Should a father walk around naked with their kids around?

Naked? No… underwear yes. Bathing WITH them? No not at 5 that is to old.


No no and more nope!!!

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No no, and hell no godammit.

Some mothers breast feed their kids till 5 or older and that is deemed acceptable. Yet a daddy sharing a bath with his kid is wrong… but if it was the mother sharing the bath that would be fine?? What about a daddy bathing his 5yo son is that okay?? Why do people need to feel ashamed. Yes when kids get older they want their privacy but why make little kids feel like they need to be ashamed? Isn’t this how kids get worried about their bodies and feel less positive about themselves when their parents make them feel like they need to hide?


Um towel, boxers or underwear sure… naked no. Walked in on while undressed then explain if they have questions and use appropriate names for body parts

A child should not be comfortable around adult genitals period

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My husband walks around naked or without pants quite a lot… it is just natural. If either he or our daughter becomes uncomfortable by it then he will stop, but it is the human body, it is a natural thing and shouldn’t be sexualised. We have always been open and honest about the human body and male and female body parts…


This is honestly such a weird topic in countries like Australia and America and it’s all because of the over-sexualisation of the human body (including children’s bodies). In many other countries, it’s perfectly normal for people to be nude around children. In Germany and many other places in Europe, it’s common for people to sunbathe nude on public beaches and in parks as part of the free body culture movement. It’s also common for children to swim nude all across Europe because nudity is normalised.

In Japan, children are allowed into Onsens with parents of either sex, where other adults are also present.

Populations of indigenous people have lived nude and/or partially nude for centuries and there are many groups all over the world that still live like this today. These are people who see human bodies as far more than just a sexual object.

Parents should be able to chose to do what they believe is best for their children without being shamed. As long as those children are happy, safe and empowered, it’s not anyone else’s business :woman_shrugging:t3: you can’t really shame an entire country or culture, so how is one family somewhere else on earth any different?

If you don’t want your kids to see you naked, wear clothes around your kids. But shaming others is not where it’s at. If nudity is purely sexual to you and you can’t see any other perspective, you probably have some work to do :woman_shrugging:t3:


Whar if a single dad, how is the child going to get bathed as far as walking around in. borxers bjg deal. People need to nrrd to mi dnd their husiheess…

My guy doesn’t want her to see his penis but he’ll have his undies on.

I’m not modest and would rather be comfortable and free enough to be naked in my own house. I also want bodies to be looked at in a positive way. I often wear a robe or panties though.

That being said, after a certain age neither my guy or I will be completely nakey around the kiddos. So, I guess not that much will change :joy:

It’s only weird if your the one making it weird.

completly not acceptable wth

this is wild!!! why is it okay for me to come out the shower and my 3 year old comes in there while i’m undressed but if it were dad… ohhh god forbid.
not everyone in this world is perverted :zzz:


Each to their own!!! There is nothing wrong with it at all. Jesus some people would be offended at a gust of wind…


I’m sorry but a father has the same rights as a mother it’s a natural thing to be naked and it’s natural for fathers to bath their young the same as a mom if a mom is allowed so should the dad we should stop normalizing things that aren’t normal and de normalizing the things that are if that baby is happy and doesn’t cry out why put this on social media


But it’s ok for us mom’s to do it? Lol. Our culture is one of the few that put a sexual spin on everything. And if you are thinking of this in a sexual way you are the problem. Kids don’t view bodies as sexual. However, I do get why some disagree. We do live in a messed up world with loads of horror stories. I just think what is good for the mom is good for the dad and that we shouldn’t sexualize anything to do with our children.


Inappropriate. He’s role modeling how other men should behave in front of her.


It’s only adults who are sexualising it!!!
I honestly don’t see anything wrong with mother’s or fathers or siblings being naked in front of each other!!!

Is the question the same about mothers too??


I dunno… is Mum doing the same? Nothing wrong with nudity in families up to a certain point. A 5 year old isn’t a sexual being. Dads have the same rights as Mums. When are we going to view parenting equally?

