Should 2nd graders have homework?

It’s busy work to train your child for when they are an adult. When my kids were still in public school I refused to make them to homework, teachers and admin hated me. Now I radically unschool my kids. You’re on the right path mama.

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My kiddo had homework in PreK and Kindergarten (not much) now in 1st grade they have reading every night which they should be doing anyways. And whatever class work they don’t finish during the day.

Yes Kids need to be kids and they do spend a lot of time at school, however the older they get the more homework and responsibilities they have so having a little homework now is just helping get them ready for the future. Now if at elementary school level these kids had hours and hours of homework id be upset but there is nothing wrong with a little homework.


You are teaching your child now that he doesnt have to follow rules he doesnt like and though its important for kids to get to make choices we as adults are responsible to teach them to make good choices. If you dont want your kid doing homework then get active on your local school board and make changes, enroll them in Montessori school which has similar beliefs, or follow the rules of the school he attends.


Just do what the teacher says to do cuz how would you feel if your kid knows all the material and fails because no homework is turned in homework is also part of their grade

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No kid should have homework teachers should teach what they need to know in class.once the school day is over they shouldn’t have to do anymore school work.


No one should have homework.


I agree that they do enough at school. I do make my 2nd grader do it but it’s been a lot this year. One to 2 pages a night plus reading a book, practicing high frequency words and writing spelling words! She has more than my 5th grader. He only writes spelling words.

My kindergartener has waaay too much homework I’m okay with a little no problem but she spends over an hour and then still has more. She’s 5 years old for christs sake it’s too much. She literally had around 6 pages a day plus her reading and writing

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My stepdaughter’s 3rd grade class doesn’t hand out homework but I think it’s just something they started doing this year. Other than that, I don’t care if my elementary aged kid comes home with homework

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We do not do homework. We have sports, 4H , cubscouts and other activities to enrich their lives. And I want my kids to know that you don’t just blindly follow rules.


We do not do homework. We have sports, 4H , cubscouts and other activities to enrich their lives. And I want my kids to know that you don’t just blindly follow rules.

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I don’t agree with homework but the alternative is to homeschool. You shouldn’t teach him not to follow the teachers rules. That’s not helpful.


My kid is in 2nd grade.
He has homework…it comes home in a packet and he has all month to complete it.

I don’t mine. His grades are good, but it also allows him to practice working independently, working on his handwriting skills, and sets up a sort of routine for him in the future.


You either teach him to follow the rules, or you homeschool.


I think homework is ridiculous. They’re in school for 7 hours with an half hour break. Half of that is a timed, structured lunch. Then they come home with homework, reading minutes & other tasks. When do they get time to be kids, spend time with their family or be taught life skills that parents need to teach? We’re putting too much stress on our children in elementary grades. By the time they’re in highschool they’re overwhelmed. When they become adults they haven’t learned the skills to be adults. Kids need to be kids. They’re not mini adults.


The amount of parents I see disagreeing with homework is astonishing! Where were y’all when I was a kid?? (kidding) and I get it. My kid is only in kindergarten and he has a paper a week (always comes home on Fridays and I usually forget about it till Sunday night/Monday morning) but what is your kids supposed to do when they get older and the homework is part of their grades?? Just not do it? If they think they don’t have to do it now they won’t wanna do it when they get older and it’ll be you sitting there with your kid’s teacher and them saying how much work they’re missing and it’s affecting their grades. I’m all for kids being kids, but you got to keep your kids set up for success. Even if you don’t like it.


I don’t think young kids should have homework every day or have to sit and do homework for long periods of time when they get home, I do think a couple times a week sitting down for 10-20 minutes with you or another adult is really good practice for when they are older and will have homework everyday

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My son is in 1st grade and he has homework every single day.

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Kids should not have homework but if it is sent he should do it. It helps him learn how to do homework and if there is no homework then he should read or be read to for at least half an hour.

I guess it depends on the homework they’re sending. My sons (k & 3rd) both have homework and it’s super easy but pertains to what they’re doing in class. It only takes like 10min a night.

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I agree homework is ridiculous but you don’t want to teach him it’s ok to not follow rules.


