Should a 9-year-old read the hunger games?

Would you let your 9 year old read the Hunger Games? Since the new movie came out, my daughter’s been asking to, saying lots of kids in her class have read the books/seen the movies. I’m not opposed, just wondering if it’s better that she waits a couple years until she can understand things better? But maybe I’m wrong? I did a quick google, and apparently the age rating is 11-13, which isn’t that far off from my daughter’s current age…


It’s not so much the number of age as it is the individual maturity level. Which differs between 9 and 11, and definitely between 9 and 13. But it’s your personal decision to make. Have you personally read the books? If you like the movies (topic) maybe you could read the books first. Or along with her if you choose to allow her to.

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Personally if she’s asking I’d let her

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I’d let her my daughter watched them with me at that age!

If you are concerned read it along side her and talk to regularity about what she’s reading. Discuss with her. Be curious as to what she thinks. Help her view it in an appropriate way. Don’t just tell her what to think. Maybe bring up things that you read that “concern” you and ask her what she thinks. Great learning opportunities for both.


My 10 year old is reading it :woman_shrugging:t2:

I would never limit what my child could read. I was 8 and reading Stephen King.

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I would offer to read it with her.