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Noooo, I don’t think it’s okay for either parent to. Maybe change in a room with the same sex child but not just roam around the house nude. ( my opinion)

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IMO I feel its important for my children to see us (parents) naked and then for us to not make a big deal out of it. I dont want her to feel shameful or like it’s not normal. But she also understands that people need their privacy as well. It’s to each their own. It doesnt become a sexual based idea until someone makes it that way.


After reading some of the comments. Where is the respect for yourself and your children.parents you are not respecting your children letting them see you naked. It has nothing to do with a mind in the gutter .it comes down to respect.


Its only a problem in a hypersexualized world. Humans being nude shouldn’t be such an issue.


I wouldn’t bathe with my children neither would I walk around the house naked in front of them so I wouldn’t expect their father too either


Ran straight to the comments :joy:


Penises are not scary. I’m sure after your daughter starts to comment he will switch to boxers, but some nudity won’t hurt or damage your child.

“Only covering his genitals.” So he’s not naked. Either way, what’s so bad about that? If a mom can do it, why can’t a dad?

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My husband And I both take turns bathing with our 1 year old…

My mom…we were at disney and a duck kept coming up and trying to bite her feet… She picked up her foot to make it back off and security ran up and said you can’t do that here. My mom was super annoyed and told them it kept trying to bite her…they didn’t believe her until it came at her feet again. They ushered it away real quick and stationed someone near by to shoo it away until we caught our ferry back to the parking lot lol

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I put my shirt on with company. Gonna have to give this a hard no. You teach your daughter how men are supposed to treat them with your actions.

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Nudity is natural… If you are concerned about your husband/ the father of your children being nude around your daughter or son I think the real question here should be why are you concerned? Do you not trust you child’s father to behave appropriately? If so then weither they are clothed or not is completely irrelevant. I don’t understand why people think it is so taboo or wrong for father’s to bathe with their children or let their children see them naked. Be the child male or female I see no reason to protect them from nudity. You can teach them what is and isn’t appropriate behavior without having to shield them from the natural physical human form. Furthermore fathers have just as much right to raise their children as mothers do. I don’t think it is fair to treat father’s as if their children need to be protected from them in anyway that is horse shit. If you child’s/children’s father has never harmed your child then you do you feel the need to protect your child from him? If I were a father I would be truly offended by this way of thinking. I think it is sad that we put these gender roles on parenting as if it is okay for the mom but not okay for the dad.


Hell no call dcs or shot that no count

If you have concerns, ask him to wear a swimsuit while bathing. I used to bathe with my grandfather (for fun) but in swimsuits (as a toddler) and I’m sure I did the same with my own father a few times. I never thought it was weird.
At the age of 21 I also shared a king size bed with my father for about a year while I was helping him move out of Long Island. Many people judged us for that, but jeez it was just temporary sleeping conditions in a huge bed . . .

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:joy::joy::joy: Society is so messed up! We are hypersexualizing everything. Nudity is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s the human form and it’s natural. Is he a child molester?? If no then what is it in you that makes that uncomfy for you? Are you a child molester? Kids aren’t going to die if they see the human body. We should not teach them it’s something to be ashamed of. Educate your children and stop with that nasty mindset!


You people saying no absolutely not have seriously twisted sick minds. If you are concerned or worried about your child’s father being naked around your kids your issue is not nudity. You got bigger problems if you think your child’s daddy can’t be trusted naked around them and I repeat if that’s the case whether they have clothes on or not is irrelevant. If your child’s father can’t trusted naked around your child then he can’t be trusted clothed around your child either. If you’re worried about your child being curious about the way their father’s body looks talk to your child. When they ask answer them truthfully. Whether you like it or not they going to figure out what a penis is one way or another don’t you think it would be better that they learn about it in a safe place under your protective supervision. Furthermore if you’re worried about your child’s safety talk to your child about what’s appropriate and what’s not appropriate behavior when it comes to their body. Sheltering your child from nudity is not going to protect them from predators


No because you want your children to honor their parents.:pray:t6::pray::pray:t3::pray:t4::balance_scale::dove::crown::rose::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

We are fearfully and wonderfully made.We shouldn’t be ashamed but know that every man will tell you he thinks about sex a lot.A father should be honored not tempted.A child should be taught personal boundaries . Your body belongs only to you.Dont blur the lines

Talk to tape victims 1 out of 3 people.They will tell you.I loved my father I never saw him naked.He has a place of honor ,not that he was perfect,but I was never confused .He played with me and took me places when he had time with 2 jobs and 5 kids.

