Should a father walk around naked with their kids around?

Who cares, it’s her dad and she’s only 5. Why is this sexual!


A mother is naked around their kids so what difference does it make if it’s a father?
Why tf are alot of people sexualizing this? Jesus


Uh…no…I think its creepy…its not that hard to throw on a pair of shorts…something doesnt seem right if you feel the need to walk around naked in front of everyone…and as for bathing with them…why? Why cant the kids take their own bath? Again…somethingd not right . I dont care if it’s their father or not. Just no!..but that’s just my opinion


Ummm I walk around in my underwear and my children see me change. I also help my kids change and they sometimes don’t like to wear clothes IN our house… I don’t see why this is wrong. I mean when they’re older okay sure but a 4 year old? :woman_facepalming:t4: y’all are crazy


Hell no and hell no again​:flushed::woman_facepalming:t3:


Honestly if I remember correctly a mom posted something like this about herself and walking around naked near her son and she didn’t get near as much backlash. I think 5 is too old my oldest daughter is 4 and I don’t walk around naked in front of her and I do keep myself covered as well as stopped bathing with her. (My two year old not as much in fact just this morning she climbed in bed with me bare as the day I came into the world and snuggled up to me) honestly some of you women astonish me by being biased. Instead of saying its red flags tell her that at one point an age is too much. She’s not on here asking for criticism or negativity. We a group of moms who help and support each other not scream red flags or some other stupid shit.


Soooo who’s sexualizing this? Your man, your kids, or you? I guess I’m just confused.

You trust this man to live with your kids but if he walks around nude (doing NOTHING SEXUAL) or in underwear, thats a problem? So aren’t you the problem? Trusting this man in your house if you think he’s a creep?

I hope the same moms that sexualize dads wear full head to toe body coverings 24/7. I hope you same moms never allow your sons to become dads, bc if they shower with the child they love and created, by your logic your sons going to fuck his daughter. I best not see any of you moms in bathing suits either, calling dcf for your sons having to be around that filth, what if you moms nip?! Absolutely disgusting behavior :joy:

Absolutely wild. But to each their own i guess :woman_shrugging:t2:


5 years old is a little bit too old to be bathing with your daughter if your a man and she’s a girl

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Why wouldn’t it be ok? My father did and I never thought anything of it as a child because he was my dad. Is it not ok for a mother to do that around her son?


In other countries/cultures nudity is no big thing.


It’s their dad… when they start asking questions about it then it should probably stop.

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I wouldn’t be showing together but there isn’t anything wrong with a father helping his daughter get clean if she needs it and I don’t see a problem with being comfy as long as your private parts are covered

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In boxers yes I see nothing wrong with it … It’s more coverage then what people wear at a pride parades sometimes


“only covering genitals”?

thats not naked then


My dad personally never bathed with or was naked around me. He stopped outside behind the gas tank and peed a lot with his back to me lol we lived in the country so no neighbors. My son’s father thinks it’s weird to be naked in front of our kids. So he doesn’t. I bathe with my kids and am in my underwear. But my son is only 2 and my daughter is unborn. When they get older I would not be. My dad wore boxers around the house. Wasn’t weird

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It’s fine. Whatever suits the family is what matters. We have all showered together… like with 3 kids in the shower with the adults cause it’s a dang shower :joy:
Also… my older kids have showered in a public shower at a fair… more than once cause everyone is there to be clean. Nudity is natural. We are born naked… are we not?


idk who cares? we are socially conditioned to see nudity as inappropriate and if it’s not viewed that way in your household a 5 year old isn’t gonna think anything of it


The phrase “covering his genitals” negates the walking naked assertion.
Covered is not naked
But I’m a firm believer everyone should take their own bath/shower just because it’s a good way to unwind and relax


I shower frequently with my 6 and 3 year old, it’s much faster than them bathing. Oh yea, my 3 year old also sleeps with us :woman_shrugging:


I think 5 is too old for him to be bathing with her. My husband didn’t feel comfortable being nude around our kids so he doesn’t. If your uncomfortable talk to him about it.

Nudity isn’t something that should be shameful anyway. Sometimes my kid doesn’t wear pants around the house. I don’t yell at her for it


and no shade, but personally i find it more inappropriate that it’s being questioned. unless there is some reason to believe something is wrong…that’s her DAD. her natural parent. there is nothing sexual or adult about him being naked around her.


