Mine has it. He knows friends only and if I find anyone else then it’s gone for hoot
You CAN control who adds him and who he follows/what he follow/his followers see but snap also deletes sent messages and pictures after 24 hours (or immediately if this setting isn’t turned on) so what’s being said/shared isn’t monitored- there’s no flagging for anything inappropriate because it’s all “private”
My boys 10 and 11 do.
A lot of older generations don’t understand the safety measures that can be used on Snapchat. Luckily Snapchat came out when I was about to hit middle school so I’ve seen it go through so many updates. Like you can set your story to custom instead of “everyone” meaning anything that adds you back even if you don’t add them back can see your story. Or you can set it to “friends” another is setting location to ghost mode so others can’t see your location. And before my boyfriend did this for me I had no clue but you can set your messages up to just friends so you don’t get random messages that pop up on your chat feed. You can see the subscriptions to stories and if you go to settings and put in log in information you can see the chats in order from who their very first message to the last person even if they clear their chat feed or block someone/unadd someone their name will still be on that list so they can’t hide it. And there’s a spot for “my eyes only” for pictures and a password is set on it you can also have. & people they do add back or add first and get added back will be seen on a friends list. With the right precautions then yes a 12 year old can have Snapchat but like any social media can have huge risks. Just check out the settings and make all the safety measures are ensured
NO. especially if you aren’t educated in how they work
Nope nope nope …. Call me old fashion call me outta touch idnc what others do as for mine absolutely NOT … when they pay their own bill they get devices and when they turn 18 they can have a locked up phone with all the apps NOT a day before …
My 12 year old has Snapchat. He rarely uses it but I can see what he does (yes there is a way to see EVERYTHING on snapchat😏) if I need to.
I think it depends on the child though. Like my 10 year old probably will not have snapchat or similar apps until he’s 18 .
He’s smart but he is sneaky, so while I can download all his activity I would have to do it on a daily basis. So we will just avoid it altogether for him.
I dont allow my 11 year old.
It’s literally an app to send nudes.
I think you should educate yourself ok the app and then make your decision. My 12 year old has it but I understand how it all works and can go thru his phone to make sure he’s not doing anything inappropriate
Nope. To secretive for parents to check accurately, to many predators, its not monitored and there are many loopholes if you know how to use them on doing actions with others photos (screenshot, sharing etc) without the sender knowing. Apps to sketchy imo
My daughter who is 11 is not allowed she used it to tell off her friend who was being mean which is so absolutely inappropriate shes been told she can not have any social media a till she is more responsible!!
Gawd no
Kids shouldnt have access to any of these sort of apps
If you let them have it, monitor it. I mean to be honest any of these apps can be used to send naked pictures or look up inappropriate things. If they just wanna use it to talk to friends and use the filters, I’d say yes. But again, monitored.
My daughter does but I’m signed in and can monitor it.
Good God no!!! Children do not need social media. Snapshot deletes conversations and pictures immediately. All social media is minimum 13 years old. You can not control anything on it
What do the terms of service say? If she has to lie about her age to create one, she is too young
12yr old shouldn’t have any social media. Do some actual research. No socials until after age 16. They don’t have the brain development to properly manage social media or understand the ramifications of things posted on the internet being forever.
As an adult I don’t use Snapchat.
I know many like it mostly because of the filters.
I would say maybe download it for yourself first. Use it for a few weeks and then decide.
I have Snapchat for my 5 year old and me snaps together and she only has her family on it and I watch what she does
Haven’t had any issues with it
No. My friend’s daughter got caught up in Snapchat of the kids in her group sending very inappropriate pictures. They’re 11 and 12 years olds.
It also depends on the child’s maturity too, every social media platform has its peer pressure, issues, it also depends on if you monitor it or not.
Nope! Kids do not need any type of social media. It’s a breeding ground for drama, bullying, lies. Phones are an addiction for kids. Don’t fuel the fire.
No no no! All chats delete so not child appropriate
I say it depends.on the child. My 12 year old has snap, but literally sends pictures of her cats, and I monitor everything
Nope. You can view someone’s location on it. At my apartment complex last year, a guy tracked down a 14 year old girl thst lives here. He was able to break in and film around the girls home asking her “is this your house???” On the video. He then threatened thst if her mom was home he was going to kill her. Eventually, he came outside when he realized nobody was home and was arrested. And get this; we found out he was a child sex trafficker! No way should a 12 year old have one
My 12 year old has snap but can only add friends and family and it’s with my email. I check it all day through out the day. Same as tiktok. The second he refuses to let me look at it or email is changed it gets deleted. Boundaries and rules set and I believe you’ll be ok.
