Question about getting your tubes tied after a c-section

Hello! I just had my 4th c section and also had my tubes removed…. I’m curious if those who have their tubes removed noticed a longer healing period and if there was a difference once you got your period again….


I had a tubal during my 4th c-section. It didn’t effect my healing at all. As far as my periods they became more predictable just about to the day, far less harsh, and slightly shortened.

I had my 4th and final C-section last year on Feb with my tubes removed as well I didn’t notice anything different or anything but everyone is different. It all depends on how u handle pain and the period cramps some months are bad but not horrible

Yes. But it was because I wasn’t on birth control for the first time in 18 years.

After (during) my 5th c section, mine were removed. Idk if it was bc they were removed, but it was the most painful of all of mine. I have a high pain tolerance and I was MISERABLE for 3 months.

My period has been HORRIBLE since having my tubes out with my c section last January. It’s way worse than it ever was :frowning: my healing for the c section wasn’t affected by it though. I really don’t want to scare you. But I guess the periods being worse is pretty common after having tubes out ( though it can’t be directly linked)

My period was horrible and painful after my daughter. I got my tunes OUT and an ablation. Still awful. I was sick and could barely walk for a week during my period. They finally let me get a hysterectomy. I was on the operating table 10 months after my tubal. I had endometriosis. Hysterectomy was the best thing I have ever done. But they just won’t do it to do it. I tried before my tubal and they wouldn’t let me. So after my tubal I went back several months later complaining I was still in pain. That’s when they opted to do a hysterectomy.

I had a tubal with my 4th child - all c-sections.

The healing process wasn’t any different for me, since I had the tubal during the c-section, but everything that came after was hell! My periods progressively got heavier, longer and more painful.

I went from 3-4 day periods with normal bleeding and some light cramping to 7-10 periods, bleeding through pads and whole body pain. I dealt not only with cysts, but the cyst rupturing often.

After 6 years of dealing with it, I finally had an IUD inserted, which has helped significantly.

But if I could go back, I wouldn’t have gotten the tubal at all!

Had my tubes removed with my last c-section. Had horrible cycles. Ended up with a hysterectomy 5 years later!

Had my 4th dec 2016 with sterilisation. I breastfed so didn’t start them til I stopped and they took a while to even out. They’re more regular now but also slightly more painful and heavy

I had horrible horrible issues after tubal ligation multiple cyts two giant ones ruptured bleeding cyst into abdomen also causing ovarian torsion Twice !! In less the 3 months I lost both ovaries in 5 months I had a total hysterectomy and wish I never would have tied my tubes I never had any issue until after that procedure :pensive::persevere:
But it’s normally to have heavy bleeding as long as your not feeling faint bleeding threw a hair an hour filling it full and no fever blood pressure pulse good we regularly check those in my house manual is way more accurate then battery operated always look up the proper position to put arm ect so you get good accurate reading

I had my tubes removed with my last c section a year ago and I healed totally fine. The only difference in my periods now is that they are much heavier and recovery was exactly the same as my other c section, no difference there.

I had 5 C-sections and an ectopic lost a tube, then 2 years after my final C-section I had the other tube removed. Periods got pretty bad. (2 weeks, if heavy bleeding) but I had an ablation last year and it was the best thing I ever did. Periods are 1-3 days now and so light I just wear a liner or a light tampon.

I had a tubal(horrible period pain) and suffered for 6 years after it before getting a hysterectomy(best thing I ever did).