5 is to old for any parent to be walking around naked girl or boy


Would you ask the same question if it was a mother instead of a father…? Not everyone sees nudity as a negative or dirty thing.


Lol my kids see me naked they are 5 & 4…


It would have made me uncomfortable as a 5 year old girl to have my dad walking around naked.


If you make it weird then it is


I mean walking from shower if he forgot to grab a towel is different than just nonchalantly lounging around the house letting it all hang out in front of the kids. Bathing together with a 5 year old daughter is strange. Is he showering and then also quickly rinsing her off? Or are they in the tub? Context.

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HELL NO !!! The only floating device she needs in the bath with her is a babydoll !!!


No… He should not be showering with his 5 yr old daughter… Very inappropriate


It’s weird. My Mom stopped giving me bathes at about Idk 7 yrs old. She use to kneel by cast iron tub and wash me with bubblebath in half filled tub. She was fully dressed. Dad was NOT allowed in room. If he opened door it was Dad who was all oops Sorry, ovens dinging or You got a phone call. Dad never bathed us except when bro was sick as a toddler & wanted dad. He was fully dressed & even My Mom watched over cause bro was skremie as a kid. We did NOT see parents naked. Blinded for life if that happened. :see_no_evil: Need to shake my head like an etchasketch; please. Jeeeeeeesh


It’s only innapropriate if you think there is something going on. Otherwise why try to make something out of it that isn’t there. Why are you trying to sexualize things??


I’m not sure how I would feel about it honestly. My husband is never naked around the kids or he never showers with them and if he does he will wear his boxers but he only will do that with our son. I do shower with my kids and I am naked around them sometimes my kids are 3 and 4 years old and I’m also 38 weeks pregnant with our 3rd baby.

That’s too old to be naked in front of your child of the opposite gender… Both my children started asking questions about body parts at 2, and becoming curious and staring trying to touch by 2 and a half. My daughter is now five and going to start school soon so I’ve had very important talks with both my kids about what’s private is private and if someone who isn’t mommy tries to touch or see then they need to say no and tell me. I believe very deeply you should make your children aware and prepare them for the bad people in this world because you never know who could be doing what behind your back with your child. But I’ve been in bad neighborhoods with people who aren’t afraid to take charge of who they want and how they want. Children are molested and raped without parents knowledge by close family relatives and sometimes that relative seems like a saint. These things are real and I believe everyone should do everything they can to protect their children even if it means making them aware that sometimes people close to them may hurt them in ways they should never and some children are taught that this is normal or they’re pressed to keep it quiet. Situations like this sometimes lead children to become victims of child predators because they were shown these things were comfortable and ok, like a grown man showering with a very curious and aware five year old girl. If an uncle or a babysitter were to do this, it would raise suspicion and the girl wouldn’t see anything wrong with it if that grown man were to start touching her in the wrong places, because she was showering with her dad (even if no sexual contact or anything were to happen with her dad)

Thats a big no… No man should be having his junk out and about around any children dad or not…


Ohh man! Stop with it…
Stop turning it into something sexual FFS!!


Why are you sexualizing it? Is there something going on that would make you think something is happening?


If he gets an erection from it or while naked around the children yes… Js

The hell no. He shouldn’t be bathing with her at all.


Hell no and neither should the mom or anyone else.


I think the same people saying this isn’t okay are the people giving pet names to their kids private parts. Teaching bodily autonomy is normal. Teaching your young children that men and women have different private body parts and proper names for them is normal. Having baths/showers with your kids is normal until a certain age of course. The kids don’t think sexually of it so why should you. Baths are my kids things alone so I can have my own shower at the end of the day and if Me or my fiancé are naked we have a towel on but if this is how you get baths done with your kiddos then that’s your choice and there is nothing wrong with that. Unless there is concern about dad I wouldn’t worry about it. Nothing should be sexualized with these situations.


