Should 2nd graders have homework?

My granddaughter struggles a bit in math she forgets fast, So we don’t mind the homework.

Uh it’s our job as parents to keep them Accountable at school. For one you are teaching your child that he doesn’t have to follow through with what the teacher says and for two teaching him that homework isn’t important is just going to cause you problems by having late assignments. You realize the homework goes towards his grades and could fail because of you? A+ parenting :woman_facepalming:


My son has homework. He is 5 and in advanced class in Pre-K.
I hated homework too. But at 22 now I wish I had some homework to do to help me out in this life.

I think it depends on the kid. My child needs homework as he doesn’t retain a thing at school.

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And part of homework is to make sure you are invloved in your childs education as much as the teachers job. Its their job to teach your children but its your responsibility.
Had to edit dyslexia at its finest

Hmmmm if you don’t teach your child requirements now

Don’t look around and wonder what happen when they don’t meet your requirements later


My Kindergartener has homework daily. That’s life now. We go outside play, homework, some tv, then bath/shower bed and reading.

Sometimes the reason elementary schoolers have homework is because parents insist on it. A friend in Seattle experienced this. At a PTA meeting, the principal summarized the research on assigning homework to 1st-3rd graders showing it’s pointless busy-work. Yet the parents insisted their kids have homework. My friend spoke privately with her daughter’s teacher and told her that her daughter would not be doing homework. In this scenario, the teacher was fine with that.

The Finnish don’t give kids homework until 6th or 7th grade and they’re doing far better than we are. When I was that age, homework was, “You can finish your art projects at home if you want to.” Schools already are trimming or even eliminating recess and lunch. Kids this age need time to rest their minds. They also learn a lot through play. Homework is pointless.


My SD tried the non homework thing and did not help, kids were getting behind, didn’t refresh lesson from school. I don’t like but it’s necessary.

Homework at his age is more about doing something and handing it in in time than an actual “learning” process. You are actually setting him up to be irresponsible, and not letting him learn somethings need to be done. Are you going to go to work with him in a few years and if they work him to hard are you going to say he doesnt have to do it and let him go play instead. He needs to learn responsibility

My kindergartener has homework. He does it before bed time routine. I get wbat your saying there is little to no time just being a kid cause thats how my sons day goes by too. But homework is needed to be done so we do it.

I would do homework with him regardless of no kid time.

We don’t because I feel like that time should e dedicated to decompress. So I put it in my child’s IEP for homework to be optional during elementary

Ummm no matter how you feel about homework that counts towards your child’s grade, by not making them do their homework you are going to cause them to get lower grades and potentially fail. No matter how you feel about it they need to do their homework. At this rate your kid won’t pass high school little on get into college. This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve read.


Nah. Too many studies shows elementary students having homework has zero benefits, and in fact can impact negatively on young children.
Middle school it starts to have some benefits and the routine of short periods of homework in areas they are having difficulty with can start.


I don’t think any grade should have homework. I think you should have class work and if you don’t finish your class work then you have to finish it at home.


So most of the time, the only reason my son, 3rd grade, has homework, is because he doesn’t finish it in class. She won’t hold the entire class back because he was goofing off, so it goes home for him to finish. Then he can play.

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My 2nd grader doesn’t get hw

I think homework is just too freaking much!! They literally wake up to go sit in school all day to come home do chores and more school to eat dinner and go to bed for it to all happen the next day! They are kids let them be


I only get a few short hours with my child after school before it’s time for bed as well; but my 7 yr old knows…homework first. Then theres all the rest of the time to play and do other stuff. She doesnt struggle in any subjects either but it doesnt hurt to keep up on what she already knows either. Practice makes perfect. But my kid also does chores and stuff too; so she knows all that first; then play.

You are setting him up for failure and that’s wrong his homework is part of passing to the next grade and it should only take 10 minutes to do it is to get him ready for the coming school year where there will be more homework so your child can get used to it by not doing it you are setting the wrong tone for him


I think at any age reading and practicing writing, you can never read to much. Please, don’t send math home😂 I do not understand common core!

I think if he’s sent home with homework he needs to do it and turn it in. That counts towards his grade and it will affect him negatively if he never turns in his homework. You’re teaching him that he doesn’t have to do his homework and he will keep that mindset all the way through his school years. The weekends are there for kids to goof off.


