Question about child support

Yall my BD hasn’t sent our two babies money in over a month. CS said the case won’t be officially open until September or August. My question is will he have to pay back everything that he doesn’t send? I’m real fed up with him. I at least thought he would do that for his kids. He hasn’t even asked to see them!! I’m just so frustrated!!


I’d be more worried about him not being a dad. Money isn’t sht. Everyone is broke right now. Why isn’t he seeing his kid? THATS what’s gonna impact your child. Not how far back his back pay goes.


Child support has been established in the Court? Or was it a verbal agreement between you two? (There are rare cases that this works out)

Try and get an attorney. Why isn’t the case open now? I

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He will have back pay. Although, depending on the state, you may never see a dime. My cousin is now owed over $50k and can’t get him to pay. Louisiana said they “can’t find him”. PA is better, they say they’ll throw them in jail but won’t. But it gets them to pay.

In P.A. it goes back from the date you filed the order. Why is it taken till Sept or Aug to start?

Eventually you will get paid but it won’t likely be on the day it was ordered. They will likely order an arrears additional amt on top of the order. If they don’t pay they may end up arrested but that doesn’t get you all the money in most places.

He will have to back pay from the date the case was filed usually. Nothing he pays directly to you will count through the support agency. If he can prove he’s been sending you money without a case or support order, they’re also less likely to make him back pay anything.

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If there’s a child support order currently in place he will absolutely have to send over every dime he hasn’t paid eventually or they’ll suspend his driver’s license, put him in jail, and/or intercept his tax return.


Yeah I go through dhhs for mine, so when he is working it comes out of bis paychecks. But that’s few and far between. Something I’ve learned early on, don’t depend on cs


Cs hasn’t done anything my x sperm donor owes me 67,457.89 good luck with child support I might get mine when o wait mine x says he won’t work due to child support

Yep. Back pay is a thing with child support. Or it was in my case.

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Depending on the state… in Florida you can go back to date of separation. So realistically he would owe you back pay right off the bat.

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Did csa do a child support assessment
On both your incomes ?
CSA can try to go after him for the arreas but may not be able
CSA can get the ato to with hold any tax refund
And give the money to you
In Australia so chances are it will be different in other countries)

Yes he will probably pay everything,just document and keep receipts well

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In the majority of cases of CS orders through the courts, back child support will be owed.

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If there is child support order he will. Some states even put you in jail for not paying.

In CO they only give arrears from the day you FILE for child support. Nothing before that.

Yes he will have to pay back
Child support from the
Time you
Signed up for

Should at the very least back date to the day you filed. In some cases it’s to when the baby was born.

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I’m in Ohio and our child support order went back to the day she was born and I got it in back pay.


In most states he will have to back pay :moneybag:

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I haven’t received child support ever…divorced 10 years ago…

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Have the courts take it out of his check.

It’s a never ending battle… I haven’t seen a penny in over 4 years and that was only bc of those stimulus checks they sent. Ours went back to the date I filed but I excused the arrears so he could start fresh hoping he would pay but we see how that went :roll_eyes:

I don’t care what mines do… u think I’m getting ready to stress or get frustrated that he ant doing nothing nope wouldn’t even do CS nope just keep going

We were in a custody battle for 4 years, in and out of court. The judge kept ordering status hearings, due to the other party making false accusations about the child’s health and needs. it was extremely costly. We went to mediation, nothing was accomplished as the other party refused to compromise on anything, I’m talking about no holiday time, no summer visitation, very little access and time with the child, the most ridiculous offers you could imagine. It took 4 years of that before a settlement was reached between attorneys emailing proposals back and forth, which was still costly. A friend recommended a group of highly secret servers for me, they deal with all legal papers works child custody/abuse/divorce support. and property management and can get into their cell phones to get you all deleted/non-deleted messages, call logs, videos, and social media messages from all drives without them noticing. you can contact them on their instagram@“dax_hackman” Email :

