Should 2nd graders have homework?

When my son was in elementary he had soo much homework! Math and spelling several sheets of each everyday. Plies this online assignment called Iready. It was ridiculous. It took all our free time after work and school. I could understand 2 sheets a week but not a new sheet of homework everyday for every subject. Unfortunately homework is part of their grade I believe.

If he’s making good grades and knows the material, he should just be able to get it done quickly then, right?


We have had homework since kindergarten pretty normal. A lot of classrooms have Asshole children and time gets missed handling other things besides learning. Really don’t see the big deal if he does so well how long will it really take? Get better time management skills or figure out a different school or home schooling. They can give your kid a bad grade if he doesn’t do what is given although unlikely in second grade they will be held back in higher grades for not doing homework no matter if they know the material or not

Both of my children, from kindergarten on (they’re in 2nd and 4th now) have 20 minutes of reading, math, sight words, and writing or some other page of work, every single night. Ice gotten to the point that I don’t bother making them do it. They spend at least an hour getting everything done every night. It’s ridiculous.

That’s how school works… you go to school you get homework. There is still plenty of time for kids to still be kids, homework doesn’t take up their whole life.

Yes the answer is yes!!

Homework is given for a reason by a teacher. If you think you can guide them and teach them better, than maybe think about taking that task on. Just because you feel like its too much doesnt mean you can let him slide with not doing it. Its great he knows the material and is doing good. But homework being done is not your choice. This is a poor example of teaching responsibility :confused:


You definitely don’t won’t to see my kindergartens list of things he has to know week by week , plus homework… My second grader has spelling, vocabulary, math , reading (2) , high frequency words , 15 sight words , and whatever grammar page is sent home, library book, plus whatever other project they have to do.

My daughter is in 1st grade and I also teach 1st grade at a different school. She comes home with 3-4 sheets of work for the entire week and can do it at her leisure. I believe by telling him he doesn’t have to do it, it sets a poor example. It shows that you don’t respect his teacher and what she/he assigned. It’s assigned… therefore required. These papers being sent home could be review for upcoming county tests. If you say he is on grade level then a couple sheets should be nothing for him to do. I would say you could homeschool… but if you are going to make this excuse for him now… what excuse is next… it will snowball and he will be behind. I have seen it more and more lately.


My boy is in pre k and has brought some home and is excited to do his homework. I’m glad for that. It is a responsibility. Teach them young then it’s easier as they get older. I have three older children and they all did well. It was a struggle with the middle one to do anything but they all made it and graduated. And now my 4 yr old is starting out. And my soon to be 3yr old will be in head start hopefully. She is stubborn. Everyone will learn differently though.

When mine were little, they did whatever homework they had. Just like they do now :woman_shrugging:t2:

30 minutes of homework daily is not going to kill anybody. Homework helps children reinforce what they learned in class that day. Kids learn how to manage time too by doing their homework. It’s a good skill building and for you to decide not to have him do his homework ,you are setting your child up for failure.


Homework is crucial part of learning. They need to keep these skills fresh. Even if you don’t agree allowing him to just not do what is assigned is setting a bad precedent in his little mind. This is teaching him that he doesn’t have to do what is assigned if he doesn’t want too that he can pick and choose.


Teach your child that this is his work. Have him learn good habits now about homework and you will have fewer problems later on. Usually your school has a limit for how much work is given to students at various grade levels. If your child is not struggling both you and he can take pride that he is able to complete his assignment in record time. These days many concepts are taught differently than when you were in school and the emphasis is not so much on getting the right answer as HOW they went about the process of getting that answer. Good luck! Set good habits now. The earlier the better :heart:


Every kid gets homework thats what happens when you’re in school

Started my kids on homework before they started kindy and now they ace through it.

Homeschooling is amazing.

My kids school has a no homework policy. I’m so glad! I agree with you, they spend enough time at school, they need time to do their own thing.


It depends on the student. I think homework should be done as review and last no more than 30 minutes but I don’t think homework should be enforced. Instead, parents should understand some students need extra practice more than others and that’s okay, so it should be given to them so at home they get that one on one attention that they most likely did not get in school.

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My son is in kindergarten, hates hw already, he gets 2-4 pages just about every night

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Ive got 5 kids in school . All with different homework. We get it all done and it doesn’t take too long . I like working with them to see how they are progressing in their learning . I also homeschool my additional needs 15 yr old.


Don’t send your kid to school then

By having him skip doing his work,you arezettong a really bad example. Wait until he’s older & starts skipping classes!! Not doing & not handing in homework, must show in
his grades also. So sad

So many people are normalizing the homework thing. But they spend 7 hours a day, 5 days a week in school, that’s already a lot of time on school & I agree that time should allow for all their work to get done and require no homework, but unfortunately that isn’t how public schools are. So maybe talk to your son about working on his homework while he had free/independent time at school or do home schooling.:woman_shrugging:


My sons teacher doesn’t give homework so I got our own workbooks to do after school.
I 100% believe there should be homework, just not the type that the teacher was supposed to do in class with the children.

Nobody likes homework. Kids, parents, grade school, high school. We al hate it… don’t like it. Then home school. But then you’ll face a whole host of potential social issues in his adolescent years.
It’s a really bad habit to teach him to disregard his authority figures and blatantly ignore his lessons. If you continue to breed that kind of attitude, it will only get worse in his JR/sr school years. Good luck though…


That is your choice his your child.