My son is in 1st and has homework every night!

My kiddo is now in 3rd grade, we have had homework every year but kindergarten… but it’s not a lot, it’s maybe 4-5 math problems and a reading log… (Monday-Thursday never on Fridays) takes us maybe 15 minutes, she usually does it while I’m working on dinner…

He should do the homework for so many reasons. Watch him do the worksheet and give him positive praises. This age is just the beginning of life!


My first grader had work but it’s like 1 or 2 work sheets and read or flash cards

Good skill building. My son got homework young because he would dilly dally in class and he still has to get it done. It’s never more than 15-30 minutes worth of work. School only goes till 230pm. 3pm at most. There’s no way you put him to bed at 5pm so even at that there is 2-3 hours available for you to help him do his 15-30 minutes of work. They have to learn to do it. This is skill building for later in life. I may note, I don’t see a problem with my sons reading but the teacher does. That can also be a factor. She wouldn’t send it home if she didn’t feel it needed to be done.

Homework is apart of thier grades… had to get done. My son is in First grade and has exactly 2 hours from when he walks in the door and goes to bed. He is on a rigid schedule. I feel bad, but it needs to get done. I give him 30 mins to get out his school stuff and take a shower. 30 mins for diner and and hour for Homework 30 for written and 30 to read now if he’s done a little early he could watch an episode of his show or listen to music until it’s bed time. He has the weekends to do all his kid stuff as long as his homework is done.

Wait…my Pre k has homework….lol. He doesn’t mind it, it’s good for them

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So don’t do it. When he goes back with unfinished homework and gets no credit for it and grades drop, don’t be upset with the child or his teacher. That’s on you and your lack of help. I’m sure that sheet of 10 math problems of adding and subtraction, or that 10 page 2nd grade reader is going to ruin your whole night.


My 2nd grader comes home everyday with homework and he does it. He’s supposed to do it so he does. That’s part of their grade. My kindergartner also comes home with homework and he does it. Make the kid do his homework :roll_eyes:


This is why I plan to homeschool. Our school systems in America teach our kids to follow the typical 5 day work week and get accustomed to it before becoming an adult. I have been to other countries with way better education than America and they do not follow the same model as here, so I think that says something.


Repetition drills information into the brain :woman_shrugging:


I’m sorry but you’re setting your child up for failure. You’re teaching him that he doesn’t have to do his schoolwork if he doesn’t want to. If it’s 1 homework sheet it probably takes 10 min, what’s the big deal? You need to teach your child that he has responsibilities and he needs to take care of those responsibilities. Homework is one of his responsibilities as a school aged child.


I’m not a huge fan of homework either and I feel like I know enough teachers who share the same opinion to feel validated. However, I’ve never let my son intentionally skip class requirements. I understand he’s young, but you’re unintentionally teaching him that if he doesn’t like something he doesn’t have to do it. That’s not how the world works. There’s a lot of things I’ve found unnecessary in college, work, etc, but still have had to follow through with. You’re going to create future headaches for both him and yourself.


No kids should have homework unless older and working on things they couldn’t finish in the classroom. I don’t do my work outside of work hours and I don’t expect my kids to either. We study spelling words and read books, but that’s about it.


This is 1 reason I love our school. My 2nd graders teacher just asks that we read together for 20 minutes each night for her “homework”. Easy, because we’ve always read together before bedtime anyway.


I think if a kid didn’t finish there work in class or if they are struggling and need a little extra practice in a subject then yes homework is needed. I also understand doing projects. But those worksheets are pointless busy work otherwise. If my kid wanted to do them, great, if she didn’t we didn’t.
We also had speech therapy flash cards to do nightly so yea, I just told her teacher point blank were not going to fight about it at home and my kid isn’t going to spend all her “free” time doing extra school work when she’s consistently making A honor roll

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My granddaughter in 2nd grade has homework every day, spelling and 20 minutes of reading, unfortunately this is the way it’s going to be, the kids are going to have homework from school and you just have to adapt and have them do it.

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Homework sucks but it’s not a bad thing. All 3 of mine get homework (pre school, kindergarten, and 4th grade) they get it done as soon as they get home so they can have the rest of the day to play


You are wrong by not making him do his homework! It’s teaching him he can make his own rules and that’s not how life works.


