Seems Like Such a Petty Problem…But How Do You Handle Being Unfriended on Social Media?

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"I have a great friend of over 30 years. Our children grew up with each other and are now adults 25-30yo. I/we have always thought of us all being close. They call me Aunty, as do mine to my friend. We have continued contact despite them moving around the world, but now back in our home town. Always warm reunions and visits. Recently one of my friend’s daughters deleted/blocked me on social media, and today my daughter found she too has been unfriended/blocked. I have always lived by the thought that if someone doesn’t want to be a part of your life, then hold the door open for them…but still, it’s hurtful. And confusing. Nothing has happened. No arguments. No harsh words. So what happens for future get-togethers? It seems so petty but also confusing and hurtful. I’m hopeless at this stuff. What do others do?"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Are you sure that they blocked you? Could they have had their account disabled or temporarily deactivated?"

"I’m so used to it now, it doesn't bother me. I'll hold the door open for anyone including family. I do think it's petty when people cannot simply agree to disagree and move on. Like others, there could be a simple explanation like deactivated accounts. Maybe ask them straight out in real life and if it gets awkward, then you have your answer. At least then you will have some sort of closure."

"People have the right to delete and block you whenever they want, just coz you’re friends doesn’t mean you own them. They have the right to do whatever they want without explanation, and it doesn’t always have to be hate. Accept and respect their decision"

"I deactivated my account for a social media break. In that time I was messaged numerous times to find our why I had unfriended and blocked them. Chances are, the account is not active!"

"I think a lot of people are being very political on FB and many don’t like the politics over FB. And I have one person who became more public about her life due to her business so she ended actual friends on FB who actually know her. And there are some odd ones just want to eliminate who doesn’t like/comment on her post and delete the friends who don’t respond."

"Make a phone call and find out"

"She could have deleted her account. Just ask her or her mom. It never hurts to ask."

"If your friends for over 30 years message her or text her and ask her why she unfriended you as you have no idea what you did… if your daughter feels comfortable asking what happened she should also message her friend… unless something happened behind your back that you don’t know about and someone has talked bad about you both."

"Maybe she doesn't agree with some things you post and would rather not see it or maybe she posts things she doesn't want u all to see ?"

"It’s not like it was your actual friend…maybe the daughter is saying or posting things she doesn’t think her mother would approve of and doesn’t want it to get back to her via you or your daughter…maybe she deactivated her account and it just looks like she deleted you…id guess she deactivated her fb and she’ll reappear when she’s ready to use it again…"

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