No… not snapchat. They can exchange very inappropriate photos and then they get deleted immediately so you won’t know ehat they are sending back and forth
No… not snapchat. They can exchange very inappropriate photos and then they get deleted immediately so you won’t know ehat they are sending back and forth
My kids got to have their boundaries. They were on social media around 12-13 yrs. I had no probs with them growing up/bullying/being inappropriate. 1 of them is a computer prodigy now at 19 yrs, was A student in school. They both wanted jobs by 17. Its up to you. I chose to pick my battles with my kids for good relationship with them. Lot bigger battles to fight in my opinion
I have a 15 and 12 yr old and they don’t have any social media platforms nor do they have cell phones as of yet. They do have iPads though but they they don’t like those types of social media platforms anyways. It’s all up to how you think your child can handle it personally I wouldn’t, but if you decide to then just monitor her activity on it.
My nearly 12 year old doesn’t have that doesn’t bother him either he does have tiktok but he only uses it to watch the videos which I think is fine… when they get to secondary school I’ll probably have a rethink if it’s something he wants. But my son is trusted and I check his phone every couple of days anyway
My 9 year old has snap so she can get ahold of her family when she has no wifi. She used to have messenger kids but always deleted it. I check her friends list weekly
If you do let her have one, please talk about internet safety! There’s been reports of people adding kids pretending to be their age and pressure them into sending them nudes. And then blackmail them to not say anything.
Currently going through this with my 14yo niece.
No… it’s not safe. My niece made a Snapchat and random old a$$ men were adding her and we ended up deleting it.
I allow my 13 year old to have it. He only has 3 friends added on there just to keep in contact with over the summer. If you monitor who they have added i don’t think its a problem
Nope. My daughter has a phone (she is gonna be 13 soon) but she does not have any social media
No. They can send and receive pics and then they disappear so you will never know what it is
No. I have deleted multiple that my 12 yr old makes on other ppls phones and the conversations Iv seen are definitely NOT appropriate.
Cyber bullying is serious… but so is excluding your child from common activities within their social groups. Choose wisely. I’d let him have the app.
Anything that is made to delete itself after 30 seconds is made for being sneaky.
Mines 14 and I still say NO.
Snap chat allows others to see your location.i dont like that.
No and no Instagram either!!
Just monitor it, just like any other app. Set the settings where conversations don’t disappear and turn the location off.
My kids don’t even have cell phones yet, and I’ve already told them they won’t have TikTok or Snapchat or WhatsApp or any of those apps while they live in my house.
No, children are exposed to too much things nowadays. Snapchat is too private for his age and I do believe there’s a lot of things on that app that are way too inappropriate. Protect your child.
Edit, pictures could be sent to him on the app that only he will see when he opens them unless if you were right next to him.
No snapchat… its very open and its deleted the conversations plus it’s literally based on sending pictures back and fourth that noone can see.
When I was 12-13 I had snap chat, and boys from my class and upper classes would just send out dick pics to every girl on their friends list saying “hmu” or “send pics” … its a disgusting app and no teenager or kid should have it. Not to mention anyone can find your childs profile and your child could find be talking to adults or upper classmen not just friends and theres no way for you to really know.
Look up Liberty German and Abigail Williams from Delphi Indiana. That will answer your question.
Just gonna put it out there my parents didn’t let me have Snapchat and I simply got a second phone so I could talk to my friends like everyone else did. Regular texts just weren’t cool. I had that second phone for 5 years and just hooked it to our wifi. Strict parents make sneaky kids.
Snapchat is fine you can monitor it and the location settings can be turned off or you can have it so only friends can see the location or share a Snapchat with her so you can monitor it that way but most kids if raised right have common sense and know when things are inappropriate
Definitely Not. My Bonus child has had access to snapchat and tiktok since she was about 10. She is now 13 and I Definitely keep an eye on what she is watching at our house. PG 13 is the rule here.
I don’t pay for her phone so I don’t have much say
I know a lot of people say no! But here’s the thing the more you say no, the more sneakier they are. Would you rather monitor the content or not.
