Should a father walk around naked with their kids around?

I don’t agree with bathing/showering with the child
But walking round his house in his boxies/shorts I don’t see an issue!


If this has to be question, you know it’s wrong…


If you’re having to ask if this behavior is ok then you answered your own question :thinking: Get a clue! Your child’s Father shouldn’t be walking around in front of your child half naked :roll_eyes:


My dad and brother walked around in nothing but boxers all the time. Y’all need to stop being such prudes and NORMALIZE the human body. And if you can’t trust a child’s FATHER to bathe them then maybe you should pick your men better. :woman_facepalming:t2:


It is against the law one of my family members got arrest for it


No he shouldn’t be showering with her she is old enough to do it alone or have help when only asked he needs to have shorts on when she’s awake

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The amount of people who misread the bathing part of this question is concerning. Other than that, I agree 5 years old is too old for dad to be bathing with her or walking around naked. It’s not a sexual thing, genital should be kept private from your children after a certain age.


My dad always wore his undies walking from my parents room to the bathroom and from the bathroom to the room after showers. NEVER walked around naked in front of me. Just weird

Ummm no!! Not okay at all

Bathing super no but a quick run by in boxers is no big deal imo. We usually tell her to close and cover her eyes too naked naked? No

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NOOOO! Absolutely not!

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It’s seriously not appropriate at that age and should not be walking around naked in front of kids at certain ages cause at that age they should be learning modesty and privacy and boundaries I wouldn’t want to be walking around naked and than in turn my daughter thinks it’s ok to walk around naked can give kids the wrong idea thinking they can show anyone there bodies I mean tf it’s mf a private thing I mean :cry: asf and people wonder why shit happens to children it’s starts young teaching them privacy and boundaries and it’s your body and others aren’t supposed to see it or touch it I mean ffs

I have a one year old daughter who likes to be held when she takes a bath/showers and every time her dad has been the one to hold her, he is either wearing shorts or boxers.

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If he wears boxers or whatever then its not a big deal but being naked hell no! And bathing together with him and her is a hard NO!

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As long as his privates are covered I don’t understand the problem with walking around comfortably in the house. As for the showering, that’s always been a no-go for me. That’s my time to get clean and be away from the kids so I’ve never WANTED them in the shower with me. Have I once or twice? Yeah, but only because my youngest literally got undressed and climbed in. Definitely not a regular thing and he’s 2 not 5. Do I think it’s weird that some people do? Not really. :woman_shrugging:t3: Would I personally? No.


I really don’t understand these people who are bathing with children!


Umm… NOBODY should be walking around a child completely naked!! Nor should a 5yr old be bathing with anyone! Is this even a real question!?


Why would he want to walk naked in front of the kids???

Kinda weird


Showering no… Shes too old now. And i think he needs to atleast have shorts on when she is around.
My husband and son walk around in shorts/boxers all the time & when im home cleaning i usually wear leggings/shorts and a sports bra. Our son is 10. He sees it no different than a bathing suit.

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In Europe and parts of Asia, totally normal to be naked as a family in a sauna, hot tub, around the house. Just bodies. In the U.S.? Nope, we sexualize everything and it’s not done past say, 2 years old.

Ex used to use the bathroom in our daughter’s room, but once she turned 3, that was it.
The price of taking a shower when my son was little and no one else was available to watch him was a box of tampons. He loved to open them and launch them. Gave me just enough time for a quick one.

When the kids (boy & girl) were both 3 or under, they’d get a bath together. My daughter wondered where her “peanuts” was. :smile: After that they can bathe themselves with some checking.


my dad lived in his boxers at home (his family is European so nudity and stuff isn’t an issue). but he always had at least his boxers on. he stopped bathing with my sister and I when we realized his body was different than ours (around age 4, then he would help me bathe while he stood clothed outside the shower). HOWEVER he’s very different when my daughter (4) is present. he’s fully clothed around her always, but she also makes fun of him when she’s seen him in his boxers :joy:. America is very stern when it comes to nudity, but most other countries aren’t. honestly, I feel like it’s what you and your child are comfortable with


For all of you saying stop sexualizing it, my question is when she’s 14, 15 or 16 is it still okay? At what age do you think it’s inappropriate? Or is it always okay?


What the hell did I just read. That’s weird as shit.

If a family has a healthy attitude toward nudity and accepts that the human body is a wonderful thing then it should not be a problem.
If the parents dont make a big deal about being nude and shaming anyone who is nude then the family can have a healthy relationship.
I have been to nudist camps where children are exposed and the families were healthy.
Nudity does not equate sexuality.
Grow up!


