Question about jury duty

If you were summoned for jury duty and put in an exclusion due to having a breastfeeding baby and a toddler and no babysitter, how long did it take for them to approve it? Or did you have to go to jury duty anyways?

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I had to go in courthouse sign a paper stating reason I also had no babysitter they excused me from it

Just breastfeed the whole time and have a boob out literally the whole time. Then bring all kids also. Inconvenient and a hassle, but I’d be curious to how long it would take to be dismissed.

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Usually a day or 2 where I live

You have to go, doesn’t mean you will be picked…

U haft too go too the court

I just encountered this same thing. Maybe it depends on the county and/or state, but they said there were zero exceptions and I would have to attend.


It all depends on the state you are living in and if there are any exemptions they accept. You are required by law to do service so I would reach out to your local court and ask what they accept for excusals many will only postpone your service sorry.

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I mailed in a letter explaining the multitude of reasons I could not commit to jury duty and mailed it in. I received my letter of dismissal with in a few weeks.