I think it’s fine. seriously what is wrong with people.
I think she is too young to wear a crop top.
I let my daughter wear crop sweaters, hoodies, and crop tee shirts. She wears high wasted pants though so you can’t see anything unless she stretches. I don’t think it is a problem.
No she’s fine. If it was super short maybe not but she’s fine. Bellies are bellies and everyone has them. If a belly is sexual to you, you’re the problem.
Aren’t u mom tell your mom to stfu
Let her wear it! People are gonna talk crap one way or another. It’s a freakin shirt, and for the sickos saying crap like “its inappropriate” or its “too grown”, QUIT SEXUALIZING A CHILD AND THE CLOTHING THEY WEAR!
She can be confident and comfortable without wearing clothes designed by people who don’t have her comfort in mind. They have bad things in mind. And while a child should be able to just be a child - let’s be realistic. Her stomach showing is inappropriate. Children’s clothing is getting out of control and when you look at some of the laws being passed in red states it just makes a parent worry.
I have to make this vague bc of the fb sensors.
Yes because when she gets older she will be told to dress professionally and won’t be able to, along with dying her hair. Most careers are strict so let her be free while she can
Nope. My 15yr old isn’t even allowed to wear them.
I feel younger girls can wear crop tops. Now…. When they become older and wear them and their breasts are peaking out the bottom of the top then I have to say that’s a big no!
I wore crop tops at 10 years old. I also wore halters. If the girls can’t dress comfortably during the hottest part of the year, it’s not their fault. Teach your boys more respect!
To sleep or be in the house, it’s fine. but outside is a no. Creeps out in the world
Unless said child says she doesn’t want to wear that shirt cause she doesn’t like it… She can wear it
Let her wear what she is confident in. Its her belly.
She shouldn’t be shamed and neither should you for allowing her to be confident in herself and what she likes to wear
Let her wear it. I do. It’s not her or your responsibility to care what other people think. People that judge that crap have too much time on their hands.
Anyone sexualizing a childs clothing is the problem, not the clothes.
These people against it have serious issues.
Clothes dont sexualize children, PPL DO.
Pretty sure those crop tops have more coverage than our spaghetti strap tube tops in the 90s
Crop tops were a thing when I was growing up. Yes, kids can wear them.
Does it bother you? You’re the mom. It’s honestly your decision.
You are her mom, so it’s up to you. My 14 yr old is only allowed to wear that type of thing at home, just because this world sux
Personally I won’t let my daughter’s wear that kinda stuff … I’m also blessed my daughter’s don’t like to wear them
Woooow. People are so sensitive now. Are girls supposed to dress in pajamas and sweats now, for real? Let her wear those cute clothes momma. At least she’s not all emo. Lol
My 11 year old does … why not. Its a bellybutton, who cares?
Nope I am mother to 3 girls and mine WILL NOT be dressing the way these kids have started dressing nowadays. Sorry not sorry no judgement placed on anyone to each their own but in my opinion and what I have learned from knowing ppl who do allow it, it does nothing but open a door that should remain shut! It starts out with just a small crop top and goes into them wanting to do other things because yeah they may feel confident but not the confidence that I want mine to have. No matter what ANYONE says or how we WISH that this would t attract the wrong attention but the REALITY is that it does just that!!! Not to mention the kids are 14 walking around and looking like they are 20 because they are growing up WAYYYY TO FAST!! IDC what SOCIETY is doing, I do what I know and feel is right, not trying to keep up with the Joneses. I could go on and on. But at the end of the day you’re her parent and no matter what anyone else says you’re going to allow what you allow. Pray and ask God if it’s something you should allow it.
Personally, I wouldn’t. We try to empower young girls to be confident and love themselves, which is amazing. But I still know what the world is like out there. That never went away. There’s still creeps out there that prey on young women ( and boys ) just for what they wear. I’d rather protect my daughter
What she wears now determines what she wears when she is 16! Now you let her wear a two piece swim suit, tomorrow she is wearing a thong swim suit! Today she wears underwear tomorrow she’s Paris Hilton! Parents be careful she has a good side and a bad side! And her appearance will determine which side is chosen for her
I dont believe that is an appropriate age for them… However, to each their own.
Shes your child and at this point you get to set the rules.
Wearing a crop top doesn’t make her a trashy or “easy” and definitely doesn’t mean she’s going to get pregnant. As long as you’re teaching about respecting herself and the image she creates for herself.
Have you asked her why she likes to wear crop tops? If she’s wearing it because that’s what the boys like, there’s an opportunity to teach her about her values and the consequences she could face…
Who are u to tell her???
Her parent.
I allow it for my 9 year old, but with rules in place. She can wear her crop tops at home, not in public. We’ve had long talks about appearance, self respect, body appreciation.