U, no not unless he’s doing something my husband and I both do my daughter is 6 and it’s completely normal unless you make something of it …


Until the child says it bothers them I don’t see why he has to stop his normal routine. Walking to and from the shower, or to grab clothes no worries!
Im not one for sitting around nude though but if it’s been normal until now then why not. Its good for children to see there parents around and seeing they are comfortable with here body’s. Also question and learn etc. If the child or father start to get uncomfortable then you change up things.
I don’t see the use of bathing together though at any age but that’s me. Perhaps the 5yr old can bathe and wash themselves now and dad just supervise

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Fuck NO! It’s “grooming”! STOP making excuses for abusers to be successful!


No. If he has to keep her up due to physical needs their needs to be equipment in the bathtub like a chair. If theirs an issue he atleast needs to be wearing shorts around his kids.

My 3 boys see me naked, they are 13, 4 and 2.


Honestly im a nudist and my son is 3 and i will continue to be naked around him because while hes curious hes taught that its normal and i pray this will help him not sexualize women its only not okay if hes being sketchy or youre actually concerned and if youre concerned about him then thats a whole other problem. Not a problem with the nudity.


I bath with my 4 year old daughter and 1 year old son but my husband flat out refuses to bath or shower with our daughter.

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Bathing WITH her, that’s weird… at 5 years old kids still struggle to correctly wash their bodies, especially hair. If he’s a single dad, who else is going to bathe her? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: on the note of “walking around naked” I need more context? Because if his penis is covered, he’s not naked? So if you’re referring to, without a shirt, then why is that inappropriate?


I wouldn’t have anything to say until my child shows signs they are uncomfortable or voices those concerns.


That’s weird and stop making excuses for your husband to walk around naked in front of your 5 year old daughter.


My bf bathe w my son when he was newborn and now that he is a year old he doesn’t do that anymore and he won’t even walk pass jim naked. He covers himself when he passes by him naked and that’s to our one year old son so imagine with a girl. Noo way

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Walking around in his boxers isn’t naked bathing that’s weird.!


Why sexualize it? Does SHE seem uncomfortable? Has she brought up anything that would make you suspect he is doing it with malicious intent?


My husband probably hasn’t been fully naked in front of our children aside from when they were tiny babes and that’s just because their not up his ass :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

My kids see/seen me naked and it’s not weird at all.
If they think it’s weird they should probably not come in the bathroom while I’m in there, not enter my bedroom without knocking, not be up my ass 24/7 :joy:


It’s the human body. Dad bathing his daughter (until she can bath her self) is fine. What if mom is at work and daughter needs bath badly but still can’t make sure she washes her hair right? Once to the age of being able to wash body they can do that them selves but hair can be hard let dad rinse her hair and make sure she is okay and just sit there if needed to be watched to make make mess or walk out but close in case something happens.


I’m a mom and I walk around naked all the time before/after my shower and getting dressed and I have a 7 year old son and 1 year old son. Now I do not walk around naked when my 7 year old stepson is here since I’m not his mother but my kids see me naked. Now my husband on the other hand doesn’t he always has a towel on. If that’s your husband’s normal thing I don’t really see a problem with it until she gets a little older maybe. As far as baths go no I don’t think father and 5 year old daughter should be taking a bath together.


If you don’t trust your male SO just say so.:woman_shrugging:


Mu husband would never do that around his daughter And i wont do that either around my son either. But thats just my opinion. :person_tipping_hand:

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Depending on family dynamics and how comfortable everyone is , my family is always naked, or panties and a t shirt. So it’s natural for us. Apparently he is the same way and you are the uptight person. Yes , daddy’s bathe their daughters and it’s ok and natural. Learn to relax and don’t pass your inhibitions to his family


When I was a kid my dad walked around the house in just boxers and no one ever thought it was weird


Um? Being naked in my house is pretty normal. Hell, my oldest showered with me (on days we were rushing) until he was like 9 (he’s 10 now :rofl:) and who still comes into the bathroom when I’m shitting or getting in or out of the shower? Yea, my 10 year old, to tell me something that could have waited a few mins. Lol.
Stop sexualizing nakedness. We are born naked, it’s a natural state. It’s similar to sexualizing breastfeeding. Just. Fucking. Stop. It’s only weird if you make it weird.


At 5 hell no he should have stopped being naked around her before the age of 2


Stop sexualizing nudity.


Depends how your daughter feels about it. my 8 yo has no problem barging in to the bathroom while dads having a shower to ask him something lol. There’s a difference between being naked and being sexual.