All I can say is you better hope he doesn’t apply for ssi and get approved. My ex didn’t pay his child support for 9 years was/is 60k in arrears and he had a open application for ssdi which he kept getting denied and they wouldn’t Persue as long as he had a open app. Well his mom let me know he got approved for disability and the children would now get a check off of him from social security, so I called them and they said he wasn’t approved for disability was approved for the welfare ssi and my children couldn’t get anything from him, and the child support enforcement sent me a letter a few days later saying that they could no longer enforce it and would close the case because he is on ssi (welfare income). So it is what it is I guess for me. I couldn’t even be mad, I was disappointed because his mother got my hopes up thinking I’d at least start getting something from ssi for them which woulda helped with groceries a ton.

I intentionally opted out of CS, I knew he wouldn’t pay it and I didn’t want to be stressed out or rely on it.
BEST decision I ever made!!!
Yes I struggled, I choose to live like he didn’t exist.


In most states, when child support is established, the non-custodial parent will start out in the arrears - typically beginning from the time the application for support was filed.

This is how it is in my state.


I get his tax returns on the years he’s really behind. The will still owe it, it doesn’t go away. Where I am they would take his license, passport and issue a bench warrant. But you have to be behind over like 5-10k to even get there.


That 100% depends on your state laws as well as what child support will ask the court for.

From what you are saying he doesn’t have an order and isn’t paying. Anything he pays without an order in some states is a gift.

You need to consult an attorney in your state or the child support attorney for specific information related to your specific situation.


Let him go, honey. You can’t make him want to love his children. It sounds like he dislikes you MORE than he loves them. That is a sad reality for many of us. Let him go and free up even more of your own energy to love those precious children. You got this!


Back pay will depend on what the order says. But honestly even with a court order, never rely on CS. Just because they’re told to pay doesn’t mean they will. My state is seriously lacking on enforcement


How is the case not open if you filed ? Or did you not file yet ?

Each state is different, but in my state (MS), arrears is a huge deal. And in my state, 3 months of no payments = suspended license. He will have the arrears added on top of his normal payment until he gets caught up. You may just want to call him and talk to him. Sometimes life can get hard but he still needs to take care of his kids. I work for DHS this is how I know a little about child support. Good luck!

My ex owes $132,000.00+! He went like 7 years without paying. He brought me to court for a reduction (in the support he wasn’t paying) & got an increase. They been talking it from his VA & SS disability, so the kids have been getting payments for about a year now. He’s NEVER been found in contempt. But has had his DL suspended.& other things like that

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It depends on the state, county, and judge honestly. Here in WI I was paid arrears even though I didn’t ask for it because I was on state insurance and so he had to be placed on child support and pay back to the date that I started the state assistance. Some have to pay back all the way to birth, other cases you may have no arrears and just start as normal.

Our divorce papers stated what my ex was to pay in child support (he was to directly pay me, not the court). I had proof when he did and didn’t cause he sent a money order and I always deposited it. When I put him on child support through the court, he was not required to pay what he was behind. He was only to pay from that day forward.

Surprised you haven’t had him thrown in jail like the rest of the mothers.

I’m in OH. Mine backed owed 25,000. CS started the day we separated when she was 5 and I filed. He just never paid. He was put in jail over nite and had his license taken one time made a payment got them back. Fast forward she is 31 and he owes 12,000 now. He files taxes and they take his refund but they keep it because I was on assistance when he didn’t pay and they get their money first. They kept 2 of his stimulus checks too. They just never enforced it or punished him for never paying.


Where I live (MT) you can be $1000s in back child support and they don’t do a damn thing about it. Once it’s established I believe they have to pay “back child support” from when you filed to the date it was approved.

im in ohio and i started cs when daughter was preschool age and he was paying regular and back cs off and on i officially did not get all my cs as in back support until my daughter was out of high school just a couple yrs ago and she is going on 29 and she was in her 20s by the time pd off early to mid 20s. also he was not working and if was working i had to locate his place of employment to get things going and have not seen or talk to in years i had to spy.

