To all the mamas who have had their tubes tied, did you experience painful ovulation cramping during your cycles afterwards? I got mine tied about 2.5 years ago and within the past year, I cramp and spot horribly bad during my ovulation period. I can compare it to almost being as painful as a ruptured cyst. I’m just a little concerned on whether this is normal or not.
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I got mine cut, tied and burned 7 years ago. My ovulation time and periods have gotten worse with cramping and spotting. I’ve always been a heavy bleeder and cramped some. I now actually will cramp so hard that it makes me throw up.
It’s not consistent every month but I definitely noticed more painful cramps than before I had it done. Not debilitating or anything but there’s a difference and like I said, not every month. I got mine done like 4 or 5 years ago