Question about sleep with a newborn

I am an avid safe sleeper. I wanted to make that known before this post. My newborn she’s 3 weeks old will not sleep anywhere but her mama roo swing. She was in the NICU for 2 weeks but since she’s been home she will not lay in the bassinet the first night she did okay but then the last three nights I have been going through it. I need help, I went and got the 4 moms rocking bassinet and that still isn’t helping someone please help. I’m so tired I can’t sit up she has an owlet I have been using in the swing but I still don’t feel safe so I can’t sleep and I’m losing it.

I had my daughter sleeping with my from more or less the time she came out of her Moses basket. She’s slept with me ever since and that was 11 years ago.
Any type of swing chair is not recommended for sleeping as there head can fall forward.
If you feel more comfortable with baby in your bed then go for it. Mama needs sleep x

First thing mama, take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back and remind yourself you are an amazing mom.

Now, you need sleep to be everything your baby needs from you. And it sounds like y’all had a rough start. If she is comfy, safe and sleeping… there is no wrong way to sleep. You are her mama and will do whst is best for her.

And any of you that feel the need to start attacking this new mom… take that :poop: somewhere else. No one cares about your feelings or opinions. This mama is asking for help, not judgemental garbage from people who probably did worse to their own kids.

Congratulations on your new baby girl, and just remember - you are doing a great job!

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So if she sleeps good in the swing which is inclined a little and she was in the nicu which they tend to incline the bassinets….im gonna say maybe incline the bassinet mattress just a little….roll up a receiving blanket and put in under the head of the mattress to create a slight incline


Same thing happen with my son. He was in NICU for 14 days. Brought him home and wouldn’t sleep anywhere but the bouncy chair. So that’s where he slept for about 2 months. I put it the play pin and put it next to my bed. I wasn’t about to try to fight a newborn on where and how to sleep.

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Get a heating pad and turn it on to get warm, then turn it off and lay her down. And rock the bed or bassinet.

My son liked sleeping in the floor. So I threw comforters down and had a barrier around them and I curled up with him on the floor. Took a few months and he was good