Yes he has to pay you all that back and I would file an agreements and give him into court even if you have to do Zoom cuz I’m not sure what state you’re in and what state the case is in

I’m sorry mama but my ex hasn’t seen our child in 4 years and hasn’t paid a cent in child support and we have everything on paper. :woman_shrugging:t2: Good luck to you though!

I have 2 child support orders. And my father to my children, doesn’t abide by either of them. I’m owed over $65000. I’ll never see a penny

Ask to speak with the County Attorney, see if you can find a private attorney that has free one hour consultations or go through an organization like Legal Aid for advice. Do not rely on information from a Facebook page as each person’s circumstances are different in a court room along with every state has different ways they handle Child Support. This is coming from someone who has been working in Child Support for over 16 years

In Indiana, its usually by date of petition filed, not the application. If there is an order already, then it’ll go into the arrears bucket and they can go to court for enforcement.

Yes most likely he will have to back pay…sad that he doesn’t want to see his kids but you’re most likely better iff if he feels this way and doesn’t

lol girl it’s taken me a year and a half JUST to get CS considered from the courts smh I’m still waiting on an official date for court

I haven’t seen any in 2 years! Let it go. Don’t rely on it to begin with.

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In OK here. I’ve been waiting like 3 years for child support. I filed right after my child turned one and have been fighting every since.

Good luck!! It will catch up with him eventually but my ex hasn’t paid child support in 6 years

Legally your BD could send $20 a month and as long as he shows up to show cause hearings he wont go to jail.

You can normally request back pay yes… since u started the process but court isn’t until then

Yes he will just write down the dates that he doesn’t pay keep track of it

It’s been 7 months for my x. He has a warrant for it but I still haven’t seen a dime.

He could stop working just so he doesn’t have to pay. Some do. Wouldn’t count on anything long term. I might suggest being more selective who you have a child with in the future.


Imagine caring about the financial neglect instead of the relationship your child lost.

Just go take care of your kids and don’t expect shit from him. My son’s dad doesn’t do shit. Doesn’t pay shit. And taking him for cs is useless at 62$ a month. not worth the time or struggle

A month? My best friend is going on 2 years and being owed 10k. Can’t make a dad be a dad.

And yet there is more than one by him. :neutral_face:

My kids dad hasn’t paid in years. I’m talking 20,000 behind.

I’m in Fl and they automatically start u 21 months behind

It will back date to the day you filed

Only one month and you’re already crying. :woozy_face: if it was just ordered it’ll take afew weeks to get the auto pay set up, plus depends on his pay periods. Wait till it’s been a year or more. One hasn’t paid in 4 1/2 years, owes $9k. And the other I’m lucky if I get $800 , he’s $14k behind. If there’s already a court order yea he will have to pay it eventually. But if there isn’t there is a chance they can say no to any back support. I hope you aren’t trying to live on it though and that why your upset cause you can pay w.e without it. Cause it is not a reliable ‘income’ and you should be working and provide financially for your kid too if you aren’t together.

Only if you sign for back pay

It’s only been a month. No big deal

Anything he pays without a court order is a gift. It won’t go towards child support. My ex tried that. He bought a pack of diapers, wipes & other items. (Then took them) He showed the receipt at the meeting. It didn’t count. Child support will go back to the first of the month you started the case. So if you applied for child support on may 5th, he’s ordered to pay $200 a month, your order is established in Sept he’s $1000 in arranges the minute the judge signs it.

Don’t agree to anything unless he shows his taxes & multiple pay stubs. Men trick the system easily. They will pressure & even try scaring you into accepting a settlement. But you don’t have to. Take it to court.

He will pay from day you filled

I’m ontario. We have FRO. They take his tax returns, benefits, report to the credit bureau, suspend passports, suspend drivers license and then jail. Mine hasn’t paid a cent in 5 years for our two boys. Works under the table, doesn’t file taxes etc. He’s behind 20k. Eventually it’ll catch up. Until then, support your kids on your own.

