Question about Pre-K

Prek registration for my kid is tomorrow at 4. I’m definitely going to be there on time, it’s first come first serve. But how early should I be there at would you say? Also I’ll have to bring my 1 year old he’s pretty antsy and doesn’t like staying still, any tips? Should I bring our stroller or is that too big?


I feel like responses can vary widely depending on your location and the school. Does the school,their PTA group or even the district have a Facebook page you could post this question to?

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Yes I would get there early, and definitely bring your stroller.

  1. definitely see if grandma or auntie is available to watch the little one for a little bit. worst case, stroller with snacks.

  2. i would make it a point to be there between 3-3:30. get in & get out.

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get there early yes stroller. and leave early depending on how close you are to the school.

We do a lottery here and it’s a big fuss and then everyone gets in anyways :roll_eyes:

Look into head start. They’d take both.

But if you can’t control your one yr old find someone to watch him. No one wants to stand in line for hours listening to a whiny kid.

First come first serve? Oh my goodness. I wish everywhere would get on the fact it should be for everyone