I personally do not believe that a 12 year old should have Snapchat. I think there are other social media outlets that allow for easier monitoring. Snapchat is tough to monitor becaus snaps/ chats are automatically deleted. A lot of bullying and sexually suggestive behaviors take place on snapchat.
I wouldn’t. Snapchat is picture messages that disappear automatically after they are read. Way too easy for kids to see things kids shouldn’t see.
Nope!!! Nope!!! NOPE!
No, there’s sex bots that message you I let my kids go on social media at 16
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My 8 year old has snap & TikTok
I hate that my 10 yr old Niece has one as well as my other two nieces 9& soon to be 11
My bonus son is 13 and we won’t let him have any social media.
Snap chat is used so what is said can’t be traced
Isn’t the age minimum for these social media apps like 13 in the terms and conditions? Even then I imagine you should go by your child’s maturity level.
My 12 yr old 13 in a couple months doesn’t even have a phone so…. YouTube had always been banned from this house… so nope
This is a personal choice
Honestly all those apps do is make it easier for pedophiles to shop for kids. Most of these apps have location on and you can literally pull up to where they are. No thanx…and Honestly that is how I put it to my kids but more in detail about what could happen.
I personally would let my child… you can turn off the location so others can’t see it, you can set it so only friends can view their story and send them messages. The rest really depends if you trust your kid to send appropriate pictures and not add strangers.
edit- you don’t have to even use your child’s real name / full name when creating the account tons of people make up usernames without it included
Snapchat and hangouts is awful. My daughter got bullied through those apps and they couldn’t trace it because the messages disappear! She ended up in a hospital because she harmed herself because these kids told her she would be better off dead. Another friend of hers had something similar happen with one of the same apps and also had the same type of experience. It is better to put them on apps where you can at least see what is going on.
Snapchat deletes the message after it is read. Read that again and then tell me if there is a legit reason any child should be sending messages that delete after being read? It is too easy to slip down a day it home with these kinds of apps.
I have snap chat and I have triplets that are 7 years old. I add their friends and family and we all snap together. It’s cute and fun. My children do not have phones. They use mine. We love the filters and it’s nice to get random pics from family and friends throughout the day.
My 11 yr old has it. Never an issue here.
I won’t let my 14 year old have snap chat. I have an app so I can see what he downloads so I know he isn’t sneaking it
If you don’t allow them to have certain things that they want they’re prob gonna do it behind your back so think about that
I don’t allow my 14 yr old
not very appropriate at that age, my opinion
my 12 year old sister had snapchat & she used it to talk crap, bully, & talk to older men. i don’t recommend it for children that are going through a phase immaturity. if you can’t trust them, i wouldn’t do it.
Absolutely not. There’s too much that’s too easy to hide.
I honestly don’t think any of the popular social media apps/platforms are acceptable for children. Vileness and bullying is everywhere without the additional outlet of social media. It is a frightening time to be a parent. Good luck!
No, there are no parental controls on snapchat.
My daughter has been having Snapchat for years she’s 14 but very mature for her age
No they should no have it. The chats dissappear after a) being read or b) 24 hrs. So there’s no way to parental control it.
There isn’t anything wrong with it
If you already allow them to text it’s just hypocritical to say no to snap.
My 13ur old does but I monitor
My 12 year old has had it for a year now
My 14 and 12 year olds have NO social media. I just don’t feel social media is good for kids. Anything and everything can and does happen on there. Nothing good comes from it.
I guess it depends on how mature your 12 year old is
My 10 year old uses my snap to talk with his mates at the mo but i set the setting to 24 hours so i can keep an eye on things
It’s absolutely not appropriate for children.
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I don’t let my 13 almost 14 year old have it. I don’t even want it but it’s a secure way to date when using dating apps.
Snap chat is for nudes, disappearing chats and filters
No. if they want a snapchat YOU install it onto your phone and they can use it through there. snapchat is super fun with the filters so i understand the want, but they shouldnt have their own account.
All messages are instantly deleted so it’s easy to hide secret conversations
Teach your kid safety first when it comes to messaging ppl and how ppl may not always be who they pretend to be and to never give out any personal info or share pics or location. Most apps like snap chat show your location to other users and it’s pretty precise
If you don’t let them and monitor it they will download and create an account behind your back and so atleast then they will no how to be safe if they do regardless