Seriously. I have 4 kids. All active in sports and extra things. My kids do homework, chores, go to practice, practice at home and play. There is time for all of it. My 3rd grader just did a solar system project and it was to be done at home. And it was and awesome opportunity to spend time together. This is ridiculous.


Don’t do it. When he goes back and has unfinished work, he’ll get a zero. That will not be his fault but he’ll be in trouble for it.

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A little homework is ok. Study spelling words or drill math facts. Or read a book together. 20 minutes is long enough.


We all have to do things in life we don’t want to do but have to do. Doing homework right after school gets it out of the way and teaches them structure.

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All of my children that is in school have homework and they will do it otherwise there’s no room for arts and crafts or playing, IF he’s really not struggling in any of his subjects then it shouldn’t take time at all to do his work so why not be a parent and make him?


Just wait until he gets to 3rd grade and gets not 1 but 2 sheets of homework. THE HORROR!!

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I live 1000s of miles from my kids half the time and we do homework just about every night via Skype. Before that we did homework when needed. I do extra with them too. I want them to have a happy disposition about school so they are successful in life. The only other 8 year olds I’ve ever seen read so much was myself lol. You can make it a fun time.

You should have your child do the homework assigned to him by his teacher or homeschool him yourself. I think you’re teaching him bad habits at a young age and teaching him to undermine his teacher like you are.


:joy::joy: My son started doing homework in Pre-K @ 5

My kindergartener has homework, she literally gets it done in 5 to 10 minutes usually it’s only 5 minutes or less. Homework is a great way to practice practice practice their school work so they can stay at grade level and don’t fall behind. Homework is also a great time to focus on their school work without any extra distractions like other children excess noise or other visual distractions that are found in the classroom.

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Kids need to read at home daily but other than that no unless they are struggling with something and need some extra one on one help.


My son is in Preschool and has homework every single week

By telling him now that he doesn’t have to do it because he’s already getting good grades he’s going to get it in his head that if he has good grades he won’t ever have to do homework and could cause problems later on


I always hated homework, but teaching him that he doesn’t have to do it will make him think that he doesn’t have to follow any of the rules.


Now is the time they are learning to do the homework for when they get older. If you skip it now that is what they are learning and will not do the homework when it matters


you’re setting him up for failure

spelling maybe sight words
maybe a random math sheet.

Learn to slowing mange homework when young

Other than nightly reading, there isn’t a benefit to homework. My son does not do homework. By the time we get home and I cook dinner and take care of the younger siblings, there just isn’t time before starting bedtime routine and him getting adequate sleep is way more important than him staying up to do homework. I will start making him do homework if it effects his grades or in high school


I don’t believe in homework. School work should stay in the classroom. Kids should not dedicate there lives to school because they are kids and need to be kids before they grow up and have to be adults because once you’re a adult there’s no going back to being a kid sadly.

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Do I feel that the younger school children receive too much homework? Yes I do! Do I feel it is appropriate to not have your child do their homework? Heck no! If a child carries this attitude into adulthood and they probably will. How do you expect that child to hold a job when they feel a task is asking too much so they just don’t do it. The largest problem with parenting is us loosing sight of the fact we are preparing our children for an adult world. I am not saying we shouuld have expectations of adult behavior but we need to reflect on how choices we make for our children or allow them to make will impact their life later on.


My son hasn’t ever had homework and he’s graduating high school this spring lol

My son is in 2nd grade and he has to do a sheet of math, 20 mins of reading and a recording on seesaw each day except Friday’s. They are just getting them ready for the next few years when they will have homework in every subject. That will probably start next year. I would talk to the school about it cause he will get zeros and probably get in trouble for just not doing it.


How long does the homework take? If school is not a struggle, I would think it would take what maybe 10 min??

I have 2 second graders :blue_heart: different classes so different teachers. Sometimes the one feels like he has way more homework than our busy lives can manage. The other typically only has to read every night. I don’t know which is “better” but they are both doing well in school. Sometimes when I get a little overwhelmed with the homework I try to look at it as some time for me to focus on just him. There have been times when I can tell he is getting overwhelmed and I let him forget it for a night. Not saying any of our ways are right. Often times we don’t learn that until time passes. Have you talked with his teacher in a respectful way? I think educators may also have to do these a certain way because they are required to. :blue_heart:

Most definitely need homework. We had homework in kindergarten. They have to learn an order of rules and structure to survive in the world.