But I bet if this was a mom instead of dad it would probably be no big deal. I think it really depends on the situation


Well when you grow up in a family like mine running around in t-shirts and boxers and leaving the bathroom door open when you go is just a thing and no one thinks any different :rofl: if you make it a problem it becomes a problem if you make them realize it and say stuff about it then it becomes a problem :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s fucking gross

No! this was the beginning of how my step father " groomed" me for abuse!


Umm no, he needs to cover himself and he can bathe her but not with her.

It’s a nope from me.

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Nope, not ok. No reason for an adult male to be naked with a 5 year old girl!!! Children do not need to be exposed to that. One reason is it sends a message to be comfortable naked with adults. A 5 year old can be bathed outside the tub by dad. But NO OTHER MALES THIS INCLUDES BOYFRIEND, SO, FRIENDS PERIOD. Be a mom and bathe your kids.

no not at alli feel he shouldnt b bathing with her at her age now

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No thats fucking weird. Stop normalizing being naked infront of children especially a grown man infront of a female child. Do yall not know what grooming is?? Disgusting. Shorts? Cool. But do better. Nowadays why even risk it. When you become a parent it’s no longer about what you want, when your kids are grown and out the house. Be nakey. But why the fuck would a grown man be bathing with a 5 year old?? Ask yourself that :nauseated_face:

No he should not be naked. Boxers or shorts is fine. Bathing with her at 5…no not ok.


No and no. Thats inappropriate once they get to be like 2.

Are you meaning he is wearing undies/boxers? If so then there’s nothing wrong with that. As for bathing? I’m not sure. My partner/daughters father occasionally jumps in the bath with her but he wears his jockeys . She’s 11 months old though. Sounds like you need to have an adult conversation with him and figure out where you guys stand with stuff like this. He could of been raised differently to you, so he could think that some things you find odd, are fine.

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O I don’t even no way u are asking for advice the answer is NO

I personally think she’s getting too old to be seeing a grown man’s penis even if it is her dad’s…

Some of y’all are kinda weird. I mean personally, I wouldn’t be comfortable with it but that’s just me and trauma. I don’t really see an issue though if that’s what your family is used to. I showered with my grandmother until I was maybe 7, and that wasn’t weird at all. Kids don’t sexualize bodies, adults do. If your husband is naked and bathing with your children because he’s a perv, then obvi it’s a problem. Maybe a little taboo, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong necessarily.


Are you like… Ret@rded

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No, I don’t bathe or let my 4 year old boy see me naked. Thats kind of weird.


What the what!!! Hell naw!!! Put shorts on pants on. That’s not cool.


Uh. No. I have a little girl whos 6 & we even the same gender set limits
… Her Dad has never been naked around her. Never bathed with her & only bathed her when she was a baby.

My daughters dad showered with her till she started noticing he had different parts, I dont know why fathers get treated like bloody peados all the damn time…and then woman complain when dads dont have bonds with thier kids lol

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Yall will over sexualize ANYTHING and its sick


5 is a bit old for me to say it’s okay. Really it just depends on the family. Some families it’s just a natural thing around the house others it’s a big no. If we had a daughter this really wouldn’t be an issue with him, he would always cover. We have two boys 5 and 7. When they were younger they were scared of the bath (I think the drain noises when I would pull the plug after I would get them out, it was LOUD) So for awhile I had to get in the tub with them, I am petite at 4’11” lol. When my older son got to the point he noticed i was different (4ish) that was when there were no more baths together, he was mostly over his fear anyway. My other son is autistic and needed my help longer, he is good now and LOVES bath time. To each their own.


Fine in my opinion, it’s the child’s father.
Everyone needs to stop sexualising everythibg


Heck no. It’s not ok at all.

At some point they just get too old and it’s inappropriate even if that is his child. No not right


When you say cover his genitals do you mean, he has boxers on? Half of England strip down like that in summer and walk around in public so that’s not really an issue


Completely normal lol. Idk why ppl make a big fuss out of this.


I dont see a problem with dad covering himself while he gets dressed. Bathing with her…no … giving his daughter a damn bath is not a problem. I give my 4 year old a bath and they clean themselves entirely I only wash hair and supervise. At a certain point you don’t want to be naked in front of your child but a little butt crack never hurt anyone or being in your underwear unless its revealing.

Each to their own. My partner showered his girls till they were too big to hold in there lol would be a bit awkward standing next to him in the shower now she can stand on her own etc. Lol.