No kid should have homework. That’s what school is for…


40 years ago when I was at school we all had homework everyday.
If we didn’t do it, we’d be punished and have to write lines in our lunchtime or break time.
I understand that you don’t think homework is important, but what you are doing is teaching them not to follow the rules, not to do as he’s told or respect authority at a young age and I think that’s quite a slippery slope to be on.
Times have obviously changed since I was a kid :woman_shrugging:t3:


My mother was a teacher for almost 36 years. We had to do our homework daily. When I had kids of my own I taught them that school work and assignments were important. They teach them to follow rules, they improve their comprehension and therefore increase their knowledge. Homework is about discipline and work which life is full of later on. It is our job to bring our children up so they become capable of being productive members if society and homework is just one more tool!


it’s supposed to be a partnership bw the school and parents. this sounds like you expect daycare

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When a child has homework it is helping to teach them to be responsible and it will help to prepare them for higher grades when they will have homework all the time also teaches them to follow the rules


At our school homework is optional unless they are lacking in certain areas. I will never make my kids do homework but I do add things into daily tasks to help for example I will just say to them “what’s 10 x 2?” Or " how do you spell XYZ?" Teach them as you go about your day to day tasks.

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I think homework is important, maybe not more than a page or so, 1/2 hour or less. Many of them less fortunate than him, poor home life no support & those, more than a child like yours, need homework & it wouldn’t be unfair for some having homework & some not. It would make the other students feel thhe unfainess & want to work even less.

I believe kids should be doing homework or schoolwork after school be it work sheets, 20 min of reading, when younger working on spelling lists, multiplication tables, reviewing what they learned in class and organizing it or studying for tests and quizzes as they get older. Good study habits make them more prepared so less cramming close to tests and projects. My daughter was self motivated to do this my son, it was a struggle every day. Easier to start good habits when they are younger.

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Our opinion won’t change what is so why bother?

If it’s sent home, he should do it. You’re teaching him a poor work ethic by allowing him to ignore it.


My kindergartener has homework daily. Its a bonding time for us. I get to help her learn at home so its not just the teachers job. My 3rd grader does not have homework due to so many kids not doing it. She’s slacking more than normal because we don’t have that 1 on 1. She fights me to do anything, they have spelling words and she will fight tooth and nail while my kinder does just fine most days, yes she gets overwhelmed and will cry but we talk through it and make it a game.

It’s life. ALL ages have homework. My kid was in preschool and we had set things we had to work on as well. It is never ending, the older they get the more they will get anyhow.


Is he graded on this homework? If he’s is and he’s not turning it in then getting 0s isn’t helping. I don’t think any kid should be getting tons of homework each night but teaching him, “my momma said I don’t have to do it, so I’m not going to do it” is going to backfire on you real quick.


I am an elementary teacher at a PK-6 campus and we do not assign homework. If a child is struggling academically then it will be addressed with the parent and extra material will be provided for the child to get additional support/practice at home.

Lots of elementary students are involved in extra curricular activities outside of school and it is so important for them to become well rounded individuals. Sending homework home just stresses out the student and the parent. They spend 8 hours at school… that is plenty.

That being said… if a teacher does assign homework then you do have a responsibility to teach your child to do what is expected of them… otherwise you are teaching your child they don’t have to be responsible or respect their teacher.


My son had homework in 2nd grade, but doesn’t in 3rd. Depends on the teachers opinion of homework. He still has projects we do and flash cards they send home and other small papers once in a while, but most nights he doesn’t have homework. In the mornings before school we will do test reviews and we practice spelling words before a test.

Now, if the teachers DID send home work- we would do it!! You’re sending your kiddo the wrong message here.

I think life is full of things we don’t want to do and children need to learn to follow directions and do things even if they don’t want to…. So I would make him do the homework


And this is why we will have another generation of kids who think they don’t have to do anything or anything extra. God for bid they have to do just a little more. My kid this, my kid that, and then when he gets to middle/high school and is expected too-they will look and say well my mom said I didn’t have to bc I don’t want to….Jesus it’s a worksheet


My children do all assignments… PERIOD

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I do not think it is necessary for a child to have homework in 2nd grade, let them be kids - that is more important than doing the homework. Let them have a time at school to do anything - - -.


If the homework takes more than 30mins, at that age, that’s a bit much. But a worksheet, really?
Realize homework may be it’s own grade. If he isn’t doing it, it will bring down his whole grade. So, that A can be a B or a C depending on weight.
By ignoring it, you’re telling him he doesn’t have to do it if you don’t like it. That undermines the teachers.
If it bothers you that much, talk to the one in charge of it…not facebook.


And we wonder why kids feel entitled and don’t have to listen or think the rules apply to them.