At this age, homework is to reinforce what he learned at school so home can be part of it. It teaches habit, the importance of work and returning items to school, and lets home show their support of the routine and responsibility. Teaching him to dismiss homework to play instead is harmful. Can he do it before dinner so it doesn’t interfere with home time?

If your child is assigned homework, having him not do it is only hurting him. His teacher will get on him, he won’t be used to it as he’s older and you’re teaching him the only authority figure he has to listen to is you. If you dont want him doing homework, then homeschool him. Do I think elementary kids should have homework? No. But am I going to tell my kid not to listen to their teacher? No. Because its only hurting my kids in the long run.


All three of my kids have been doing homework since pre-k even gets homework from their iep and speech teachers should definitely have him to the homework or as he Gets older he isn’t gonna want to do homework and that will eventually drop his grade you’ve only got two choices do his homework with him or homeschool him.

They do the work at school then get homework to show the teacher they have understood the class work properly.
Its a teaching aid and also prepares them for the mountains of homework they’ll get later on…sets a routine.
Do the homework

Yes you should start having him do homework as soon as it’s given. Don’t be surprised when he becomes entitled if he hasn’t already.

Even if he isn’t struggling, if you don’t get him to reinforce his school learning at home it may be hard for him to do in the future. I had amazing grades until I was about 13 and failed most of my GCSEs

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He should ALWAYS do whatever is asked of him by a teacher! You are a teachers worst nightmare! Lol


Unpopular opinion but homework leads to struggling to set boundaries as an adult to keep work life separate from home life. As an adult, once I leave work, I don’t want to bring work home with me. Why should our children have to bring their “work” home with them? It’s okay to set boundaries and it’s okay to set boundaries for your child and not enforce homework if that’s what you choose to do. When he gets older and homework is more important for a grade, just know that his grade might suffer. But honestly as long as your child is understanding during school hours and passing tests that are given at school, I see no issue.


If you don’t have him do homework now, you’ll be hard pressed to get him to do it later when it really will affect his grades. He’s likely to learn he doesn’t have to do it and that you will support that.

It doesn’t sound like he has alot of homework… You always get some projects to do in elementary. And if he has one sheet of problems, just have him do it. It should only take a few minutes.

I agree homework is unnecessary for most students. However in later years it does carry more weight. If he’s not struggling just have him spend a few minutes working on it. I do that for my middle school kid. We don’t spend several hours each night doing homework no matter what is assigned bc I think there are more important things she can do with her time. I prioritize the classes she needs the extra help (and points) and decide on a reasonable amount of time the assignments should take. If she’s working hard and doesn’t complete them in that time oh well. Grand scheme of life it won’t matter

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Just. Stop.

I’ve almost raised three to adulthood. You better teach that child about homework now, and not just for the sake of “homework”. You’ll thank me later when he’s not telling you to take out your own damn trash.

Homework is a way to prepare us for high levels of education. The older we get the harder it becomes. Imagine your son in university failing to do assignments because he is not used to taking work home? Remember kids learn through habit. What time does he wake up. U can add extra 10 mints for him to do it before school but honestly kids homework doesn’t take more than 30 mints tops he needs it

Homework (unless excessive) also trains children’s brains to thrive in different scenarios. Also join in with him cause in the next few years the tasks will be more difficult and you won’t be able to help. Do it with him. It will help you as well. Practice never hurt anyone. You are also teaching him that it is ok to defy rules


Students shouldn’t have homework at all.
If he’s assigned homework he should be doing it though.
Fight the system. Take a stand. Go to the school board.
If you are going to do nothing other than just telling him he doesn’t have to do it then in the long run you are hurting him. Eventually homework is going to be part of his grade.

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I’m against homework, they’re in school all day long, with sports and just being able to come home and play the evening is already gone, I don’t work all day and then come home to work again, they need a break


Are you serious!!! My 2nd grader has homework!!! Its only a page or 2 and spelling/vocabulary words. You’re going to end up getting him a bad grade on his report card.

And you wonder why Americans are so far behind in education compared to the rest of the world. If you don’t t have him do homework now, he won’t want to do it in the future.


You gonna be the reason he will be struggling soon with that attitude

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But seriously…anyway I choose my battles…And homework…unless its excessive or too difficult…is not one of those. Let the child do the work…

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He should be doing homework yes. They’re teaching them how to do homework and be responsible/keep their things in order/follow a weekly schedule of homework.