Our dad wanted us to get education and job and move out😂.Now I know how exhausted he and my mom were trying to stay together so the kids wouldn’t end up in jail and poverty.I helped my husband raise 3.Im thankful it is extremely difficult.They were taught to bath themselves real early and do their own laundry and dishes and drive and work.

We give all thanks to God Almighty,His son is our High Priest​:pray:t6::pray::pray:t3::pray:t4::balance_scale::dove::crown:He loves all His children who choose Him

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It has nothing to do with trust. That is the age when you teach a child about privacy and discourage lack of it.

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Do you really want a full grown man taking a bath with your daughter? I dont care how related they are. That’s a big NO for me.


Lol mothers get to do it all the time no questions asked. The one sided world we live in is nuts


I have raised 9 kids. I have never came to the place that I nor my husband needed to take a bath with the kids. Why would you need to? They have shared baths with siblings. By around 5 they wanted there privacy and I respected that.

I’m confused on this situation. Is he walking around with boxers on or completely naked? Boxers or shorts aren’t a big deal because he’s covered but I do think being completely naked isn’t appropriate. This is the age where kids should be taught what’s okay, I wouldn’t want my daughter to think it’s okay that some man is around her naked. Also I just think back to myself growing up and I never saw my mom and dad naked, and I’m thankful! There’s just somethings a child doesn’t need to see. There’s nothing wrong with keeping an innocent mind innocent, and as far as a father bathing their daughter there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! No one would question a mother bathing her son. Just because he’s a man doesn’t mean he’s a pervert, women can be perverts too. I don’t think you should bathe with your kids when they are 5 anyways, at that age they can bathe themselves with moderate supervision.


Put that damn ring in your nose like cattle!

I don’t think it’s necessary for a dad to walk around naked with a 5 year old little girl around and even more so with bathing. Not even a case of sexualising the matter, but just a big no from me.

If the dad cannot…then the mother cannot. Plain and simple. It goes both ways. Plus…why? A 5 year old is plenty old enough to take a shower/bath on their own. But i trust my husband 100% with our daughters. Seems like some responses people do not which is very disturbing.


If he is covering his genitals while walking around if it is more than a towel no problem. But actually bathing with her at the age of 5 a grown man should not be bathing with a 5 year old naked. Now i use to with swimming suits on playing like we were in a pond ,pool, river, ocean, whatever and boy did i get attacked by sharks and seen willy as i free willy and mermaids But i would never think of it being a mom nor did there dad. There are boundaries that need to be set. Some say it is okay for us moms but not dads honestly it is not okay for either.

my daughters father keeps shorts or boxers on if my daughter wants to shower with him


Walk around nude in front of kids…absolutely NO…

Hell no. It would take a sicko to do this. It is called, respect.

I don’t think he should do that

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If it’s boxers then fine but anything less than that is a huge NO, and bathing with her is a NO also, just not appropriate

No…never, that’s the trouble today NUDITY from all sides, Hollywood…Tv…music. They never give a thought to "indecent exposure ". I never saw my Dad in his underwear or nude.


Do you really have to ask if this is inappropriate? Common sense should tell you that it’s absolutely not appropriate. For goodness sake use your brain

If you even have to ask, your some kind of special STUPID.


You are going to get a lot of different opinions here. It’s what Y’ALL are ok with. my husband never let our daughter see him even in his boxers let alone naked but our son showered with him when he was very small. Once he started wanting to ask questions and poke at things that stopped too.


America has a different culture than other countries. Here it is inappropriate.


I would trust the father of my children to bathe our son & daughter, unsupervised, without worry. I don’t even like the bastard lol. As for walking around naked, if you don’t sexualise it then there is nothing wrong with it. My parents were naked around us occasionally, hasn’t done my brothers or I any harm.