I noticed though when my son didn’t do his reading for a while, once we started again he was a bit behind and wasn’t as good at it then when we were doing it everyday. My daughter refuses to do homework she won’t even bring it home from school bit of a bummer cause she does need it.
Some kids are just a little further ahead then others maybe that’s what your situation is and he doesn’t need to do it, were mine are the type that need that little bit extra, each to there own. Every child is different. Do what you think is best.

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No matter what your child will come home with homework. Maybe not every day, but most. Sitting down for 30 mins isn’t going to hurt him. I have a 2nd grader myself, and he doesn’t come home with a terrible amount of homework. It will help more than harm. I don’t particularly like making him do the work or having to help him, but it’s important. Kids get distracted and forget easily. They need to be refreshed.


My son is in the 3rd grade & doesn’t get homework. Other than reading 15 min every night. But I do agree with you. I don’t think they should get homework either. But if my son’s teacher did give him homework I would make him do it, I wouldn’t let him skip.

He should do it now. When he gets to middle and high school he won’t have the skills to do it.

Our kids 1st and 3rd have no home work, just told to do x time reading and math. (District decision for the year) they both excel at school, and I think they should have something. Nothing huge. A work sheet, a math game. It helps teach responsibility and it’s good practice. I worry what the transition will be like when all of a sudden they are getting hours a night.

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My daughter got homework in 2nd grade, but not much. She would do it on the bus or as soon as she got home. Her teacher checked to make sure it was complete

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My kindergartener gets homework. :woman_shrugging:t3:


Im sooo thankful my daughter doesn’t get much homework. And usually if she does have any its because she didnt finish the work during school!!

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When I was kid in the 1950s, we didn’t have pre-school or kindergarten where I lived, so I was a full-time kid then. When I started the first grade, we even got a little bit of homework then. It gives the parents the opportunity to be pro-active with the kid’s education process. Nothing wrong with doing a little homework at that age. Admittedly, there MAY be some teachers who pile on too much homework. That’s a completely different issue though.


Kids shouldn’t have home work that’s what school is for

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My child gets so much homework. It’s crazy plus she has to read 20 minutes a day. Yesterday we had 4 assignments and one pf the 4 was 16 pages long. She is in first grade


When my 1st grader was in kindergarten, he was distance learning due to covid. His class was maybe 30 minutes long per day. We always did his “homework” right away, and then I always added more because of the time in class he didnt get. Now that he is in 1st grade he brings homework home generally on tuesdays and thursdays with the exception of spelling and reading. He has started “refusing” to do work in class. So I asked his teacher to send it home as extra work. If he doesnt have time to play or watch screens- then he should have thought about that before hand. :woman_shrugging: the older they get the more responsibilities they have.


Thankfully more and more teachers are moving towards no homework but unfortunately it’s still a mainstream thing and yeah i do think it’s ridiculous. They are at school long enough during the day. Personally i think unless it’s like a special project or research paper, etc kids shouldn’t have homework at all k-12! They are at school the whole freaking day and after that should be time for them to play, do sports, spend time with family, etc. That said if his teacher is assigning the work you need to communicate with his teacher about it or they could be giving your child a worse grade for not completing the work.

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My sons school is so awesome, never gave him homework. But his last school did when he was even younger

My kids won’t be doing homework🤷🏻‍♀️


They get to jr high and most teachers won’t assign homework because students don’t return it. The teachers that do get complaints from parents about students failing. There is a corilation between teaching a child that they will have to do things they don’t like or think they don’t need and failing or doing poorly because they chose not to.

With all that was lost the past two year , a page of homework and 15/20 min of reading wouldn’t hurt.


I totally agree! They shove school so far down these kid’s throats that they get sick of school. School work should be at school and home life should be at home. Families don’t even sit down at the dinner table together or talk about their day together anymore and then the teachers want to take away the little bit of time they do have. I agree :100:% :woman_shrugging:t3:

No more than 20 minutes total a day.

How long would it take to do homework at the kitchen table before dinner ?? That way he could play outside with friends till dark… or before dinner time… if it’s one page, then he should do it. It sets good learning patterns. THAT, I believe, IS the lesson.


My thoughts too. I don’t make mine do the homework.

Whilst at that age, I don’t think homework really is a requirement, i do believe that a little bit is worthwhile. It doesn’t have to be much, but it should be challenging and something that engages them. I do also believe that this sets in motion good work ethics that will not only be required in higher grades but also any jobs they might have when they are older. Just my opinion though

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My daughter is in second grade and does her homework everyday. It is routine to get off the bus grab a snack and do the homework. It normally doesn’t take her more then30-45 mins and then yhe rest of the day if hers. But we have just been doing the homework since kindergarten so ig it’s just the normal for us

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Practice makes perfect

I absolutely disagree with homework and projects but being in public school you have to do it :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Homework can sometimes be the different between passing and failing. The get a grade for it. Could also be a bonus do your homework U don’t have to take the test on Friday or U get bonus points on the test for turning it in.
I think your teaching your kids wrong by not making them do the homework. They won’t know what to do when they hit middle school an 5 out of the 8 teachers gives them homework. Your setting them up to fail later. Just my opinion.