I’m 39 weeks pregnant I was induced with my first child, and I go in wed to get induced with my second my first one i wasn’t dilated or effaced when the induction started, and today I am 2cm dilated and 50% effaced I’m waiting to k ow other moms experiences I know each pregnancy is different but does this mean my labor will go quicker than the first time around?
This was exactly me. I got induced with both. My second did come a bit quicker, mostly I dilated faster after they started giving me the pill that dilates you (cant remember the name of it). It was 24 hours with my first and about 16 with my second.
It may go quicker, all depends on how your body takes the meds.
I was like 3-4cm dilated and 70% effaced when I got induced. My labor was 8 hours.
Mine was 4 hours for both but I’ve heard each labor goes quicker
I got induced with my second and I was only 1cm. As soon as they started the pitocin and my doctor broke my water (at 7 am) I immediately went into contractions and the doctor was busy so no epidural for the first hour, it didn’t end up working lol. I started pushing at 10:30am and she was out at 10:59 am. For reference my first I got induced at 5:30 am and had him at 7:01 pm
I was 2cm and 75%effaced and spent 22 hours in labor…
Same first pregnancy was induced 0dialeted or effaced and meds kicked in pretty fast labor was13hrs. Second pregnancy went in 3cm dialeted 50 effaced and was over 24hrs. Every delivery is different
I was induced twice, first time not dilated and second dilated 3cm. First was 20 hours of labor and second was 8.5! So it could go faster
I was induced at 1cm at 36 weeks because I had cholestasis & I was in labor for 2 days
I was induced and had to wait about 10 hours with very little progress. Doctor came in, broke my water, and baby arrived within the next hour lol
Induced at 1cm and only took 4 pills no pitocin at all until the very end to help with the clotting of my uterus and did it all natural went in at 3pm and had my daughter at 12 39am i only used a yoga ball and the jacuzzi to help with labor
My 2nd induction was exactly half the time of my 1st, So 6 hours. My 3rd was also 6 hours. You tend to go faster with subsequent pregnancies is what the nurse told me
I was in labor 36hrs even though I was already 3cm and my water broke on it’s own before they started pitocin. (Wasn’t really planned induction it was just because of my water breaking, to avoid cesarean)
My 1st “active” was 31 minutes. My 2nd “active” was 3 minutes. I think it’s better lol
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Youre first is usually youre longest…after that it gets shorter…dont quote me on that though
Second time is quicker than the first.
Whether you get induced or not, each labor tends to go faster than the previous one.
I think this varies. I was 5 days past my EDD. 0%, 0cm. Started induction at 11:30. By 2pm this went crazy. Around 4 I was rushed to the OR. Baby born at 5:07 via csect. I pray yours isn’t as scary.
I for sure don’t want to scare you but with all 3 of my children I was induced. 1st was at 41+1 and I was only a fingertip dilated, took 12 hours from start to finish including 45 minutes of pushing. 2nd was at 40+1 and was 1cm dilated, took 25 hours from start to finish with 3 pushes. 3red was at 40 weeks and I was again a fingertip dilated, took 7 hours from start to finish with 3 pushes again. Every time is different.