My husband doesn’t walk around naked but he still does shower with our almost 3 year old. She mostly sits in the bottom of the tub anyway. Honestly he doesn’t have a choice. She can open doors and our bathroom doesn’t lock lol she will pop that diaper off and be in the tub before he has a chance to do anything. :joy:


There is nothing wrong with walking around naked in front of your children. The human body is beautiful. Children with parents who aren’t afraid to be naked don’t sexuality nakedness the same way as children who grow up with parents who hide their bodies.


I never once saw my dad naked.

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I mean we dont sexualize eachother infront of our children. He wears boxers and im usually in my underwear and tanktop🤷 my kids are almost 3 and 1. The second they get curious about body parts its our jobs as their parents to teach them properly and teach about personal boundaries.
Youll get different answers from everybody because we all arent the same and we definitely dont live in the same area🤷


Please tell me you are all being sarcastic!!! Why the hell is it inappropriate??


Naked and being nude is NOT always sexual. You are a freak if you think otherwise. My daughter sees me naked and I still see my mom naked and I’m almost 22 years old. Never ever did I find that sexual. Period!


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My dad showered with me when I was young and I definitely don’t remember him naked. I showered with my parents, my grandparents, cousins and siblings. I don’t remember what anyone looked like naked, that wasn’t what we were doing we were playing in the tub or getting a quick shower bc we needed to hurry up and go do something or we were dirty from the beach or mud or something it was NEVER sexual in nature. Half of my family is even very conservative Irish Catholics, that’s how some family’s operate and other families are the complete opposite. Doesn’t mean one or the other is wrong. There’s a difference in not caring about nudity and sexual abuse.


underwear i wouldn’t mind but i know i would never wanna see my dads man parts when i’m old enough to understand. gross

no that is so wrong on so many levels sick man

Don’t make kids with men you don’t trust around kids? Thats weird asf why are you even with him then…


Definitely not! My husband has never Been anywhere near nude around our daughter. We have educated her about female and male genitalia as well as how baby’s are made in an appropriate manner for her age group but we do not walk around nude.

My grandfather sat exclusively in his underwear around the house.

I never felt any type of way about it. :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:

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No it’s not wrong to be naked. In any form, in the privacy of your own home. It’s wrong to sexually abuse children. There. Now that’s all cleared up. Like this question is basically here to rile people up.


Every culture is different.I think is fine.Not sure why ur not trusting him tho.Why would u have kids with someone that u think it would do something sexual to ur own kids? Just saying.


If he’s covering up his junk then yes why not

Body positive family. Naked was just normal. Even up till i was almost a teen

Bathing after 3 no.
Walking around naked depends, if he’s just getting into or just got out of the shower then a fair reason to be naked, if he sleeps naked and he’s going toilet in the night fair reason to be naked. If he’s stripping and walking round naked then No


Question for everyone that had answered: would you answer be the same if this was about a mother not a father?


If it’s not okay for a dad to shower their daughter, does that mean they shouldn’t change their daughter, dry their daughter, get their daughters dressed?..…. And does the same go for mums with their sons?.
I am more than happy for my husband to help with our daughters including showering them or with them especially if I am busy, also if you come to my house 9/10 my husband will be in his underwear it doesn’t bother us.
If you trust your partner/ child’s dad then you shouldn’t have any issues.


I feel at that age its a bit inappropriate. My hubby used to shower with our daughter but he stopped when she started noticing the different body parts (around 3.) He doesn’t even like her coming into our room when he’s changing or getting in the shower. Each family has their own comfort level, but if one person in the family is uncomfortable then it should stop.


Me personally no. It’s not about “sexualizing” children. Its basic modesty. There is NOTHING to be ashamed of for the body you have but that does not mean to let it all hang out in front of people. To me this would open any child up for a higher risk of being molested (not saying the dad but by anyone). If it becomes so common to see other peoples genitals out and about it would be easier for anyone to convince them to touch them or let them touch. They are small children and most are gullible. My opinion would be the same in the reverse roll of mom and son too. Teach them to be proud of their body but modest.