Kids don’t get to be kids any more☹️


I think you’re setting a dangerous precedent at a crucial development stage. How are you going to explain to your child in 2-3 years why you didn’t make him do his homework then, but now all of a sudden you want him to? Those mixed signals are going to confuse and irritate him. I hope you expect backlash then. I dont see this going well in a few years where he will need homework as the extra practice because the learning is harder and concepts are more difficult. What you’re doing by having homework is setting and establishing good habits at this age. So when school gets harder, usually around 4th grade+, your kid already has established the self discipline to get his work done, and knows what to do if he doesn’t understand it. I think if you stick to this and are wishy washy on this, when it comes time to do getting him to actually do homework later on, it’ll be a fight him every step of the way that day on out. Should they have hours and hours of homework in 2nd grade, no. But at this age, they are learning phonics which is important in spelling, and more importantly math facts, which are the basis of all the math they will do in the next few years ahead. Fun shouldn’t preclude or exclude them from being responsible for getting it done. How is he getting good grades if you’re not making him do his homework? Is homework not a substantial part of the grade? 2nd grade is easy. But 3rd, 4th, and 5th, are not going to be a easy. What does his teacher think of this idea of yours? Have you discussed it with anyone at the school. I don’t see this going well for you in the long run. You’re looking too short term.


My kindergartener has homework Mondays and Wensdays from school and "homework " from home Tuesdays and Thursdays which is working on her reading lists idk why you wouldn’t want every possible chance for your kids to succeed in life


I don’t think any kid should get Homework … they are at school all day doing schoolwork … agree with an above comment kids don’t get to be kids anymore


This is the problem now days, remember when we were younger and we ate, did homework, chores and still had time for other stuff. I do. It doesn’t hurt for kids to have homework and parents help them.


I totally agree, my first grader has sooo much homework sent home plus homework on the laptop! I think it’s ridiculous, if we don’t start as soon as we get home it doesn’t all get done unless we stay up until 10pm or later. I absolutely hate it!! He does too, he has no time to be a kid! But unfortunately I’m afraid there would be negative repercussions from the school, etc. if we just ignore it and don’t do it. But I do 100% understand where you’re coming from with this post


Teachers base their whole curriculum off of class work and homework. If you don’t make him do it he’s going to start getting 0’s and he will fail and he will have to repeat grades because you ‘don’t think a 2nd grader should have homework’.

If you want to be your child’s teacher do home school but you can’t send them to school and pick and choose what you want them to do and not to do. Don’t set your child up for failure!


My 4th grader only has reading for homework for 20 min but I have her read for 30 . Some teachers think the same kids should be kids after school and some teachers hand out work every day . It’s quite debatable on both ends

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I don’t totally agree with no homework at all. Kids finish school at 3.15 to 3.30. Most would have tea at just say 6.00. So there,s a few hours to be kids. Most not all are on games, laptops. School is 6 hrs. Take out recess and lunch. How ever long that is these days. Then they get so many school holidays now and curriculum days as well. School years have changed times have changed so much. I’ve seen writing from 14 , 15 year olds that can’t spell and you can’t even read what’s written it’s total scribble. A bit of homework isn’t so bad doesn’t have to be every night.

All my kids teachers aren’t doing homework this year and are only assigning reading if they are doing homework.


Its 2nd grade…if teacher sends home work pages then let him do it…reading to him at night is important, the real homework wont start until 4th grade it seems these days and then its not that much. I used to play games with spelling, math and reading so it was fun.

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My aunt taught at Highland Park for 40 years. She always sent homework home. She taught 3rd grade for years and then switched to 2nd grade.

Where I live homework counts as 50% of the grade. My kids have all had homework since kindergarten. Usually only reading, spelling words, sometimes math. However it never takes them longer than 30 minutes to complete all homework, 30 minutes for chores. Plenty of time to be a kid.


Seriously? Why would you think your child is privileged more than the other children in his class? If he has homework it’s required and will be counted for a percentage of his grade. Why would you not make him do his assignments? Your way of thinking makes no sense to me. Why would you think you could tell the teacher you aren’t going to make him do his homework?


My kindergarden has homework mon-thursday

My oldest is in 7th grade and hasn’t done homework since 1st Grade and my youngest is in Kindergarten and doesn’t and won’t do homework either! We read every night, work on math facts/sight words and writing but it’s not homework necessarily and I’ve explained that studying for test will come as they got older.

Everyone stating kids should be doing homework how many of you have kids with ADHD? My sons meds do their job and get him through his school day so they are don’t working 2pm-4pm so to do homework after 5pm is impossible and he isn’t learning anything and it causes drama during our family time! Which is limited during the week. Family time is more important than fighting over homework. My kids don’t even do a music class not choir or band! My oldest won’t practice and has NO desire to do music so he doesn’t.