I encourage my daughter to feel comfortable in her body and express herself as she desires, however, it’s important to be aware that there’s a time and a place for everything. What’s important to me in this context is why she wants to wear a crop top. Is it because all the Kool kids are? Is it because she likes the look? Does she feel more comfortable? Is she seeking attention by being drastic?
I always stand behind my daughters intuition for herself, but in all situations the “why?” Must be discussed. It’s okay to desire attention but our bodies aren’t vessels for such action. Our bodies our for us.
Why is this even a question.
Grandma needs to Stop sexualising clothing.
She is 10 she can wear a crop top let kids be kids.
Let her build her confidence.
Too many people grow up to hate their bodies or they pick at what’s deemed wrong because Society has an opinion on what a 10 year old wears.
Im sorry but if she can buy the item of clothing from a store in her size that means its designed for her age and body.
Teach her to love herself and if wearing a crop top gives her confidence let her and be her biggest cheerleader. There is far too many people in this world who will judge and bully for xyz you’re family members don’t need to be one of them.
I think as long as it’s not “sexy” or super revealing it’s fine
It’s a personal decision. There are different forms of crops and to me some aren’t ok for little girls. Some that show a little belly that’s one thing but the ones that show most are not in my book.
My 12 yr old does… it shows like inch of her stomach… your the mom. Your decision.
Around the house sure. But if she’s at a friend’s or event I wouldn’t. There are child molesters hiding in the most perfect families. I am over protective though. This world is nothing short of evil.
It’s your option your her parent. I bought my little girl cute crop tops and high Wasted shorts off shein and she wore it at the beach. It’s nobodies business but your own
For me it’s a hell no on the crop tops crop top sweaters hell no !!! She’s 13
If I really like it,I just buy it a tad bit bigger.
I think it’s a good idea for her to get in the habit of dressing modestly. The crop top is ok now, but when she starts to develop, I think you’re going to have to have a talk with her and set some limits. There are a lot of creeps out in the world. My daughter lives in a relatively small town… not an urban area by any means. Out of curiosity, she googled the number of sex offenders in her area. There were tons in her neighborhood alone! Needless to say, her boys don’t go outside alone, and not without checking in regularly. And she usually sits out on the porch, just in case. Maybe she and I are a little paranoid, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Just keep an eye on your girl. There are lots of pedophiles around.
I’ve been having this same situation with my stepdaughter. She just turned 12 last week and is allowed to wear anything and all the make up she wants. I don’t agree with it bc there’s too many pedophiles looking and bad things happening all over. Yeah in the house is fine, but not in public.
I personally don’t like crop tops. I know my daughter isn’t 10 she is only 5 but im so sick of going into stores and seeing a bunch of crop tops for my daughter’s age. Like where is the rest of this shirt??? Because I think not!
Definitely a no for me. All about modesty over here
Unfortunately, it’s so hard to find modest clothes these days for any age. But at all ages, modesty is classy.
Definitely not in public but at home, who cares. The only reason I say not in public is because there are creeps everywhere.
With a tank top under. Teach modesty
Yall are using pedophiles as an excuse to sexualize a child and the clothing they want to wear. Newsflash, pedophiles don’t care what a kid is wearing! They take interests in kids because they think the child is either weak, easily manipulated, etc. Not because of their clothes. The night I was assaulted as a young teen I was wearing work boots, work jeans, and a crewneck tshirt while all the girls around me were wearing shorts and tank tops. The men didn’t take advantage of me because of my clothes, they did it because they knew I was weak and because they knew no one would notice that I was gone from the party.
My daughter is 10 and she is only allowed to wear them with her high waisted jeans or shorts. I don’t mind them if it’s just a tad bit of skin showing. I’ve always struggled with body images and I will never force that on her. I’ve just explained to her my rules about them and my reasoning. She feels comfortable in them and I won’t take that from her. You’re the mom, you decide what is best for her
My girls aren’t aloud but it’s the style now days… I don’t judge any kiddos who do wear them
Crop tops are pretty but the world is not.
Do notice eyes of for example your driver or shopkeepers or random ppl that let their lusty stares swirling on little ones tender body parts that are exposed.
Sorry if I sound crude , but see we donot expose our jewelry when we are taking it out of banks locker . We wrap it/ hide it / protect it from any suspect as good as we can. Isn’t it ?
Then Is a growing , pretty kid any less precious?
Nah it’s disgusting. My husband would hit the roof.
She’s only 10, your mum is thinking too much in the wrong direction.
I think 10 is too young… My 15 year old just started wearing them… They have to cover her belly button or she had to wear high waisted jeans…
Yes it is fine!! 2 pcs bathing suit shows more than a crop top!!
We have a rule where modest crop tops only. They cover her belly and when she lifts her arms up then it shows a little belly. But only then. Bc nobody walks around with their arms up all day.