Can’t believe this is even a question. Not everyone’s a pedo you know, and we like to blame the media for body image issues. But if mum and dad aren’t comfortable in their own skin, how can kids be, jeez, :roll_eyes:


I think it’s completely normal… if the father is “normal” lmfao. BUT if you have to even question it then​:woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:

Side note… I do remember showering with my dad when I was like 3-4 and I remember it sooo just keep in mind there’s a chance your daughter will remember it… forever :rofl:


That can get him into trouble no matter if there’s innocence in the act. One would think commonsense will come into play being an adult.

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My son is 8 this yr and we still shower together and we get dressed in front of one another. Each to their own I say. Raise your kids how you see fit


I grew up in a a household where nudity was just not a thing. I found out later that my father was so strict that he didn’t shower or bathe naked. I fully intend to allow natural nudity in the home at all times by all genders. It’s a crying shame that the human body is almost always sexualized. I feel the best thing we could possibly teach our children is that nudity is not an act of sex in itself. Your body is beautiful and not a tool.


In boxers I don’t see a problem. Baths is definitely a no at 5


It’s only inappropriate if you make it inappropriate. I notice nobody ever asks if it’s ok for mums to be naked around, or bath with their children. In fact bathing/showering with them is almost encouraged as bonding, so why shouldnt fathers be able to do so as well.


For all the ones saying it is wrong, why is it wrong?
Because my thoughts are STOP SEXUALIZING YOUR CHILDREN :person_facepalming:


These comments are so weird. It’s natural to be naked. Why are we making our bodies seem shameful? Why are we sexualizing our children? YOUR children seeing YOUR naked body is not weird. Bodies are beautiful. If you have a problem with it then that’s on you. My husband and I both walk around in underwear, sometimes nude. My child is 8. They have recently said they are beginning to be uncomfortable with it and now we will change our ways because we want them to be comfortable in their own home. It’s not a sexual thing. My goodness


I see walking around in boxers but the bathing thing is kinda weird…

What is wrong with people?!

How is a bath or shower with your daughter at 5 a no go?!


If you can’t trust your husband/partner, maybe leave them :woman_shrugging:t2:


What about the mother? No question of it’s it’s okay for her to do it?


We want our girls to be comfortable however they want in our home. This all came from me mom not their dad. He doesn’t go around swing his d*ck he just walks to the bathroom or out of the shower and if they see they see. They don’t look twice at him. They know to not touch anyone else’s private parts nor do you let anyone else touch yours. My husband occasionally showers our girls from the outside of the shower and again it’s their dad. I always check on them, the bathroom door is always open. If I didn’t trust him he wouldn’t be allowed nor would I stay with him. I mean do y’all never leave your girls home alone with their dads? Sexual assault is a huge fear of mine for my girls but I also want them to be comfortable in the safety of their own homes. So yes they see me and my husband naked on a regular basis. They sometimes choose to sleep naked. My littlest one will kick her pants off occasionally and just watch tv naked. We don’t stare at her or ever make comments to her about her privates. Your body is a beautiful thing and I don’t want my kids ashamed of it.


No & absolutely not. Astounding that anyone who sees an issue with this must be over sexualizing “bodies”, “children”, or be a “weido”. Some of us have been through or know someone who has been through something as “innocent” as this, that paved way for something not so innocent. I’m sure in each of those circumstances the majority of parents “trusted” their partner as well, until it was too late. To each their own, no judgement here. I myself just couldn’t imagine allowing it if I had to ask that question on a public forum to feel assured. Again just me.

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Hell naw! If you do you put on up swim trunks until she gets out but it’s a no for me

I cover up from my kids when they start pointing things out.
Mostly my fat butt but… they notice other things, son was about 4-5


Why should he cover his genitals in front of daughter? We all walk around naked in our house. We’re family. No issue.

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This type of post and question is why there are friggin issues in the world


So should I not bathe or supervise my son after he turns 5 and stop sleeping in big tee shirts and underwear? Because it ain’t happening. Stop being weird. If I had a daughter my husband better be helping out including baths just like he does our sons. You want to complain about lack of parenting from fathers but this man is bathing his kid. So he is supposed to stop? Have CPS knock on the door because his kid is filthy and is 5 with a yeast infection or boil and he says what? Some lady on the internet said I was being bad for doing so.


Stop sexualising it . There his kids it’s not sexual !! I totally think it’s fine . Don’t let’s them have body issues . It’s natural .


NOOO. Definitely not ok

If you see a problem with this…
then YOU are the problem pal.
Sexualising every little thing is where people are going wrong these days🤦🏽‍♀️


Is it ok for a mother to do it?