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My daughter is in pre-k and she has homework almost everyday, I had homework almost everyday and look I graduated! :clap:

We are so far behind other countries.

Homework is reinforcement for what was learned that day.


Way to teach the kid that rules don’t apply if you don’t like them.


My kids have had homework every day of every year since kindergarten.

My kindergartener has homework :woman_shrugging:

I drop my kiddos at school 730am and I don’t see them again until 6pm the last thing I want to be doing is homework. I rather play and let them relax this homework thing for elementary school is ridiculous


My daughter is in 2nd grade ,
She has spelling words and has to write them 3 times and site words and vocabulary every day…math sometimes but not often.

My second grader never has homework. It’s their school policy. And I love it


Just because your child is doing well in school doesn’t mean others are. Homework helps imo if the parent knows how to do the work to get the one on one time not all teachers are able to give to help the child understand a little better

I agree with you and I understand. But if he does not complete his homework, he will get a failing grade.
I feel schools over do schooling. Kids get burnt-out on school. They go 7 hours day a day of school. Not only that parents are not teachers. And sometimes parents don’t teacher the same way.


My daughter that is in 1st grade reads and has to practice her site words

It gets them used to it… do it. Or your gonna be the reason why he hates homework later :rofl::rofl::rofl:


My daughter got one packet a week. A whole week to do it. It literally takes half an hour. Plus, as a teacher in the past I’ll tell you that may be his daily work he didn’t finish. That is not great work ethic in training them for what’s to come.

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My youngest is in 2nd grade, he gets a sheet of math homework each night mon-thurs… it takes him 10 minutes to complete. He sits down immediately after getting home and conpletes it.

In my opinion youre teaching your son that he doesnt have to listen or obey his teacher or other authority and that may cause issues moving forward.


Second grade parent here! No homework for us! We just go over our spelling words at night!

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Young one - homework is a way a teacher can see if a student really understands what was taught - independent practice. Making a child do his homework teaches - responsibility and accountability. Although if there is only one teacher - there shouldn’t be more than one hour total.


Kids don’t have enough time to be kids. They learn a lot from other sources like play, sports, music, art etc that they should have time to do after school!

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If a child is in school all day homework is pointless, cruel and absolutely wrong.


I 100% agree that homework has gotten a bit out of hand, but that’s less about the teachers and more about the state’s guidelines. My nephew is a first grader and has had multiple research projects he’s had to do. He’s a first grader!
However, that being said, you are sending the wrong message to your child. You’re basically telling him he can pick and choose what work he has to do. You’re also sending the message that what his teachers ask of him is only reasonable if you approve it. If you genuinely feel that the homework is excessive then meet with his teacher to discuss what can be done to ensure his work is done in class. Your child might not be utilizing his class time appropriately and you might need to help him navigate time management skills. Don’t assume the teachers doing it for the sake of doing it! Good luck!!!


20 me nutes or less. Teachers self discipline and independence

He should be doing homework. It hurts his grades and doesn’t teach him responsibility to skip it.

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We ALL had to do it…
He’s not completing his homework and that will be brought up to you. You are the adult. Take responsibility and show your child responsibility too…

As a mother of four( all grown now) , I HATE HOMEWORK! :rofl: cub scouts, PTA , little league, gymnastics, play time dinner time , baths , housework and and and. Not enough hours in a day,


My daughters in kindergarten and has homework almost every night so I don’t see why a second grader should be any different.

As a former teacher and administrator, I agree with you. Kids need to have time to be kids. Too much pressure on children nowadays. They’ll grow up to hate school.


There should be a happy medium. I have a first grader who has a decent amount of homework every night but we still manage to get it done and let her have play time. As much as I feel it is a bit much, I will say I do think it helps. My daughter was basically a beginner in K for reading when she started 1st, and a couple weeks ago, her teacher came to me and said she is officially at benchmark for reading and I believe it’s because one she’s actually in school and does better in that environment than remote with me, two, I’ve been having her do the extra reading at home through her homework. I do agree with you especially about the amount of work they have but I also know it instills responsibility and accountability in the least.

Welcome to the real world and your kid getting an education. Don’t teach him to not do it. This is life

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My daughter is in second grade and never has homework, she’s brought home one math sheet since September and it took her 10 min. I wouldn’t mind if it was 20 min or less for practice basically. I do make her read to me before bed though, but she needs that extra practice.