I’d tell her that you don’t sexualize children because of a piece of fabric and to mind her business.
Pedophiles and assaults do not exist because of crop tops and short skirts.
My daught was recently bought a shorter shirt, but it came with pants that come above where the shirt comes down. She’s a little on the chubby side and we both giggled when we put he shirt on but she loves the outfit! She’s 8 btw
Kids should be taught modesty and to love there body and image at the same time. You don’t have to show skin to prove to the world that you are comfortable with the way God made you. You can still have confidence and not walk around half naked to prove it to everyone. Teach them how to love themselves and not to follow the crowd.
I personally wouldn’t allow mine to wear anything like that because there are too many sickos out there who stare at children in not such an inappropriate way as a grown man and usually thats something someone much older would wear in my opinion as I’ve not seen anyone that young wearing clothes like that. However she is ur daughter so if u don’t have an issue with it then that is ur decision not up to any of us to say. But I would be careful of the grown men who are sick perverts out there who might look at her in an inappropriate manner because they are out there. I would just say be aware so if anything like that does happen u can put a stop to the sicko even trying to look in an inappropriate manner. Granted usually it doesn’t matter what a person wears for the sicko perverts to still act in an inappropriate manner but things like that do tend to however draw their attentions more which is why I say to just be aware. Its not me sexualizing but its me speaking from experience of seeing it first hand out there with teenagers wearing it and most of these sickos don’t care if its a teenager or a little girl. It’s sad thats the way some people are and they aren’t respectful but that’s how some are which is why u should always be aware.
Honestly its up to you. No one else. If she isnt sexualizing herself and just wearing what she like, then i say why not. If shes trying to get attention…thatd be a no for me. I just let my daughter buy a form fitting jumper bc shes was absolutely feeling herself in it and loves it. Now it took me back for a min bc im not used to that style on her. But shes coming into her own and is super confident so i couldnt tell her no.
I see all the comments about they’re ok if they don’t show the belly… if belly isn’t showing then it’s not a crop top to begin with
No… my hubby would flip his lid !!! Lol if she was a teen dressed like that he’d copy her and embarress her!
I think it’s fine, doesn’t have to be tarty, it depends what you wear them with and what you’re doing / where you’re going
She’s your child so you make the rules.
Now I personally don’t like them. I would only allow my daughter to wear them with an undershirt. It’s more of a teenager look in my opinion.
My 5 yr old has crop tops but I buy them big they don’t show anything, she does not wear them to school. Why not let them be stylish? We live at the beach and spend the whole summer in swimsuits so I guess we’re comfortable dressing comfortably for the summer heat.
My daughter is 9. I allow crop tops only at home.
My daughter is about 2 weeks shy of 13 years old and I’ve allowed her to wear crop when she was 10 but the rule was that it couldn’t show any stomach. Some of her shirts showed a little if she lifted both arms straight above head but that wasn’t a normal position for her arms so it was okay, anything shorter was a no and still is. When she goes to school she can’t wear her crop tops with pants that are also low cut because it shows her stomach whenever she raises her arms just over halfway. Some kids at her junior high are wearing baby doll tees, mini skirts, spaghetti straps, and bras under see-through lace and mesh shirts and I don’t think that’s appropriate at school. I don’t think 13 and 14 year olds should be walking around in just a bra after school either. They are kids and have enough graphic sexual images and topics thrown at them as it is, they don’t need to be trying to imitate it every day too. Kids are being pushed to grow up way too fast.
And it’s not “sexualizing” kids by being concerned and not allowing them to wear certain clothes because it can catch the attention of a sexual predator, the clothes do that for them. I’ve seen 10 and 11 year olds walking around my complex wearing sports bras that looked more like a regular, Victoria Secrets padded style uplift bra instead of a workout garment. So much so that most adult women would wear them under their shirts as a regular bra. By 12 and 13 years old those same girls have all started experimenting sexually with both sexes, and I don’t mean just a kiss. They also constantly switch from being gay, to bisexual, to pansexual, and one of the girls even says she’s polyamorous and has talked in graphic detail about her sexual experiences (this was at 12 years old). This isn’t simply rumors coming from the younger kids either. I like to sit outside on my patio while I work and I’ve heard these girls telling other kids about it (and most of them are from between ages 5 to 10 years old). I’ve also seen grown men leering at those same girls as they walked passed them. I keep an eye on all the kids by default because I’m also keeping an eye on my daughter, checking in with her periodically whenever she’s outside playing.
My daughter did when she was 10-18. She use to wear sport bra or bathing suit under the crop tops. Wore short in high waist or pant. She was very specific abt her body to be cover and wisely. I’m proud of her. My husband never said a word abt it and he isn’t her real dad. If he feel something is off he would talk privately with me and discussed what and how we both feel and agree. But my daughter did came to me and said I like crop top but I I must have good cover sport bras to cover to make me feel comfortable.
