Rings under eyes

What causes a young child to get rings under their eyes?


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Do you just mean eyebags? I can always tell by my children’s eyes when they’re going to get poorly. I’d say Illness or tiredness from my experience. Xx

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Agree wuth above. When my kid is unwell I can tell by her eyes. Could be tired but keep a look out just in case

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My daughters eye doctor said allergies.


My daughter got dark around eyes when iton was low

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I have anemia when my irons low i get dark circles around my eyes

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At times, dehydration can cause dark circles. Cold, allergies and congestion can cause them too due to veins in that area becoming inflamed x

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I notice it with my daughters allergies


That’s how we found out My Daughter was Type 1 Diabetic. It’s definitely Your body telling You something is amiss.

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Lack of sleep or maybe a vitamin deficiency.


Several different reasons, lack of sleep, iron deficiency, sinus etc, do a process of elimination, good luck

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My friend had plastic surgery when she was 23 to reconstruct her nose. She is now 78 & the surgery left her with raccoon eyes.

Allergies…my son has allergies and his eyes are like that…


I’ve had dark bags under my eyes since I was about 11. No cause for them for myself

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My son is 4 and gets dark purple rings around his eyes when his tired, lack of sleep or allergies.


Short on iron of diabetes Type 1 happened to my son . 5 years old


Basically one of three things.
Either it’s allergies, the child isn’t getting adequate sleep or her skin is pale, which makes the dark circles appear to be more prominent…of course pale skin could mean the child is anemic or maybe just lacking proper nutrition… among other serious health issues.
I imagine that a blood workup will reveal the cause.


My eldest it means he’s either tired or has low iron if they are dark rings under the eyes. Youngest it means his allergies are playing up, his are usually red.

My daughter has allergies and the doctor knew right away because of what they call “allergy shiners”. Its when inder your eyes gets dark and almost looks like a shiner lol, some allergy medicine when it flares clears it right up!

Low iron. Lack of sleep. Diabtetes.

Most likely allergies

Allergies.Give them something for allergies everyday and it will clear up.My oldest had that problem and we asked the doctor.Started her on allergy medicine and sure enough after a few days,it started clearing up.

Allergies, Vitamin d

Take him to his doctor and get complete blood work.

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For my kiddo it’s allergies. Does the child have any other symptoms? Runny nose, congested, post nasal cough?

Lack of certain vitamins, low iron, not getting enough sleep(children are suppose to get 8 hours of sleep, so anything less could cause it). And big ole allergies, things are blooming the furnaces are blowing dust.

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Poor sleep. Request a sleep study

Lack of sleep and allergies

Probably deficiencies. My oldest son has them also

Ask your child’s Doctor


My daughter had them due to an iron deficiency.

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It could also be genetic my grandmother her twin brother and myself all have had dark circles under our eyes from very young ages


My middle kid had dark circles under his eyes and had a heart murmur. The murmur fixed itself and now no more dark circles. Talk to your doctor.

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My mother had them and so do I, as well as my daughter. Hereditary.


Iron/vitamin d deficiency or genetics.

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Allergic shiners from allergies or possibly genetics :slightly_smiling_face:

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Genetics. My mother had them, I have them, and so do both my girls.

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Could be low iron, genetics, the skin around the eye is typically thinner so the veins are more pronounced. If you’re concerned talk to your pediatrician.


My son gets them when he doesn’t get enough sleep


My daughter would look like she got beat up thr doctore called them allergy shiners

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Genetics, anemia, other medical issues, lack of sleep…

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So many things, low iron or hemoglobin, not getting good sleep, even watching too much tv or on electronics like a tablet or phone can cause under eyes to become dark.


My son would get them with ear infections

Could be sinus problems. I was diagnosed with some type of sinus issue when I was an infant because I have constant black circles under my eyes

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Iron, not enough sleep, lots of things can cause it.

My doctor said she could tell my son had allergies from the dark circles under his eyes. She was very right, his sleeping has improved since.


My son was sent to a sinus specialist. He said Flonase once a day and 10 ml Zyrtec for 2 weeks. We went back after two weeks and it had improved significantly. He advised 2 more weeks of Flonase and 10 ml Zyrtec. Major difference.

My daughter is on allergy medicine for It

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My daughter gets them they are called allergy shiners

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My granddaughter had them from low iron. But now with her iron being good she does get them from allergies. But best advice would be to ask her doctor for some labs.


My daughter had this, it was from an allergy to the cats. So, daily zertec in winter months and the cats are happy and 13 year old too! Not so much my pocket. Good luck

My kids had them from low iron

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Low/high potassium, low Vitamin D, and Low Vit B.

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3.Low iron


Allergies or the child could be anemic

Low iron can cause it definitely in children and adults

Could be iron. Tired. Allergies. Nothing.

My kids have bad allergies and they always have rings under their eyes. The group I follow w kids w food allergies say the same

Could be tons of different things. Most common are lack of sleep, or lack of vitamin D or lack of other important vitamins/nutrients. It could be allergies. It could be tons of things. Talk to their pediatrician and see about starting a good multivitamin and getting them out of the house to play in the sunlight more. Usually those will help.


Allergies, low iron or diabetes. All three cause dark circles in children and sometimes like with mine, so does exhaustion and sleeping too hard after using electronics for a long time

Genetics, lack of sleep, lack of iron… could be anything. See your kiddos pediatrician.

Give your child a heavy metal detox and stop vaccinating.

I was always told it was an iron deficiency but my two youngest kids both have them and all their blood work is completely so I e yet to figure out why

My kiddo has food allergies and has them sometimes!

Iron or vitamin deficiency


With my kiddos it was because there tonsils where too big

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Not getting 10-12 hours of sleep.


My daughter has them she has asma and the doctor said it sometimes does this or sleepiness allergies some people that where glasses everyday get it. Just take her for a health check up and bring it up to the doc.

My daughter and her daughter both get dark circles if they don’t drink enough water.

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It can be hereditary also.

Iron deficient or tired or allergies

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see an optometrist my oldest had dark circles and it turned out she need glasses as well as her sister

My kids just have pale skin so I attribute it to that

I was told it was allergies causing the dark circles under my child’s eyes.

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Allergies, sick or overly tired.

I was told allergies and my sinus issues as a kid

Dark circles under the eye are generally a result of crushed capillaries. Dehydration can add to it. Rug your eyes because they itch, and suddenly, under eye bags.
A cold spoon or ice pack can usually take it down.

lack of sleep, water, vitamins, or just genetics.

Rings like dark circles? Or more bruise like? I see no one mentioning signs of sexual abuse. Keep that in mind… google panda eyes in children.

Too much screen time from both TV and tablets.

Can be genetic, tired or low iron, my sons get darker when his vitamin levels are low

Lack of sleep, low iron, dehydration, virus/run down, eye strain ( may need glasses or having too much screen time), genetics, if the child is pale it would make the under eyes look darker. My son suffers with anemia so he gets dark under his eyes.

Tracy Nell Tanika Knoetze