As a parent of multiple kids only homework my kids got in second grade was spelling words sight words and a little reading every night if they brought something else home it was work they didn’t finish in class for messing off and not doing what they was supposed to do

Sooooo, your teaching your child to not do his work. Think about that minute. I do see your point But, How does he see it. I’ll tell you how. Every year not just the elementary ones he will toss away any work teachers give him. It doesn’t matter if it’s a single sheet with a set of multiplication or weather it’s Calculus. The point is …it’s not important. It will Never be important because Mom taught him at a young age that Any work sent home or any work unfinished is UNIMPORTANT! Yes, I get Family is important. BUT! SO IS YOUR CHILD’S FUTURE. He will never be a successful student and that will cause him to never be a successful Adult. Sorry but please rethink what YOU are teaching him at home. The homework is easy enough for you to help him and still receive quality time with him. Yes. I’m talking about sitting at he table with him and helping so it goes by faster. It shouldn’t take long since he’s making A’s. Those papers will all be 0’s. He will also blame you if he fails the subject or grade. YOU are responsible for his education and future. Otherwise … Homeschool him. God bless you the wisdom to see how to help your child succeed in life. (That includes birth till death. )


My 2nd grader has 20 mins of reading each night Monday thru Thursday. I don’t let her skip it bc it teaches responsibility and accountability.


We all did it but we get to stop our work profession when we get home they should too

Yes a lot of second graders (in Australia) are given a sheet of paper with basic spelling, Sentance forming , home readers and some basic math questions (adding and subtracting)

Homework also acts as a teaching responsibility and time management tool. No he shouldn’t have hours worth, that’s ridiculous, but a 20-30 minute handout, I don’t see an issue.

I don’t believe children should have homework. School is enough.

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My son has it one time a week. Teacher does site words ,we get one math work sheet which is just repetitive practice only to do.He’s in second. Any more would be impossible for me to help him unless it fell on a weekend. We don’t do the computer learning stuff as he needs help with that. I only have three half hrs to get off work drive get kids drive 25 min cook bathe them teeth hang out let them play and take care of a 3 and 8 year old… and get up early in am. Sorry not sorry. And summer comes we burn old hw or any hw he didn’t get to to celebrate being done lol

So homework is to work the mind outside of school. Have them start thinking critically and surpassing obstacles. Unfortunately my kids are given work packets on Friday and expected to turn it in on Monday. My kids are 8 and 9. I work two jobs and the weekend is the only time we have for family time. I spoke with both of their teachers, they said the work is an option and not required, i however don’t see the point in issuing weekend work if it’s not required to be turned in. So I asked if the kids could work on them throughout the week and return to school Friday before the new packet is issued. My kids need that after school mind jog to get them ready for school the next day. It’s a struggle to get my kids to do these packets because the teachers are just like “eh, do it if you want” no, I need the “yes it’s homework and it will count against you” type mentality back. Make your kid do the work. It will benefit him. You have the weekends to free reign child like behavior and activities and fun kid stuff.

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I have a kindergartener and her teacher sends home a worksheet once or twice a week and the days she doesn’t have a worksheet she is on her school issued ipad to work on a learning app usually about 20 minutes a day. Some days I admit it is bothersome but it shows me what she needs help with in the process.

Research has shown that homework has no benefits until junior high AT LEAST. My kids won’t be doing busy work homework in elementary school either.

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My son is in Kindergarten and he has around 30-45 minutes of homework per day. I’m ok with it.

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This is one of the most ridiculous questions I’ve seen on here. How can you choose to not make your kids do something that was assigned to them? What are you teaching your child? I agree homework can be too much sometimes but letting them choose to not do it is not the answer. Kids need to learn responsibility and realize that it’s important and will be expected from them in all grades moving forward. Also, the homework usually counts for a grade whether it’s graded for accuracy or simply if it’s turned in or not. If homework is a high % of their total grade then that can drastically bring down their average…even if they are passing everything else. The amount of homework will increase as they get older and become harder as well. You have to start now and make a schedule that includes time for homework and make it a habit. They are continuing to learn. I want to give my child every thing he needs to be successful. I read a comment where one mom says she uses that for bonding time and I 10000% agree with that. There are a lot things we don’t want to do but they need to learn they still have to do it. Sometimes when they are struggling with something…the more they practice or do the work, the more they understand. Just my two cents. #helpyourchildbesuccessful


I think you’re setting a poor example by telling him he doesn’t have to do his assignments. That tells him that he doesn’t have to listen to his teachers. If you feel that strongly about homework why not homeschool him? Then whatever work he does and when he does it will be up to you