Question for moms who had their gallbladder removed

Did anyone with gallstones have constant pain in there upper back/shoulders, and both quadrants? The pain isn’t severe just there. I’m due to get GB out May 20th but wondering if consistent pain is normal over attacks? Did it go away after surgery?

After removing mine , all symptoms , pain and discomfort disappeared. My stools are loose but I do not have uncomfortable pains or aches after eating now. Before I did. What I’m seeing and hearing is not everyone ends up the same .

Definitely research the side effects of removing your gall bladder. I removed mine and I constantly have loose stools. I can’t drink water without needing to run to the bathroom. And I can’t eat without severe stomach pain. If you live near a functional medicine doctor I highly suggest seeing one before you take out an organ. It never relieved my pain it only made it worse.

It went away I think the only hard part after surgery is the air gets built up in your shoulders and upper body and that hurts like a mf

Yes…I had pain in my back, shoulders,rib area, pretty much everywhere…it was severe pain but my gallbladder was bad…

Yes. It was horrible but it stopped almost immediately after healing from the removal.

Truly, natural remedies do work. If they didn’t, we wouldn’t have used them for thousands of years. And, pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t be studying plants, taking extracts of them, and patenting them as drugs.this is not a claim or lies I was totally cured from hashimotos and neuropathy by Herbalist His remedy is surely the best. I suggest you try him out if you are having any health challenges and also get cured too, give him a try

I was struggling with anxiety, depression, PTSD, BPD, fibromyalgia , head ache, migraine , for years and pharmatical meds wasn’t helping me. But then I found the best herbal specialist who changed everything using natural herbs. Now I’m cured, all my symptoms are gone and I finally started feeling like myself again. I’m so grateful for his help and highly recommend him to anyone looking for alternative treatments.