Can you be positive for Group B Strep in previous pregnancies but negative in current one?I was Group B Strep Positive with my previous 3 kids and had to be on an antibiotic but not this one I’m negative.
I was negative my first and positive with my second!
Yes! I was positive my first and negative my 2nd
Yup! Was positive in my first 2 pregnancies & negative in my last 2
I had it my first pregnancy but not my other 2 after that.
Been there. Some I was positive for some I wasn’t. So yes.
I was positive with my first and negative with my second. We’ll see with this one.
I was positive for my 4th one and omg my water broke early and anyways my poor baby ended up with pneumonia … be very careful and cautious if you ever think your water has broken get to a dr!!! This was 26 yrs ago he is fine but it was a very stressful time
I tested negative with my first 2 kids, positive for 3rd and negative for 4th but after my 2nd I had group A Strep which they don’t test for and almost died
You asked this yesterday in a different group and everyone was telling you yes.
I was positive the first pregnancy, negative for the second.
Yes. Was positive for first but not second pregnancy.
Happened to me too 3 of my kids then the 4th was negative
Yes, group b strep can show on a test one hour and be gone the next, depends on your body its not something you consistently carry