Nothing wrong with a dad bathing his kids. Also nothing wrong with being naked. Why are people making such a big deal about this. If you are feeling uncomfortable about this maybe you shouldn.t be with him.


Um why is this a question? It’s pretty normal. He walks around in boxers he gives his baby girl a bath ect everyone that flips about this just blows my mind. I grew up like that also.


I have to wonder if this is just a “thing” here in America that people ask these type questions. I find it odd to sexualize the human body within one’s own family. Sometimes people are naked :person_shrugging: we bathe/shower, need to change, change diapers, breastfeed…etc. It should only be weird if you make it weird. I never understand these questions. If your SO makes it uncomfortable or sexualized, he is the problem. But other than that circumstance I feel like it’s good for kid’s to learn home is a place to be yourself and comfortable.


My dad use to walk around in his underwear most nights(when I was growing up). I never thought anything of it other than “hope no one stops by randomly!”
My dad never bathed me, but I can remember taking a bath in the kitchen sink and him talking to my mom(not sure how I have those memories).
My oldest and second child did bathe with their dad as babies. When my oldest poked him “there” and asked what “that” was, my husband said absolutely no more and never bathed with the kids again😂
They are all old enough now to bathe themselves, but if our two youngest need help washing their hair or getting out of the tub, he does help.


What in the actual hell.

Walking around in boxers or underwear isn’t weird. And bathing his daughter I don’t know my husband won’t even get in the bath with our 1 year old. But as long as nothing inappropriate is going on I don’t see a problem with it. It’s his daughter. It doesn’t need to be sexualized. If she doesn’t want to than that’s a different story.

Is it ok for a mom to do the same???
The real question is what type of person is the parent in question??!
Yes men are more likely than women to sexually harm young children statistically. BUT I get dressed in front of my boys 2&5 out of the shower etc. It’s just a normal day. They walk in. It’s life. They walk in on my husband as well. It’s normal.

Only question here is wether or not the fathers mind is in the right place. And if it’s natural happenstances or not. If you are asking… that may be a red flag.


If he covers around the 5 year old it’s totally fine. When did it become this horrible thing for a father to tend to his children including bath time? I myself will shower infront of my 5 year old son when he gets to that age. Cutoff personally will be around 8 when children start getting curious.


Wow I must come from a different planet at the very least I’m guessing a different country… Myself and my partner both share bath times with the kids… We both happily share the bath with the kids they have the bath whilst we take a shower they love it. As for walking round naked there is nothing wrong with the naked body. I have a 6 and 4 year old they both see myself and my partner naked or in underwear… Yes we’ve had the questions but they have been taught the correct anatomical name for their privates… They have also been taught about the pants rule that if its covered by pants it’s their privates and if they ever have someone touch them down there they can talk to an adult about it. Since when did we start sexualising our bodies enough that we won’t let our children see us as we naturally are… My daughter is always laughing at me and telling me I have a jelly belly and that’s fine because my daughter will grow up knowing Inperfection is perfection :smiling_face:


I have a 5 year old who is very curious and I will not walk around semi naked or get dressed in front of him. I think a man being capable of bathing a child is fine but not bathing with.

I’m shocked at the amount of people who say this isn’t okay. Stop sexualizing everything! I grew up with my mom being naked majority of the time and I believe because of that, I grew up feeling comfortable in my own skin. It’s only weird if you make it weird.


The underwear situation is fine but bathing is kinda eh for me. Though I trust my man cause he helps me bathe the babies he himself doesn’t feel comfortable unless he has swim trunks cause kids are curious and he would jump out of that bath so fast lol

His kid not your business, my 3 year old son bathes with me occasionally, if your having these kind of questions then there is clearly a problem


No maybe pants and no shirt but never ever naked or no pants on never

Taking a bath is ok why is everything sexualised?


Nope, dad should not be naked around daughter . PERIOD!!!


I’m always running around the house naked , 4 boys here :woman_shrugging: absolutely nothing weird about it


My husband baths with my 7 year old daughter. It’s her daddy. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it!! If they tell you they feel uncomfortable then fair enough but their babies let them enjoy being young and innocent without a care in the world. They won’t be thinking anything about their daddy! It’s adults that sexualise it all not the kids.


