Punishments for a child with ADHD?

"What are some creative punishments for a 10+ year old(bonus points if it works on an ADHD kid)? I’ve tried redirecting, taking away electronics, time outs, can’t go out and play and I can’t get thru to my daughter. Simple chores as putting away the folded clothes, putting dirty clothes in the hamper, picking up the bathroom after using it are apparently an impossibility and I can’t figure out how to get thru to her. As a 10 year old I don’t think I expect too much from her and I want to be able to trust her doing the simple tasks.


It’s hard for them to focus on a major task give him one small task like fold 5 shirts and start a sticker chart every week if he gets certain amount of stickers he gets a treat… worked for mine

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My sons almost 9 with adhd and getting him to help around the house at times is hard. I find breaking tasks into smaller chunks helps (tidy your room is broken into, sort dirty washing, make bed, put toys in boxes ect) as for punishment we take away gaming for big things and sent him to his room for smaller things. It just about sticking to it and not giving in. Also routine is key.

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My son is almost 30 and holds a job but has been a struggle since day one. He hates it but I count. Soo ok you have 5 soda cans and 3 dirty plates 4 items of dirty laundry,your trash is full. So for example on that one 4nthings need done. Work on sweeping and mopping next day.

Try a visual chore chart and break down tasks into separate components. Be flexible about when they complete the task. Consequences can be no wifi, tv, friends etc or even adding additional chores. Offer rewards (money, choosing dinner, extra time on electronics or staying up a little late). Adhd kids tend to be more forgetful so give an occasional reminder . You can also let her pick what chores she wants to be responsible for every week.


Ahh flashback to being a kid with ADHD with a mom who thought I was just lazy… You can’t punish away disabilities, to this day I struggle with a lot of things, especially putting things away. Put a checklist in the bathroom etc for her to look at, but she may forget it’s there and need reminded.


You need to get on her level. You need to realize her brain can only handle so much at 1 time. I know it’s hard, I have 2 kids with it. I give them a list of things that needs to be done for the day, And it really helps. Your a kickass mom, remember that!!!

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