Quck breakfast ideas for kids?

Parents that have to leave early in the morning and have to wake their kids just to leave the house… what is your grab and go breakfast for your kids?


My kids love frozen Waffles popped in the toaster with cream cheese spread on. Very quick and tasty.

Premade breakfast burritos! Then heat and go!

Usually frozen waffles. Sometimes a fruit and grain bar. If I have time on the weekend I will make strawberry and blueberry muffins and sort them into baggies and they grab and go.

Go gurt, granola bar, dry cereal, muffins, Waffles, those snack pack things

Go gurt, mini muffins, nutrigrain bars, granola bars, cereal pouches, applesauce pouches, raisins, mini pancakes and sausage (microwaveable).

Egg bites with chopped peppers and turkey or sausage mixed in :slightly_smiling_face:

Breakfast sandwiches, fruit, gogurt, frozen Waffles, muffins.

Banana or apple…with a cereal bar or pop tart or muffin

Bagel with cream cheese. I buy the bagels from Panera (after school) only sliced, and put them in the toaster in the morning . I have a big container of cream cheese.Or buttered toast with cinnamon sugar.

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Following… For a picky ikkel miss who picky

Lol for us it’s junk🤣 usually poptarts, mini muffins, 3 pack of small donuts, or a granola bar.

(Frozen-premade)breakfast burritos/ breakfast pizzas/ breakfast quesadillas. Granola bars, premade pancakes/green eggs and ham or poptarts

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Peanut butter on a small tortilla wrapped around a banana.

Sliced apples and a bag of cheerios or some cheese cubes

Carnation instant breakfast in a thermos

Blueberry or chocolate chip muffin, butter croissant, banana

I make a ton of pancakes. Keep them in the freezer. Take out, toaster or microwave, done.

I use to make breakfast quiche in muffin pans, spray muffin pans with spray and just scramble eggs and add in ham, veggies, bacon or cheese… bake at 350 for v about 20 minutes. I made 2 trays and had leftovers. Breakfast quesadillas or wraps,

French toast and Strawberries

Mini muffins. Boxed juices. Bananas. Banana bread. Poptart

Yogurt pouch and milk. Dry cereal and milk. Chocolate oatmeal bar and milk.

She’s not a big morning eater but I try lol

Overnight oats

Frittata, side of fresh fruit

Whole wheat toast, eggs( boiled the night before)

Waffles/pancakes topped with fresh fruit.

Fruit smoothie, protein bar.

Cold cereal

For me it’s just cereal like weetbix or nutrigrain or whatever cereal we got or some yoghurt with with cut up banana or strawberries in a bowl

Steak egg and cheese bagels are a hit.

-buy a roast
-slice it into small thin slices
-lay on wax paper

Now all you have to do is take a few chunks out throw it in a pan next to some eggs and you have a 5 min meal

Yogurt with fruit cocktail.

I make pancakes the day before warm them in microwave for 30-40 seconds and a small bowl of fruit. I also get everything ready the night before, forks, plates, little bowl of fruit that way all I have to do is warm the pancakes take out the butter and we’re good to go