and animals that are native to our region and write about them. They are still socialized with sports, activities like trail life and american heritage girls, as well as we are very involved in activities at our local church. Library and community. We turn everything into learning. They are learning life skills. They each pick a recipe each week, make a budget, and use thr recipe to make a dinner 1 time a.week, they are 10, 11, and 16. They also are learning how a household works and my 16 year old helps.with the monthly budget. We are done most days by lunch time which frees up our afternoons for outside time, documentaries, exploring their individual interests, and chores. Its very freeing.
Remember you arent trying to recreat school at home, its an entirely different thing you are doing.
Cons: non homeschool parents/people not understanding youre kids can be socialized and motivated to work. The scrutiny you will recieve.
Not just the violence in the world its what these governments are allowing to be taught in schools that they can now identify as cats and dogs pushing their Agender on our children hasn’t happen yet in the schools my kids go to so when I start seeing rainbow signs and books that a 8yr old shouldn’t be reading I’m pulling them out Lol
Homeschooling isn’t good !!! Your kids will only learn what you want them to learn and what you only know
Pro is that you can avoid a lot of bullshit that public school has, and even some private schools. Make your own schedule. Go at your pace.
Cons are if you are an idio+ then you are going to screw your kids up so bad. lol
Use easypeasyonline home school it’s free. You can print out or order the workbooks
In today’s world it would be good. Our kids education suffers because of all the non English speaking kids filling our schools.