Nakedness is literally natural and normal. I dont understand the hypersexualization of EVERYTHING. Ill even go further and say I truly believe people should be able to be naked anywhere :woman_shrugging:


Yeah why not! Why does everything have to be sexualised at such a young age!?


People need to stop sexualising this. I’ve got a 3.5 year old son, my daughter is 2 in less then a month and both my husband and I shower with our children. They are our children, there’s nothing sexual about it.


If he’s covering his man parts he’s not really naked :woman_shrugging:t4:

Bathing at that age I do personally find strange but I don’t wear pants and walk around in a large T-shirt frequently with my kids around.


Everyone has different opinions. People need to stop sexualising these situations. If the dad doesn’t feel comfortable than that’s his choice to not do it. In my opinion it is normal, the human body is normal. The only problem is people sexualising it, sexualising a child. It’s ridiculous. It’s your choice as a parent to do what you feel is right with your child. Don’t let others dictate what you do or how you feel about a certain situation. What is most important is that you teach your daughter to recognise when she is uncomfortable with a situation. Listening to her and how she feels is more important than listening to the opinions of others.


STOP sexualising everything!!


I think underwear for a man is ok if it’s in a private family home and no one feels uncomfortable.
Bathing is fine unless the child says it’s weird or doesn’t want to, or you feel it’s weird etc.

My thought is by you asking, I assume you feel it’s inappropriate.
**So i don’t see why he can’t wear pajama pants/shorts/comfy pants to honor that. Or even swim trunks if it’s a problem.

I don’t feel families are sexualized. But if you do, you need to speak with your partner.

5 could be the cut off for full nudity. School-aged is a different time in life. Sure.

in our home we preach that it’s our safe place. Spandex and crop tops are fine for girls. Long shirts. Etc. Bras aren’t needed underneath unless there’s company or YOU want to etc. we wear pj’s and nightgowns- there’s NO nudity because our family is older and for us it would not be appropriate for anyone to be nude unless someone’s injured or something.

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If anyone thinks this is a problem, then you have a problem!! Its her dad, or his mom, get a grip!!!


Depends on YOUR HOME and YOUR beliefs as well as the beliefs of the father. If it is done in a natural way, fine. If its in a sexual flaunting manner no. Is your daughter okay with it? If no, no. Etc. You know your home better than anyone else

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Poor kids I can’t believe this can be posted on social media

If he’s wearing underwear he isn’t naked.
As for bathing, unless the child says they aren’t ok with it anymore then it’s also not a big deal.
If you don’t trust your partner bathing with your child maybe you should re-evalate your partner.
Not everything done naked needs to be weird or sexual.


My children’s dad cut off baths with the kids at about 2/3 I think and being naked about that age too.
I stopped with my son about 3/4 and my eldest daughter about 4/5
Stopped being naked around my son 5 and we learnt about privacy to knock ect and not to come in the bathroom when I or his sisters are in there.

Why do people sexualise all this stuff though? They’re parents? Children learn a lot about their own anatomy from seeing this kinda stuff? & it prompts them to ask questions about their own body.
Yeah there should be a point where you become more private to teach them those lessons but that doesn’t make it disgusting or perverted if someone’s timeline is slightly later than yours & why do you see it as disgusting for a man but less so for a woman :thinking:


To the many comments not to OP…

So solo fathers with daughters how do they wash their daughters and get them dressed , solo mothers with sons how do they wash their sons and get them dressed??


My hubby would never! My daddy never! To me absolutely not!

Is this for f**ken real?!!?!!


Its his child and for you to even think any diff is quite weird if u ask me and im sure wen ur kid gets to a certain age he wouldnt do that which is no correct age diff for everyone id be questioning ur thoughts more


Nudity is just the body in its natural form I’ll be damned if I’m covering up just because the humans I grew inside that body are present. Making the human body taboo, not making all out lumps and bumps normalised is creating more a problem than a kid seeing it’s parents naked !!!


I think its best he dresses appropriate… Its just you dont know everything… Like there are fathers who sexualy abuses there kids. Not saying he will but its reality and it happens and also they might think its ok 4 other males to do that. Kids dont know better and they see and do what we do… Again no offense just saying facts