Question about kids and ear infections

Does anyone have experiences with their kiddos and ear infections? My daughter is 8 and had her first one last year, then again and again. Every time she had a little cough or cold, her one ear ends up with sever pain and sure enough it’s red and infected. I hate that she had had to be on antibiotics every time. I just feel like it’s too many times on antibiotics for her little body. Help?! Advice to ease the pain? Experiences? Anything. My baby is up crying her eyes out from how bad it hurts tonight. I’ve given the max dose of Motrin but what else can you do?


You can heat up olive oil- just right above room temperature- and put a few drops in her ear.

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Water as warm as she can handle in a cup hold head to side and let the warm water ease the pain

I was told after 4 times a referral to ENT was a definite thing that was happening. Sure enough it happened to us and we ended up with tubes. They are a game changer since they help open up the ears and help the drainage actually drain out and keep the fluid away.

Ear candles work great if she will sit still

Depending on how many she’s had I’d go to an ENT and get a consult for tubes. SO quick to put in and helps

She needs to see an ENT. Campho phenique relieves ear Pai as well. I used it allot growing up dealing with frequent ear infections and ear pain

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May need tubes put in… heat can help resolve, Walmart also has numbing ear drops, or you can do liquid benzocaine used for toothaches as well it’s the same active ingredient. We had to get tubes for our middle daughter she keeps ear infections and recently had the flu that extended in an ear infection that ended up with a ruptured ear drum. The only relieve that kid could get was went we put benzocaine in her ear she could actually get some sleep. (Doctor approved ok for use, and I’m also in nursing school)

Ask her Dr about getting tubes.

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Sounds crazy, but put a piece of a clove of raw garlic in her ear & put some surgical tape on to hold it in place. It pulls out the infection. Change it every couple hours or when she wakes up. Especially good for while she sleeps.

Try kids homeopathics for earaches and give her acidophilus and garlic pills with meals or empty the garlic & acidophilus capsules in her food. It’ll start to rebalance her immune system.

Antibiotics kill all the bacteria, good and bad, and destroy natural immunities, so she will continue getting infections. Give her kids multivitamins too. After a year she should have no more ear infections.

My 7 year old is bad for them, she been sent home today. I know it’s every time she gets a cold and I would use ear drops to prevent it but she hates it. I’ve ordered one of those camera ear cleaner things see if that helps. It’s honestly so frustrating when my docs won’t do much, I’ve even taken her to urgent care and they just said it’s viral and nothing they can do

Make sure she cleans her ears after EVERYTIME water gets in her ears. I had the same problem and ended up having. Swimmers ear and since I’ve been cleaning them pretty much daily (not saying you have to go that far) I haven’t had any in the last couple years

My daughter is 2 and has had multiple ear infections since birth we r going to see an ENT this month !!

See an ENT. I had horrible ones constantly as a kid. They wanted to do a surgery that was going to be a 3 month healing of it. They tried adult antibiotics on me & that finally helped. I was like 10 on adult antibiotics. That’s how bad mine were.