Confident and happy= no issue!!
If your daughter feels happy and confident, I would continue to let her wear it. What’s going to make her feel insecure, is your mom making comments about it.
I wouldn’t allow it for my own daughter personally.
Each their own. My 13 year old is naturally modest but if she ever wanted to wear a crop top, I’d only let her if she wore high waisted bottoms. At least until she’s older.
“Who am I to tell her anything”
TF… HER MOM!!! And to answer your question, no. 10 yo’s should NOT be allowed to wear crop tops and good for your mom for judging you.
They cover more than a bkini… My daughter is 11 and wears them around the house. I actually cut an old shirt myself so it’s a bit longer. She likes to wear them out but she doesn’t feel comfortable with her belly showing so she chooses to wear tank tops under them.
Umm negative the clothes they wear these days are not appropriate for all ages
“Who am I to tell her anything.” Uh you are her mom and she’s 10. So yeah that’s who you are. If you find it okay then it’s okay. I personally go a case by case on if they are okay. Some cover it all. Some don’t. I wouldn’t let mine at this age personally.
If I had a daughter I would 100% say no! That’s just me.
If your gonna allow crop tops at ten you might as well buy the fish net stockings too. It’s a personal preference. But parents should think about what message you are sending to others. Your children are a reflection of our selves
Nope! I glad she is confident, but she doesn’t need to dress like that.
If she’s covered then I don’t see a problem with it. Don’t know why grown ass adults have to specialize children.
At home yes at school or in Public no too young.
My daughter is almost 10, she’s only allowed to wear a crop top with high waisted pants so that her belly doesn’t show at all. (Or maybe just a tiny bit when she lifts her arms) I live in crop tops and high-waisted pants so of course she wants to also. I don’t mind unless she’s all hanging out everywhere. She’s also a chubby girl (like me) so the fact that’s she completely comfortable and confident in a crop top or two piece Bathing suit makes me proud too.
I think around the house and beach trips and such are just fine. Now, out in public on the other hand absolutely not. But, that is only because of how this world and the people in it are now. People sexualize just about everything now and its not something I believe children should have to deal with. I guess I would just be cautious if and when out in public.
Who are you ? Really who are you ? Ma’am you’re her mother … to each their own but 10 is still to young to be wearing stuff like that . IMO but like I said to each their own . Just don’t be surprised when creepers are staring your child down .
I hate them and bikinis! Big fat no! So many creepy old man looking just so wrong
If it barely shows her bellybutton…I wouldn’t consider that a crop top. It’s a short shirt. In our society…Showing the mid drift…,is unfortunately sexualized. With that said. If YOU are comfortable with her appearance, then trust yourself. It sounds like your mother is projecting her rigid ideals on what is appropriate from her outdated and puritanical perspective. Doesn’t mean she’s right. Trust your own instincts.
I allow it with my daughter she is actually grounded right now and that was one of the things I took away
No no no. I wouldn’t
I don’t think it hurts anything for them to wear them… I wear them when I was a kid
The fact that your asking complete strangers on what’s age appropriate clothes for your own daughter, speaks volumes. It’s not her or her age or the clothing that seems to be the problem here, your the parent, be firm in your convictions. I don’t know, maybe you didn’t have a strong role model growing up but rest assured you are definitely making your mark on your daughter. We’re not here to be their best friend, she will appreciate you later I promise, even if you say no to the crop top.
Tell your mom to stop sexualizing your daughters clothing? Clothes shouldn’t make people uncomfortable
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Why would anybody even have to ask that question? Just to invoke a response?
Is she going gout alone ? How safe is your area? … I have twin 11 year olds … 1 would never wear a crop top … the other would … if she’s with u it’s fine but if she’s aloud to go out alone I would use it as a learning activity to explain that there are some bad people in this world … its sad we have to do that as girls should be aloud to be happy in any clothing but it has to be done at some point … my girls are only aloud out frount … they don’t go wandering
I think too young but I’ll be honest your statement “Who am I to tell her no” literally made my jaw drop. You are her Mother not her friend.
Wow really?? You are the parent that’s who. So u just going to let her do whatever she wants. Cause who are u to tell her anything??
I wouldn’t let my child wear it, but we’re not talking about my child. You’re the parent, if that’s what you allow yours to wear, that’s your business.
I wouldn’t but like at a beach yeah
I think crop tops are fine. My girls wear them with high waist leggings so it’s more appropriate
I mean, you’re the parent so its literally your job to you know, tell her what she can and can’t do.
Your daughter so f other people’s opinion unless they are doing the hard work of parenting and paying your bills😂. No matter what you do someone will always have something to say🤷♀️