Sharp pains in side while pregnant?

Hi, everyone! I’m 5.5 months pregnant with my second little boy, first pregnancy resulted in a c-section as my little boy was too big to have naturally, so this one is a planned c-section. For the past month I’ve had this pain/sharp pains, ALL on the right side none on the left, starting almost at the back edge of my rib cage, and coming around to the front, super tender to the touch, occasionally my back will hurt where my right kidney should be, but a few night ago I felt a pop then a burning tearing pain just slightly to the right above my belly button and it stopped just short of my ribs. Since then the upper right quadrant of my stomach and ribs hurt and or feel like they are burning. ER RN thinks kidney stones even though no urine (not even microscopic) or protein in my urine, my OBGYN said round ligament but it doesn’t ease up changin positions. Also, only the top half of my belly button is coming out, sometimes it feels like it’s burning or itching from the inside. That never happened with my first and I gained close to 75 pounds with him. I have a renal ultrasound scheduled for Thursday, but they all have flat out said they are stumped. Has anyone else had anything like this, and if so what is it?

With the belly button I did, I would up with two hernias.

I did with both my boys. One was my Gallbladder and the other was a serious kidney infection. Hope you get answers soon.

My guess would be a hernia but I have no experience with c sections and also am not a doctor lmao I would ask for them to check it out really well just keep annoying them about it so they’ll actually look