Question about pregnancy test results

Was wondering if anyone took a preg test and positive line showed up much faster and more prominent then the negative line & what was the outcome? Single, multiples?! In all my 6 pregnancies this has never happen!


My test line was more prominent than the first line. I only had one, I think levels of hormones can make the line darker but idk.

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It just means there’s more hormones in your body. Could be further along then u think you are

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Yh I missed period was further gone. 1 baby. Was on coil so didn’t know missed it but come up straight away.

There’s no such thing as a “negative line”

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Just had this at 4weeks Control line was almost gone I’m 8 weeks now I’ll now Tuesday how many are in there

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Same thing happened to me at 4 weeks im now 14 weeks turned out I was having triplets I later lost one and now I having twins

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Imma do this once sending 5 grand to the first
People to hmu with “TOUGH TIMES”
Cus i feel some people Going Though
Hard times Y’all stay Blessed

Just means your further along than you think you are or that ita multiples.
Just means high levels of hcg in your system