Question for moms who have had membrane sweeps

Momma who had a membrane sweep done and was dilated at 2cm-2.5cm how long did it take you after membrane sweep to be in active labor and have baby? I’m getting mine done today at 4. What should I expect ? I’m scared

with my next to last baby the Dr stretched my cervix i guess its the same as sweeping my membranes it stung something fierce for about 30 seconds it seems and in 2 days after i had my baby

It was extremely painful for me. And didn’t help me much with having baby sooner.

Honestly I’ve never been dilated when getting a membrane sweep amd they’ve never helped. Lol

I had my son last year. I had a membrane sweep and a couple days later my water broke.

It was painful for me and it did nothing. I still had to be induced.

Super painful, but within a few days I went I to labor.

I had mine done around 4pm and had my daughter at 1:36am. I was 40 weeks and 4 days