For every family/individual it is different. Remember these kids will eventually have to make a decision about your care when you are unable to do so. I remember when I had to bathe my grandfather the first the morning I went into his room and saw him collapsed on the floor. I had to clean him up for the next six weeks daily until he died. I think he had his pride, and we couldn’t even be in the house bareback, but in sickness that went out the window. Just another perspective.


Unless you’re nudists, walking around the house naked is inappropriate and teaches the child it’s normal.

I don’t see an issue showering but I would probably stop soon if it were me once she understood the differences, never to be ashamed of her body, but that it’s a private thing and inappropriate to show anyone.

I would also rather my husband teach our daughter about how our bodies are different than finding out another way. Kids are going to find out one way or another.

How many times have we heard the cliche of young kids at school saying “if you show me yours I’ll show you mine”? I feel like not educating children about these things would put them at greater risk for finding out in this way, or even worse, from an adult taking advantage of a child’s curiosity.

If some commenters concerns with bathing is about potential for child abuse, or normalizing nudity with others, then by that same logic, dad shouldn’t bathe with any children, boy or girl at that age. Boys are just as much as risk for this than girls, if not moreso.


Eh… no not really. But my children see me naked cause they don’t know how to leave me alone. They really haven’t seen their dad. Only a handful of times when they walk into the bathroom and he’s soaking in the bath. He’ll cover up real quick and say, “get out”

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Mans opinion here If I may. I don’t think it is right for any parent to walk around naked in front of their children (daughter or son) and I see nothing wrong with a father bathing their child , but " bathing with " , the child out of the question !


The child will let you know when privacy is needed.


Um. No. Big fat NO. There is something wrong with him if he thinks this is ok


Stupid question !!! At least have shorts on and even if you bathe with her keep COVER ed !!! It’s called respect !!


My opinion? No. Definitely not.


no way!! The father is disrespectful own kids see naked and he will end up JAIL for it and take ur kids away from Parents!! Kids don’t deserve see father naked period and you’re mother you SHOULD speak up :speaking_head: show some rest for ur kids or called cop on him for not listening you!

I’m mother and wifey I’m NOT allow him period!!!

Each house has its own preferences. As long as everyone is comfortable in the house. However I do think a 5 year old does not need to bathe with any parent. Yes have parent present and nearby but no reason to be in the shower or bath taking with the child.

When she gets to school, and it comes out that “daddy” walks around the house naked, without covering his genitalia, they will investigate and possibly remove the child from the home.
In this world today, they can take your child very easy, and there is nothing you can do to stop them.

Personally I think she’s far too old for bathing with an adult male, and it’s highly inappropriate for him to walk around naked while your child is home… my husband would never ever do this and our youngest is 5m. He will bathe her, but would never bathe with her. She showers with me though. You asked for an opinion, that’s mine. You’re going to get many different responses here so bottom line, so long as no inappropriate behavior is going on you choose what’s best for your family. Though keep in mind what that’ll teach your daughter about adult males…

It like forcing each other to settle down if its okay or not. You were born naked. But you did not know until sin told you, you were naked.
What is wrong will be wrong what is right will be right.

You win for dumbest question. That shouldn’t even be a question. That’s disgusting

With all the comments about trusting your spouses I feel the need to say to all of you, It only take a second for a child to be sexually assaulted and their lives will forever be haunted and you will live with the guilt of letting it happen. So with that being said , go ahead give 100% trust that it won’t happen to your child. Take that chance ! If and when it happens to you, will you be able to live with yourself ? Will your child be able to handle knowing what has happened ? Will your child blame him or herself? Will your child forever feel ashamed? I could go on but I think most people with at least a half of brain will get the point.

I also would not do that either. I dont want my kids to feel uncomfortable. I have all girls and they always say wats the big deal if we walk around in our tshirt n undies i always say go put pants or shorts on. Cuz it goes both ways.

I mean my husband in his boxers half the dawn time or shorts, but my husband never necked

No no no your children should never see you naked