Question about child support

You need to keep on them otherwise they won’t do a thing


Let child support handle it. They’ll get it for you just reach out

Hate to say this; any chance he quit as soon as they said they were gonna start taking it out? It’s a known tactic to avoid paying

Get a job …working won’t kill you and you will be respected for it just saying

Call now cause they told me that and it’s been 3 months with no change
Stay on them

You still have time and once tax season comes around what he owes you will get taken out of his taxes and given to you just be patient

In Georgia there is only so much the child support office can do. My brother’s attorney would do a IDO with every employer my former sister in law had and as soon as the first deduction was made she would quit that job. She finally just stopped working. He went to the child support office and all they did was suspend her driver’s license and/or take her to court. Judges wouldn’t do much to females. :rage: Keep advocating for your kids!

Stay on top of them! Squeaky wheel gets greased!