Wonder how many of the people acting like a father walking to the shower while covering his privates, or a father showering his daughter who cant on her own yet is a disgusting pervert…how many of yall have probably laughed while telling your friends about how the kids accidentally saw you banging :thinking: Bet quite a few. You getting plowed & a kid seeing you get penetrated is gross & far more disturbing. What should single fathers do? Are they all pervs? Should they let the girl have poor hygiene just bc she has a vagina & he wont help shower her? Some dads probably dont have time to have privacy. Also, what about every person in Nat Geo? All disgusting pervs too right? They walk around naked 24/7 with their naked kids no matter the gender.

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My parents were nudists so it wasn’t weird to us growing up but there’s no way ii would do i in front of my kids just not my thing. And bathing a kid at that age is no problem what’s the difference with a mother that does it. Females also sexual abuse kids to

I Still will shower with my son if need be and they are 6 and almost 4. And they have seen me naked on plenty of times especially if it is a lazy day. We are family, and I don’t see anything wrong with it. We just go on with our lives.

Alot of 5 year old still need help washing their hair properly, what are single dads meant to do if they arnt allowed to wash their own child? Men can walk around outside with just shorts, his genitals are covered so what’s the issue? :thinking:


I’d say no way! My girls have seen me naked but not my husband. As for bathing hell no!!!

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I know of someone who loved & trusted their partner entirely and he used to bath the woman’s son and that’s how he started abusing the boy.
It’s a scary world we live in. As mothers we aren’t trying to sexualize nudity or bath times, we’re just paranoid that if we let our guard down then our kids will become another statistic. Predators walk amongst us, live amongst us, they don’t wear a sign or label, they just appear as normal, trustworthy, loving people.


This question brought back bad,funny, memory. Husband and daughter in shower ( she is around 2). I hear a painful scream and cussing, then baby crying. I bust into bathroom, open shower curtain. Husband is in conner tears , soapy, unable to talk. Baby sitting crying. He motions be to be baby , ask if he’s ok , nods head yea.
When everyone is settled , find out she grabbed his manhood and rope swung while he was rinsing his hair. She was sitting play in water. Next thing she grabbed and pulled. Said he didn’t fill her stand up . Last shower with daddy.


Nudity. Is. Not. Inherently. Sexual. Stop acting like it is.

A majority of the world has 0 issue with nudity because there is nothing wrong with it. Those countries who do societally decide it’s wrong need to get over themselves. And this is coming from an American. One of the many reasons I miss living in Europe.

I have 0 plans of putting clothes on just because my son is around, even as he gets older. I am doing nothing wrong by being comfortable. Unless he expresses that it makes him uncomfortable, or any future children express that, there is no reason for me to be uncomfortable in my own home just because I brought children into the world.

And no, there is nothing wrong with the father being nude, either.

Do you have any reason to believe he’s being inappropriate with her other than just being nude? Because if not, then move on.

Nudity =/=sex or sexuality.

It’s a comfort choice.


I’d look and see why this triggers you…


as long as his ball’s and nuts r covered then i don’t see an issue…
He’s the father not some random freak


Everyone always sexualizes every little thing. It’s skin, it’s natural, and to say he’s not allowed to bathe her? Wtf happens to single dads or dad couples? Their kids gonna be filthy or hire a nanny bather?


Oh for goodness sake!! His genitals were covered. Stop sexualising everything and normalise the human body.


I’d be more concerned by how many of you are triggered by this. It’s ridiculous.


Why the hell would you have to ask something like this? Of course it’s wrong!


Bathing? I mean why would a man want to bathe with a five yr old? Showing ass is one thing but bathing? Wtf?

As long as there is no sexual intent then it could be considered a way to teach children how to be comfortable with their own body.
Would it be ok for a mom to walk around naked or bathe with a male child?


They should not be bathing together without bathingsuits, and why is it necessary in the first place? its a matter of boundaries. And he should walk around with nothing less than shorts on.


Not even a little bit

Just my opinion no to both things. 5 years old is pretty old for a child to see their dad half naked, and fully naked bathing. My dad didn’t do any of that with me or my sisters and my bf doesn’t with our daughter either. I don’t bathe with my son either and he’s 3, idk I just think stuff like that’s weird and there’s no point in it lol don’t come at me, it’s just my opinion.


Uh no, no and no. Not for mom or Dad


Is he naked or covered because there is a difference


5 years old is too old. She’ll remember seeing it.

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No. Time to cover up.

Underwear is fine. How about we ask how many mother’s walk around naked or in underwear around their sons first.