Should a 9 Year Old Get a Perm?

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"Should I get my 9 year olds hair permed he wants it so so bad …but his other side of the family is hard Catholics …they threw a fit when I got my daughters ears pierced."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"My 9 yr old got a perm for her birthday."

"Perms are super damaging to your hair but hey it’s your child and hair grows back."

"Let him. The easiest time in life to do what you want and express yourself is when you’re a kid. You don’t get judged as much and it’s fun for them. Who cares what your family thinks as long as the smile on your child’s face lets them know he is happy."

"Don't let the church decide things for your daughter. Its very damaging to kids later in life. Let her be her."

"As long as you and your hubby are on the same page no one else’s opinion matters."

"Can he take care of it on his own? Or able to help in the caring for it? If the answer is yes then go for it."

"Let your kids express themselves and figure out who they are. Its no one else’s business but yours and their’s."

"Its hair! It grows back…and he is YOUR child."

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