Do you really think he will? Don’t count on it.

Do you really want this type of person in your kids lives? Just make him pay support and be done with trying to make him be a father. He isn’t interested! That is a true DEADBEAT!!!

Yes, he will have to back pay.

Stop :raised_hand: reproducing :raised_hand: With :raised_hand: L O S E R S

Yeah. Have them also garnish his tax returns. :joy:

Yes you should . Have his wages garnished if you haven’t yet .

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Remember when he files his taxes they will usually garnish it if there’s back child support and will continue to do so until there’s no more arrears. Also keep on top of them (child support people)


Give them time. If he’s anything like my ex. As soon as child support starts taking money from his check. He will quit the job.


The payroll department at the company usually has so many days to complete the garnishment order to send back to child support to process. I would give it a little time and definitely follow up.


they have 45 days to do it

Wait for 2 more weeks and then contact child support agency again. You have to push them but wait their waiting time

Yes, call again! Also, ask for a revised payment from what he makes now

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Says 4-6 weeks. Usually you wait til the longer part ( 6 weeks in this case) if not payment after 6 weeks, you call

Mine ex quits after first check. You might be better doing family first. They will make him pay

I emailed my caseworker often while going through something similar. Not like every week, but every few weeks I would ask if there have been any changes or anything they needed me to do. At one point she sent me a very exasperated response where you could TELL she was absolutely done with the receivers bullshit. She apologized profusely since it was meant to go to my ex husband who kept acting like he didn’t know how to do anything lol go ahead and email a checkup if you’re worried but I would wait until another 1-2 weeks since that would put you at the end of their time line.

I’d wait at least 2 more weeks. They usually have a certain amount of time to execute an IWO and it’s going to depend on whether he gets paid weekly or biweekly for the first deduction. Then it has to process through the collection system and be dispersed.

How is your job search going? Or is child support supporting you too?


Since it’s been only four weeks right now, I’d give them a couple more weeks and then call.

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I would call on Friday and see if they have an info for you. Stay on them

I have lots of experience with child support issues. Unfortunately. Child support can only do so much. I had to get an attorney before much was actually done.

This screenshot is for New York State income withholding orders that are issued. I’m not sure what state that you’re in, but I’m pretty confident that it’s similar in nature. So depending on when the income withholding order was received by the employer versus the pay period and also how often the custodial parent is paid, it can take sometimes up to eight weeks for payments to start being received. I would allow more time.
Also, in New York State, the employer has seven days to remit the payment from the date that the non-custodial parent is paid. If the employer remits payment by mail, it would take more time for child support to receive the payment than it would if the employer remitted the payments electronically .

File a complaint with the court for failure to pay if it’s court ordered.
It may take 6wks. But, your should also be filing for back pay and to tag his social for payment when he changes jobs.

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I would keep reaching out on the exact day they told you to wait… my kids Dad didn’t pay for 8 months and I had to do this every 30 days for 3 months… and finally he’s paying again… unfortunately with child support you have to keep on them… but the process is slow…


Of course depending on location you can just go to the court house and file for none compliance of court order. Waiting for the child support office to do anything takes forever. He should have been paying before they started garnishing his check. My BD told his job he would quite if they took it out. So they didn’t. Child support office said there was nothing they could do. I would have to go to court and file myself.

Yeah!! Keep close to them

Hah good luck I don’t receive any child support payments either smh and I have 3 kids by the same fucking dead beat

There is no need to contact them again
It takes time to process the withheld wages and have them taken from employer and sent to you, the 3 to 4 weeks was just how long until they start that process
Everything is already set in motion and calling will literally be just a waste of their time and yours

I would say wait until he files those taxes :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: they gone get him

Most states have am intereste rate on back support. So I wouldn’t be too mad at it. Lol in kansas it’s a 10% interest rate. And I didn’t get cs for many years. Now this man is going to be paying me for the rest of his life.