Scared to tell my family that I am pregnant

I found out that I am 9 weeks pregnant. I am so terrified to announce the news to my family, I feel like a lot would be disappointed about it. The only person who knows is the father of the child. I have 2 sons age 5 & 3. Currently unemployed due to covid restrictions. I’m just really always overthinking how their reactions would be. A jobless single mother with 2 kids and another on the way… I know I can take on the responsibility of raising another child, My kids always come first in my life… I’m just scared right now… What if no one would be happy for me? how would I react if they were to be disappointed about me being pregnant?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Scared to tell my family that I am pregnant

Congratulations! Don’t make yourself a prisoner of what others think. Welcome his new life and enjoy your pregnancy. Life has a tendency to work out of you focus on your blessings. You have been in difficult situations before and mastered it. I hope your family is happy for you but what’s much more important is that you are happy. The world will adjust.


Be proud and confident in yourself and your pregnancy, leave no room for other’s judgment if/when you announce. If you open the door for others to judge… they will. Sounds like you will be a great mother and who isn’t a little scared of big events or changes in life… you got this; believe in yourself for yourself!

Don’t worry about what others think, a baby is a blessing. This is your life to live and your baby to love. All those people that judge they are living their lives and you think they care about what others think? Don’t let others mess up what should be a happy precious time for you.

Congratulations. You don’t need to accept anyone’s negativity. Always putting the children first gains perspective!! Concentrate on you and your children

Please don’t let others ruin this special time for you. Also do not worry what others think all that matters is you and dad

Congratulations on your pregnancy. You are a responsible mom and take care of your children I would not care what other people think or have to say. My husband and I have five children and at first when I found out I was pregnant with my last one I did not want to tell people because of what they may think but then I was like who cares we take care of our own children and ask no one for nothing.

First who paying for the other child to eat and clothes and you said you didn’t have a job where do you live i mean do you pay rent for your home ??? If family has to pay your bills , feed your kids or buy clothes. Then I see why they would be upset !! But if you are able to stand on your own then they should stay by your side and be happy !


Congratulations! You sound like you are a great mommy!! You have the best attitude this baby is already so lucky to have you as their mommy!!! Just focus on you and your happiness! Life is so short to worry what others think. If they aren’t paying your bills, their opinion doesn’t count!

Congratulations!!! Happy people will be happy with you! Everyone else can keep their judgements to themselves. Take care and enjoy your newest blessing!:purple_heart:

Awwww here’s big hug and :kiss: F-*k everyone else

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There are no more covid restrictions that you don’t have a job. How are you supporting your other children and paying bills? If you have no job and no significant other, you have no business having a baby. Just another woman on welfare making excuses for her crappy choices. Seems like you already know what your family is going tho think.


You make your own decisions!! Who cares what anyone says. How are you supporting yourself n children?? Are you in a committed relationship?? Is the father going to be involved in this child life?? Are you alone unemployed? Too many questions??? Rough road ahead! Wishing you the best.

As long as you are happy who cares what others think!!!

you sure you’re an adult?

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