Strange. My kid teacher doesn’t give out homework… he is also in 2nd grade. But I sure as hell give him homework… it’s not everyday but I print out worksheets for him to do. It’ll literally help him and I can see what he struggles
. I can help him… it’s a way of teaching him responsibility. & the max I have him do is like 2-3 sheets. It won’t kill him.

Ur just starting a bad habit of him thinking he doesnt have to do his homework… Thats how entitled kids are made :person_facepalming:t3: u might be tryin to be the “cool parent” but its just forming a bad habit and hurting him


My youngest is in kindergarten and gets homework. I personally don’t agree with it. Now if he is absent a day or so, then I could see him have homework. But my kindergartner and 7th grader have the option to finish all homework before school is over for the day. Neither of them usually have any homework. And if my kindergartner does, it’s usually just simple words and a math paper. Takes all of 2-5 minutes for him to do.

Personally I think kids shouldn’t have homework so they can spend time with family and doing activities, but it is what it is. My kids had homework in kindergarten. I suppose it develops work habits. Kids and teachers are under so much pressure to push, push, push because there’s so much to get through these days, and not just academics. Active shooter drills? Yeesh. This puts additional pressure on already stressed parents also.

My son w ADHD complained an hour for every 15 minutes of work he did, but eventually he got the hang of it. He was naturally smart, so breezed through a lot until he got some tough classes that required real work. Got both kids study help & both did well (college & military training & masters degree respectively) and both are doing well.

Don’t let your child see you are angry and upset about homework (continue to vent with us!), and just be matter of fact about it and get through it.

My son’s in preschool and comes home every day with atleast 1 page of home work. Last night he had a whole packet

I bet they just send it home to start the routine of homework. He’s going to have a lot more started in middle school age and even late elementary, let alone everyday in highschool. It’s normal?

Here in NYC, a lot of elementary schools are starting to avoid homework. One of my client’s kids was in 4th grade when I started working with him, and he had no homework. Once he got into middle school, he was bombarded with homework and would cry and resist for hours because he just wasn’t used to having any. Right now I have a client’s kid that is in the 1st grade, and she doesn’t get homework. Her older brother, a 3rd grader, has daily homework. He is used to it because he did it his whole life, but she throws a tantrum even for something as little as a letter practice worksheet. She also has a hard time reading because she won’t read at home unless “the teacher requires it.” So yes, it does cause really bad reprucussions in the future.

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I don’t disagree with you. I feel like they are pushing our youngins hard these days. My kindergarten aged student also comes home with homework every day, nothing extreme, but I feel like after sitting in a classroom for 8 hours a day is unnecessary.

I don’t agree with homework. Mabe sometimes if they need extra help or if they r super bored then yes doing like extra reading or writing or anything really is good. But I feel like school work is done all day at school and they need down time. There’s not enough time in the day to do everything. I work all day but I don’t bring it home with me. Us adults deserve time for other things. Kids should too. I feel adults set the expectations too high for children ,we need to lower it alittle. I’m not saying Don’t have them practice school stuff like spelling tests and stuff that’s diff. But homework everyday is just crazy to me.


I completely agree! When my daughter was in elementary she would have to write her sight words 5 times each and there would be 20 sight words. Plus a packet of math and having to read for 30min… Every day! It’s too much when they are that young, they have no time to be a kid. Then teachers wonder why kids can’t sit still in class, they have no time to let out their energy. Wake up, go to school. Come home do homework, then it’s dinner, bath & bed. It’s sad!

This is one of the many, many reasons I homeschool my kids. Even while I was working before staying home. Because yes, it’s ridiculous for kids that young. In other countries with much more successful education systems, many children cant even read til 7 or 8 years old because they understand the need for building blocks in development instead of how early can we program kids to work well in oppressive and messed up work environments (that’s the way public schools have been set up for a long time… training kids to listen and obey supervisors and be good employees, not successful individuals)

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I’m sorry mama but he needs to do homework. It’s to keep the information fresh. Although it can be seen as pointless, it isn’t completely. I do think schools get excessive with it though. But if you don’t teach him to do it now, he’s going to struggle trying to get into that routine later.


My kindergartener has a page of homework every night

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